I did some cleaning today | Arthritis Information


I took a shower

Well, I actually vacuumed the livingroom, with swelled fingers and swelled elbows and all! Took about 15mins but I done some cleaning.

Ohhhh you didn't start this with "OT"



I'm kidding!!! Actually, this is KINDA on topic.....since you talked about swelling.....


Hey! I started us a chat thread on the JRA board!! Just FYI

I had a rummage sale today I got rid of so much stuff but as I look around I could have another one yet.  My head hurts but I am doing housecleaning too, just can't ever seem to get done.  meme

You can come be anal at my house...Oh wait...that didn't sound too good.

What I mean is.....you can come clean my house anytime!!!!!!!


It was not OT! I knew when I posted it would not be considered OT. Because I am showing that I actually done some strenuous activity while I am suppose to be taking it easy until I get back on Humira. DUH! *in a preppy girl voice*

Hey, at least hubby FINALLY noticed I did something in the cleaning department, because he was actually home when I vacuumed

I cannot get him to help pick up his toys. He will sing the clean up song, but he expects me to clean up while he sings the song. Or he will hand the toy to me to put in the box. when he can just put it in the box himself. But that is a male for ya... making things harder than they need to be.

My daughter is 9, and she will not help me clean up and if I ask her to do something I am asking repeatedly for hours. But let her go over to her Granny's house and she sweeps, mops, picks up and all without anyone asking her. Makes me irritated!

My daughter empties the hampers for me right onto the floor.  Which I can't reach without a grabber so I have to spend some extra time putting the dirty or clean clothes back in the hamper.  LOL Evil mommy!!!!  Yeah, I hear stories now about how evil I was, from the grown boys.  Pretty funny to hear them tell it.Hahahaha!! She was a Mommy Dearest!!   I LOVE that movie. I wish I could watch tonight. Darn AMC is not playing it now. They suck!Wire hangers.  I wish I would have thought of that years ago.LMAO!! Ok... Not funny... that was truly the SCARIEST part of the movie. It was worse than a horror flick! I mean that face has been ingrained in my brain that... well.... it scares me! *runs and hides in the closet*I've never seen that............is it good?

Not the closet.  Filled with Joan's weapons.


Sure, if you like insane crazy ladies.Oh I do!!!!!!!  DUDE!!! It is one of my all time FAVORITE movies to watch. I will watch everytime I find it on TV, even if it is almost over with. It is the BEST!I always watch Grease whenever I see it on.  And Jaws.
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