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How many here on this board has ra and fibro?  My last rummy visit the doctor said that I also have fibro.  I am in so much pain all the time, he said that was the only thing that made any sense.


Hi Sandra, I have RA and fibro.  Was diagnosed with fibro many years ago and it was seldom a problem till just recently.  I had knee replacement 5 weeks ago and fibro started up along with a flare of RA.  My RD put me on Lyrica 4 days ago and I already see a big difference.  Muscle pain has decreased by 90% and nerve pain by 60%.  If it stays like this I can take a pain pill every 8 hours or so or when I know I'm going to be really active and live a pretty good life. 

Talk to your RD about Lyrica.  It's just been approved for Fibro.  Also the Remicade infusions may help some with the fibro.  Good luck with the infusions.  Remicade has helped me to the point that I'm going to start golfing again.  Keep us posted on how you're doing.  Lindy

Hi, I have RA and was also diagnosed with fibro by my rheumatologist. I didn't want him to write fibro on my chart though, because I wasn't sure it was really seen as something "real" by many medical professionals. I feared that a fibro diagnosis might cause some other doctors who viewed my chart to think that I'm a hypochondriac. I know that fibro is real, but truly don't think the entire medical profession does. When I made my appointment for the Mayo Clinic, the scheduler asked me if I had any other medcial conditions. When I got around to naming fibro, she said, "oh, we dont' treat that here". That confirmed my thoughts that many don't want to be bothered with fibro patients and/or believe it exists. I find it sad, especially as I read a fibro message board and so many have no other diagnosis and find it hard to get doctor's to take them seriously.

Sandra, I hope you feel better soon.

Lindy, thanks for mentioning Lyrica and remicade infusions. I'm going to ask my rheumatologist about both of those.

Love, Juliah


 Hi Sandra, welcome to the board

 I have had long periods with barely any symptoms of fibro, to weeks of constant flares. Back, shoulders, and neck are always "hot spots". I am asking about Lyrica at my next visit. I have some swelling and leg and hip pain that has just begun in the past year or so. It's been very painful to say the least. Good luck on your journey with fibro, hope you get relief soon[QUOTE=moana]


 Hi Sandra, welcome to the board

 I have had long periods with barely any symptoms of fibro, to weeks of constant flares. Back, shoulders, and neck are always "hot spots". I am asking about Lyrica at my next visit. I have some swelling and leg and hip pain that has just begun in the past year or so. It's been very painful to say the least. Good luck on your journey with fibro, hope you get relief soon


Moana, which pain patch are you on and how much ambien does it take for you to actually fall asleep. I found I had to take 20mg of ambien (double dose) for it to work. I have not yet tried a pain patch and was wondring what med it is and how often you have to change the patch. I am always interested in a med I can take less often.


Hi Sandra.  I've had fibro for 7 years and RA for 1.  I've found the Lyrica to be a huge help, as well as the Relafen (NSAID) and Skelaxin (muscle relaxant). I'm curious though...did your rheumy check for possible tender points, or is he thinking fibro just because of general pain?  Although there's no simple blood test to diagnose it, there is a set of criteria, and I would just hate for him to miss something else because he assumed it was fibro.

There are many sites that are good sources of info, and I'd also highly recommend the book "The First Year: Fibromyalgia, an Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed".

BTW, Julia, some docs believe in fibro, but just won't treat it because they find it too difficult.  I was so happy to find my rhuematologist who will treat it that I decided when I looked for a new home, I couldn't move too far away from him!
