rashes | Arthritis Information


I have an awesomly itchy gross red splotchy bumpy rash and its spreading ALL over! its naty and soooooo itchy, its now all over both legs and elbows and spreading up way too close to my butt for me to handle lol and al the way to my toes..... its not poison ivy, looks like i need to make a visit to the dermatologist.... FUN i used like a whole bottle of cortisone creame this weekend...

happy news though ive been eating gluten and not been sick! this is after being gluten free for 3 years... i was sure i would never be able to have bread again lol but so far so good, im just wating for the stomach ache to come... but nothing yet :)

That sounds horrible! What in the heck do you think is causing it? I'd be calling my Dr. pronto tomorrow morning.

Hope you feel better...oh, how about calamine lotion for the itch? It's pretty soothing.

i have no idea, i thought maybe poison ivy. but i dont knoow how i would have gotten it....plus ive been exposed to it SOOO many times and never actuqaly got it...its been going for a week already but only got bad a few days ago..... ive been at the beach so there wasnt much besides creams and benedyrl that i could do...LittleMermaid, there's a mite that's invading parts of the midwest and the rashes have been showing up in groups in the hospital ERs.  People that have been spending time outside have been attacked by these very tiny critters - yardwork, in the pool, bbqs, etc.  Maybe they spread to other areas.  I just read about the problem on MSN and someone posted some info recently either on this site or another site that I read about the problem.  This might be why your itching.  Lindyeh maybe lol except i dont live in midwest.... and im inside all the time! im working at camp and basically we never go out...... ill look inot it though, i have an appointment sat for the dermatolgist but am gonna try and squezze in earlier....Hope you get it seen about and feel better soon.


yea i was thinking about that, it started a week ago though its been much muc worse since eating gluten but i dunno if its related

What kind of meds are you on? I know I've had all kinds of rashes since May. I think it's some of my meds. I see my doc here in a few, and I'll be asking tons of questions. I also went ahead and say my allergest and he is testing me again for the usual and some foods. Nice thing is, no more scratch tests, all done by blood work now. Woo Hoo. Keep us posted and I'll let you know what I find out as well.


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