Chat/IM | Arthritis Information


You know I always look to see who is on the forum site when I am and i just thought about it... I have AIM and MSN Messenger... we should share names and numbers and get on each others lists and we could chat.. i know there was a conversation about getting a chat room up... (I have a possible way to do that too), but this would be the next best thing til we get one.. I know MSN canhave more than one person in the conversation at one time. If anyone is interested.. let me know. PM me and I will pass on my info and we can hook each other up on our buddy lists!

ANyone ever hear of IRC (Internet Relay Chat)? Its like a CB radio online. People can go on there and set up a channel and who ever is on the channel can talk to each other. THe only bad thing is that other people do get on there and most of the time it is for the "adult conversations" I ignore them and they usually go away. Let me know if anyone is interested in either of these options!


Sounds like a possibility.  I'm not sure if I have what it takes on my computer but I would be willing to try.

Hi guys that is a great idea! since people are having trouble getting into chat.

I have MSN Messenger. PM if you want to add me.


I think you can have up to 8 people chatting in one conversation at one time on a multiple convo on MSN messenger.

MIRC is a shareware program that you can download anduse to get onto IRC... we can set a channel , like right now its #RAInfo...

let me know if you want to get more info on how to use IRC, I can see if i canhelp you.
