rheumatoid medications and alcohol | Arthritis Information


Hello, just wondering what people's experiences are with rheumatoid medications and alcohol, especially sulphalazine. I am not a raging alcoholic, but I like the occasional drink. I have heard this is possible with sulphalazine. I don't know my rd was very adament about staying away from alcohol, because we are on meds that can affect our liver, taking them and drinking can make some real big problems..  I will take a sip of wine when someone wants me to try a wine that they purchased, otherwise I just stay away from it.  meme Hello Linda -

As I understand it, the key medication that means you should definitely NOT drink alcohol is Methotrexate. This is because methotrexate can cause your liver to malfunction - so you shouldn't help that process along the way by offering your liver some alcohol too!

But pretty much all the DMARDS seem to carry some danger for the liver....

However, that said - sulfsalazine seems to be one of the safer rheumatoid arthritis drugs.

Overall - I think Meme is probably right - and you ought not to take too much notice of me, as I was offered MTX and sulfasalazine and had the temerity to refuse them (partly because of potential toxicity to my liver and lungs) as drugs of first resort (currently taking herbs instead).

PS - I like a little red wine now and then too!  

In general if they say no alcohol when taking certain meds, its probably a good idea to not drink.

I know everyone is going to yell at me...but I drink the occational glass of wine. Always have. My doctor is aware of it and says there's no need to panic as long as I'm not a heavy drinker. I'm far from that.

I've taken MTX for three years...and several other DMARDS and NSAIDS over the years. I've had three different RD's over the last 11 years and they all agreed...no need to panic.

I'm in no way recommending you drink; I'm just relaying my honest response.

ok, now i throw a complete spanner in, i'm on sulphasalazine, never been told to stay away from alcohol, although obviously drinking to excess isn't good for any part of anybody!

The only time anyone mentioned alcohol with arthritis was when the nurse was talking about stuff to avoid as it may make it worse and then she mentioned white wine (which is a bummer as red doesn't agree with me) i said i would normally have one or two dark rum and cokes, which the rum is ok but the coke's not! so i've gone back to lager.

I think i should just say that i don't have the money or time to go out really and i think i just made myself sound like an alcoholic

But birthdays, christenings, occasional nights out, i put my hand up and say i will have a couple.

MTX is the one that causes problems with any alcohol. Been on Sulfasalazine myself for about 3 years and never had any problem having a drink on it. Sulfasalazine does cause a little dehydration though ( as does alcohol ) so be sure to drink plenty of water after a night out, or you could end up with the mother of all hang-overs!

However, dont overdo it, your livers under enough strain as it is with the Sulfa Meds. But i dont see any problem having a drink or two now and again.

But hey, i'm Irish, what else am i gonna say!!!!!!!!

Ask your Doc for their view if your concerned.

It is up to the individual, me I don't drink because of mtx and enbrel, don't want liver damage i already get elevated liver enzymes at times.  I come from a family where alcoholics run rampant on my mother's side of the family, including her.  I've seen what too much alcohol can do, but I still believe that an occasional drink is fine.  I just don't drink.  NOW CHOCOLATE THAT IS ANOTHER PROBLEM!!! I've been told to stay away from alcohol even now that I'm off methotrexate which I could not tolerte in any form.  My liver seems to be complaining about all the meds I've been on for the past year and that is showing up in my blood work.  I am not a drinker, never touch the stuff so I have no explaination other than the RA meds. My doc told me an occasional drink was all right even when I was on MTX.  It wasn't something to do regularly though.  A lot probably depends on you.  Keep on eye on any liver tests, etc.  Discuss it with your doc and see what he suggests.


I'm glad to see I'm not alone here...as I read everyone elses post I was getting worried. I'm glad your doctor and mine seem to agree.

I'm not a heavy drinker...but an occational glass of wine relaxes me in the evenings and I don't want to give that up.

I certainly would if my blood test showed it was casuing a problem; but I've never had complications (KNOCK ON WOOD) even after all these years on different meds.


My doc also has said (now that I'm not on MTX) that drinking some won't hurt, just keep an eye on the liver values. ok..here's another interesting one...my former rheumy knew i partied occasionally like other people my age.  she knew this before starting me on mtx.  she never warned me away from alcohol on it despite knowing that while i rarely went out and drank, when i did, i did it good.  i knew that drinking while on mtx wasn't recommended but...i'd heard different opinions from different docs. some say none what so ever. others say as long as you don't drink the day before, of or after your mtx dose a drink or two is ok.  then there's mine who never said one way or the other.  which makes me wonder.  my personal opinion is that as long as your liver values are fine, the occasional glass of wine should be ok as long as the liver values stay fine.  but then again, i am not a doc so what do i know!!!  the one med i refused to take within at least 12 hours of drinking was my muscle relaxer...it gave me freaky dreams when i had a drink with dinner..pina colada and then 6 hours later too my meds.  i saw court jesters and fell asleep on the plastic air furniture.  i know this because the next morning gar asked if i remembered telling him about those things.
hugs, wayney

I'm on Enbrel, Plaquenil, Prednisone and Ibuprofen and drink regularly with no problem (my labs have been fine). My husband and I love wine (we go wine tasting and are in a wine club) and it's something that I'd hate to have to give up. That's one reason that I've been opting out of Methotrexate.

But I know that there's more to life than fine wine, so I can imagine that if MTX seems like the best treatment option at some point, I'll switch to it and skip the alcohol. And, of course, I'll have to give up alcohol when trying to conceive, which is hardly a sacrifice at all.


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