My Computer Died.... | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

I came home last Wednesday afternoon to find that my computer had a complete crack up. This constitutes a crisis in my world.

Am really missing you all very much and missing posting everyday...I feel lost

Am at my parent's so quickly got on their laptop and checked my email and put this post on.

Hope everyone is hanging in there. See you all when I get back soon.





Hurry Back!


Cordelia, I have missed you!!

Hope you get up and running very soon.

Hugs, Nini

Stinky computers!!!  Awww I was wondering where you were!!! We are computer doctors!! If we were closer we'd have it up for ya in no time!!!!

As you know from PM was worried. Glad its a technical hitch and nothing else. Withdrawal symptoms from the site and girls and boys include....

Eating chocolate, saying no to sex, eating more chocolate.... have I missed anything Cordy?