Daily Chatter - Monday Aug. 20th | Arthritis Information


Rise and shine everyone!


It's time to get up... It's time to get up... its the morning!!

Hi Joonie:

We are 14 hours ahead (CST) here in South Korea.  So when you guys are waking up, I'm winding down for the day.  It's tough to call home when there are only certain times when both sides of the world are awake.

Still getting used to the food over here even after 2 months. Thank goodness there is a McDonald's.  It's funny, before the move you couldn't pay me to eat there but now I love it!!  I miss Chipotles though!  They don't seem to have any Mexican restaurants over here.


Becky in Suwon, South Korea

I just finished dinner.  what time is it right now?

Good Morning!!!!!!!!  Joonie, my mom used to wake us up with that song

Korea huh?  How do you like it there?

Good morning allGood morning Joonie, it is a quarter to seven in the mid-west.  I don't think I am awake really, but I have to get a blood test to confirm diabetes...already have cataracts that come with diabetes?  Yes, I still have to do the traditional blood tests....hmmmm!Wow Shelley, sounds like you have a fun day planned

My babies will start 10th and 11th grade next year.  My son would not let me drop him off at Jr. High, because he remembered how upset I was to drop him off in Kdgn.  He did not want to go to school, and was really too young to start Kdgn when he did.  But now my little boy looks more like a little man.  HOW in God's green earth does this happen....I swear I am still thirty something!!!!

Hey Shannon...what kind of job will you get when you're done with school?  I don't know whatcalsses you take, it must feel good to be near the end. 

Is your girl excitied?  Big day for both of you!!!Good morning all!  I'm taking a vacation day today - my stepmother is in the hospital (recurrent ovarian cancer; this is the fifth and probably final bout) and I also have some computer maintenance work to do in my kids' school.  One of my "friends" last year told the principal and priest at the school/church that I was a "computer whiz" so I've been drafted.  And you can't say No to the Church!

My youngest starts 10th grade this year.  I know from experience that it's one foot out the door and graduation is just around the corner. That bums me out, all I've been is a mom since I just turned 20.  Don't know what I'll be when my daughter goes on her own.  But I guess I think up something, everyone always does.

Jasmine, so sorry about your feet.  Mine can be that way too.  It really stinks and I am sorry! [QUOTE=Shelly41]Jasmine, so sorry about your feet.  Mine can be that way too.  It really stinks and I am sorry!

A Korean man goes to the eye doctor, and the doctor says, "you have cataracs"

The Korean man replies "no catarac, Rincoln Continental"Ohhhh, let the sunshine in and face it with a grin. Open up your hearts and let the sunshine in!!! That's what we awoke to when we were little ones. haha chris, what a way to start the day. Nice

Shannon I'm so happy for you!!!!!

Goodmorning everyone!!!! I have to get in the shower soon and head to work. Blah!!!!

Good morning everyone. I am waiting on my coffee to finish brewing.

My sisterhad ovarian cncer about 2 years ago. She is doing pretty well now. I can not imagine 5 times. The poor women must be worn out.

6th remicade next Mon. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Jay are you starting to wind down and feel like you NEED the infusion? Or is it lasting you all in between infusions?

And goodmornin! It's overcast here today, and I'm enjoying it, it brings the heat down. Nice....

I did not feelany different after #5 :-(  Before that I was doing pretty well. I am ridding it out until my RD appt. next month. I hope he will adjust the dose and poss. the frequency.

Wait and see isn't that or motto.

Yup, yours, mine, the other guys and every RD I've ever known. 

Good Morning everyone!!

I am already at work.  I was able to get my foot into my biggest pair of ortho shoes.  My RD called me right away, he is a good guy.  He said I did the right thing and asked how I was.  Told him the foot is slowly getting better.  He said to keep the increase on prednisone but that if it continues he is going to increase the MTX and put me on Fosamax.  I see all these kids going and my baby will be Junior in H.S. and my oldest son starts College in a week and my daughter is 21.... I swear I am only 29


Lower back pain, and the normal AM stiffness. Thanks for asking.Ahhh how sucky!!! I'm sorry. I actually am doing really well today, and almost afraid to say anything....I don't want to curse myself!! Right now I'm battling the cats, who think it's okay to run across the bed at Mach 5 while Justin is trying to get some rest. Dumb animals.

I also learned another piece of wisdom from my alky cousin:

The optimist says: "The glass is half full"

The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty"

The alcoholic says: "Hey, You gonna drink that?"

(I come from a family of alcoholics that light heartedly laugh at themselves but I assure you when it comes down to it they take it seriously)

It seems as if more than a few of you live in the Chicago area.  We all seem to be feeling the effects of this not so lovely weather.

Shannon, congrats on nearing the end of your class.  I do hope all works out well for you.  I really wish I had a real job to go to three days a week!

I'm just sneaking in on the computer now, as my husband is taking classes online.  I never thought he could spend more time on the computer than he already did!  Boy, was I wrong!

Thanks for the laugh, Chris!

Gotta go.  Hubby's recess is over 


Howdy everybody!

I am so happy to sign in here and see this board so active, and see so many folks joining in that we have not heard from in a bit.  You may not realize how important your are!  Your participation adds so much and I really thank everyone for chiming in.

I spent most of yesterday working on wedding stuff with my daughter.  It's great fun, and we have very similar tastes, so we are both getting excited.

Now I just have to find someone to give me a job so I can help pay for this event!



 Good Afternoon Everyone

 It's beautiful, bright, and hot here in NC, same ole same ole.

Shannon my daughter does med trans, she types over 100 words per min, no mistakes. How bout you

Everyone seems chipper today if not in the best of form

Get online and see if they have any Halloween Planner positions out there.

I got up late this morning, 9:00.  I jumped out of bed, threw on my swim suit, looked at the clock and it wasn't 7:00 it was 9:00.  I missed adult swim.  Will go later this afternoon.  The only problem is it will be 110 degrees then. 

Feel soooo good.  Legs are still bothering me some but Lyrica has helped.  I hardly know that I've had a knee replacement, recovery has been amazing. 

Hillhoney, I agree.  It's wonderful to see everyone posting on this thread.  I love hearing everyone's stories, where they live, what they do, etc.  It brings a reality to the forum that wasn't there before.  Until this was started I thought I was the only one with a hillbilly background and then I realize that there's you and Moana. 

I'm off to get some brekky, read a little, and get dressed.  Lindy


Hi Lindy,

Glad your feeling good today.

"Until this was started I thought I was the only one with a hillbilly background and then I realize that there's you and Moana." You can not forget our favorite California Redneck Joonie


Someone please please please talk me into going to the gym and getting on the elliptical.  I am trying to psych myself out of this fatigue>



Go ahead and go to the gym.

Pack some clothes in case you feel up to the elliptical. Once your there you may just go ahead and do it.

Worst case you got out of the house.

I thought I found a clerical position ad a few minutes ago.  It required order processing, computer skills, the usual clerical stuff - I was thinking it sounded super until I got to the last line - Must be able to lift 60lbs. and stand on your feet all day.  That was the end of that one!

Lindy I am so glad you're feeling good!  That's wonderful.  That is good to hear for other people facing knee replacement surgery.  I'm sure the swimming has a lot to do with your speedy recovery - good for you that your're keeping up with it.

PJ I give you a nudge if you give me one - I need to groom my 4 dogs today, and here I sit on the couch... 

Thats kind of like if you have RA you need not apply!

I am not being a smart a$$ but couldn't you do a part time gig in a Halloween store. Or open a Store of your own! I do realise if your looking for work it is probably because you have no money. So you probably coud buy into a franchise but it sounds pretty cool.

Just something to thin about while grooming the dogs

Thanks for trying to feed my obsession though!



One of our seasonal stores opened last weekend. (Halloween Express) I was there on the second day.

PM me with some of your inside info. I need some props. and just misc. stuff. I do not mind paying for it but a lot of it is realy crappy for the price.


I can barely groom myself much less 4 dogs....jeesh, hand them the brush!

Can't get into reading, don't want to go out in the yard because it's already a 100 degrees.  Need to do some housework.  What an exciting life.  I'll be so happy to hit the asphalt and start traveling again.  BORED.  Won't start till November....2 more months.  Oh well.  I know I'm whining and I'm sorry.  Talk about whining wait till I start dieting on Wed., no one will read my posts!


I may have read it somewere but I'm drawing a blank. What do you do? And how often do you travel?

Halloween, my favorite day of celebration.  These posts got my attention. 

Hill, get out your favorite bewitching clothes, add a few baubles and bangles, grab your cards and crystal ball and hire yourself out to do corporate parties as a "fortune teller"  I know it's a little crass but I had a friend that did it and she had a great time.  She met a lot of neat people and even picked up some new business clients that way. I'm going to be in Tucson for Halloween so it should be interesting.  I'll probably get out in the desert by myself for an hour of contemplating and bewitching. 





 OH HECK!!! My vent for the day. Dr's office just called to remind me of my appt today at 2:00pm. HUH? I called a week and a half ago to confirm my appt, was told it was the 29th at 2:00. She also said I missed my blood work on the 14th and today was supposed to be follow up. What the flip

Oh well thanks for letting me vent

P S I'm going back to bed!


I had my own tarot card reading business about 15 years ago.  It was fun.  I did private parties in people's homes kind of like Tupperware. Made some nice extra cash.  Not hard to learn and my start up cost was maybe. 

Vent away Moana!!!  It is just your turn today. We will all take ours on another day. :-)

My rheumy called 3 days in a row to change appts. last month. 

That sounds wonderful.  Mexico must be so beautiful.

Yes, I guess I will claim being a cracker from Cali, but not redneck... I refuse to be a redneck.

I just woke up completely about an hour ago, and it is 1:19pm now. Son did not go to sleep until almost 3am last night, because his daddy let him nap too long, so I was stuck keeping up with him.

Steph, why did you stop?  You still have the gift. 

Moana, I hear your pain, girl.  I hate it when the office screws up.  Has happened to me.  Take a deep breath!


I still have not got directions to my new RD's office. I suck. I guess I will work on the directions along with me complaint list. I guess MIL meant for hubby to take me to my GP's office to get my blood work for my RD. Because she called today, but it was just to see if my mom would watch the kids while I was gone to my RD appt.


I have no idea why I stopped!  At the time I was reading tarot cards, I was working at a job that had set hours with nothing extra. I switched to a new job and company where the hours you were scheduled for were hardly ever the hours you worked.  Sometimes I'd have to go in at 7am, sometimes 9am.  I think I just ran out of time in my day.

Steph, it's my favorite place in the world.  We're in the big jungle coastal area, 40 miles north of Puerta Vallerta.  The jungle goes right to the beach.  It's a very magical area and it's the first place I've lived that I feel right at home and 100% happy and relaxed.  Maybe retirement has something to do with that.  Last year I was fortunate enough to go with a Mexican healer and search for medicinal herbs in the jungle.  He wanted to treat me but I refused becasue I didn't want to mess with the dmards and bio.  But I did use some of his skin ointments.  It's such a fascinating area. The town where we live is the Mexican working town, full of wonderful people.  The connecting town is strictly tourist with many Mexican hotels and all the tourist shops.  It makes for an interesting community.  Mexico is beautiful and has the most wonderful people.  A lot of people judge Mexico based on their visits to the border towns.  If you go another 100 miles into Mexico you start experiencing the wonders of the country and it's people.  Lindy 

Im bored! I need to get a life and soon. Arrrgh. My friend is supposed to be here in a little while with a new battery for my car. It would be nice to get out of here.

My kids are supposed to come by too but as of now I have not heard from them. Borrrrrrrreeeeeeeddddddddd

Moana, I would be really, really annoyed.  You should let the doctor know about the mistakes his staff is making - he may be completely in the dark!



When I first started I just read the cards like the book taught me.  I used the spreads in the book, card meanings etc.  After a while, the cards came to be just a medium for talent that I already had.  I never used spreads anymore or the meanings from the book.  When I had my business, there were some people that I just couldn't read for. I would give them their money back.  It doesn't take a lot to hone that skill.  I believe everyone has the ability but we just don't know how to use it.  I bet you could do it professionally and be just fine.


I'm sorry you're so bored.  I hate it when I have no idea what to do with myself.  This board takes some of that away.  I don't know how you stand it without a car because when I'm so bored I can't stand it, I pack my 2 yr old daughter up and we go for a ride.  I hope your friend comes soon so you can get out. 


That sounds so wonderful.  I think it's great that you've found a place like that where you can feel so comfortable and relaxed.  I would love to visit Mexico some day.  That and Portugal.  I'm part Portuguese on my dad's side. 


Thanks guys, thanks for having me have dream that scared the crap outta me. Not cool, not cool at all DUDES!

So, after son falls asleep I stay up a few more mins to finish watching the show that had to with these people going to locations to see if they can make contact with famous dead people, I forget the name of the show, it is on the Bio channel. Then I went to sleep.

Well... around 5am I woke up screaming and woke up hubby. It freaked him out big time. He jumped outta the bed and turned on the light and all I could say was "He's at the end of the bed?!" And hubby I think thought I was talking about a bug, would not be the first time I woke him up screaming because a bug was crawling on me.

Only that this dream did not seem like a dream. I thought I actually saw someone at the foot of my bed. And they had woke me up. Because I opened my eyes, because someone said my name, so I looked and I screamed. I did not know who the person was. He did not have a shirt on and had some weird markings on his chest and I did not get to see his face because I had started screaming and hubby turned on the light.

It was really  really weird. It was weirder than the time I seen my dead Uncle, the crazy one, after he died. I mean I can understand my Uncle haunting me, as he use to tell everyone "when I die I am going to haunt all of you", and because I did not get to say good bye to him. I have seen my uncle twice since he has died.

anyways, just thought I would let ya'll know what you have helped me to freak out.


I'm at work and it's soooo slow. Boring! Oh well. I'm getting paid, right?

I told him what it was and he said I was crazy and probably dreamed I was sleeping. If that makes sense. I know I was awake because the scenery did not change it was all the same. Except it went from dark to light, because hubby turned on the light.

I can't stand being here for two days straight.

Oh great, now I have to sleep with the light on? How about the TV on. Might be why my son just starting having to have a light on when he goes to sleep to keep the thing I saw last night outta his room.

Ok... this is just creepy.

Joonie I'm sure your house isn't haunted. Maybe some of the meds you take cause wierd dreams????? I dunno. Just feel free to IM me on AOL IM anytime if your scared. I mean it!


I love ya Joon! Just like....call ghostbusters or something....hehehe


When there's somethin' strange, in your neighborhood....*sings*

I just heard from the other room  "Charlie, you're only sniffing those flowers because you want my shorts"  The voice is my daughter, Charlie is the dog.  I have no idea beyond that.  Must go find out.....

LOL I love the random things you overhear people saying to their pets.

Joonie, you know I love a good haunting, but I think there's probably a much less scary answer for what happened to you.  Medications can disturb our sleep patterns, and you can be caught between the world of being awake and asleep and not know it.  And we all know the bizarre things our heads can create when we are asleep.

Don't let it freak you out.  I think you probably took your meds and then stayed up too long after you took them because you needed to take care of your son.  You were overtired and then never got into the right sleep pattern.

As much as it pains me to say, you're normal, and so is your house.  Man it hurt to have to say that! 

I have to agree.  Also, it seems like she has more problems with him.  I'm always seeing her saying "pushing Eddie off my shoulder".


Chris~ Can you not walk anywhere? Or is public transportation an option? Maybe you should get a horse? You can ride him where ever you need to go, they never run out of batteries


And AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW come on! I believe in ghosts. Yup yup.

The Urban Cowboy.Save a horse, ride a cowboy!

You rock lady!

Ok...I'm just gonna put it out there.....but that statement about loved ones being like personal angels can not be supported Biblically.  But the Bible does say that Angels do watch over littles ones.  Real Angels, not dead people.

awwww thanks hillhoney


Hey guys, our family loves to play games.  My current favorite is Balderdash, but we play Cranium, Scene It, Catch Phrase, and Trivial Pursuit a lot too.

What are your favorites - is there something you recommend?

We LOVE scattergories and scrabble. Oh, and Uno. OMG UNO GAMES GET VIOLENT!!


Oh Oh I just did something awesome. I cleaned out the storage closet here at work. AND I FEEL FINE!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! My legs were a little wobbly at fist, so I sat my lil self down and now I'm just fantastic. We'll see if I'm paying for it tomorrow or not....

We like to play Monopoly.  Our 8 year old wants to be a CEO when he grows up, and he takes Monopoly very seriously.

LOL Monopoly has been banned from our house.


It always ends in tears, bloodshed, and a whole lotta new cuss words. LOL

 We love scatergories Katie! Scrabble too but hubby and BIL cheat. Outburst is fun too but Jeopardy is my all time favorite

Hubby had a best friend we use to play all kinds of games with, well one time were we playing Monopoly and he was lossing really really bad, and he picked up the board and said "Screw you grandma!" Yeah, there was no grandma in the room. I miss Mikey. Too bad he moved to Colorado to marry a girl he met over the internet about 3 years ago. He was my best friend too. I think I was more fond of Mikey than hubby was. I cried when Mikey said he was moving to Colorado. But then again, hubby has sworen off making friends since Mikey moved, I guess it did hurt him after all.


I'm in shock.....how do I get her off the phone??????HELP!!! >.<

My hubby loves Scattergories, it's his favorite.  I like Balderdash because the "lies" we create are always hysterically funny.

Scrabble doesn't work for us, cause there's usually too many people.  When we have a lot of people here, and they have had a couple of drinks, Catch Phrase is tons of fun!  It's kind of like the old ,000 Pyramid combined with Hot Potato, if you can imagine that.

Monopoly is just to long an boring for me.  And I always lose - that's probably why I don't like it.

I don't know Apples to Apples.  What is it like?


 AWW Joonie sorry bout your friend, sometimes people move on and just get busy with their new life. Don't take it personal, I'm sure he still thinks about ya'll

 So you saw a ghost huh?


LOL I wish. She kept me on the phone for 15 minutes. She could comprehend the fact that the street that we are on, has gone by two names, so you can find it under two addresses. But on a map it all comes up the same. She was sure there were two Embassy Suites, right next to each other.


Come on now, where's the common sense?????

Yeah, I am sure he does think about us.

I think my "ghosts" name is Predro

See... Predro is the mood swing personality. Eddie is just blunt and a thug. RuePaul is an attitudinal drag queen who will tell it like it is, and Denise... well.... I think she is the quiet clepto who smacks her bitches up (predro, eddie and ruepaul) when they get outta line.


Joonie...........you have put *far* too much thought into this.......................................




You need a hobby...

    OH Gosh JOONIE and KATIE, my first good belly laugh of the day

                 THANKS SISTAS

  HEY I gotta go to the store and out to eat with my sissy.

  Catch ya'll on the flip side!

Where is Chris & Jay? I bet they are off to the strip bar and handing out my pennies to the strippers for lap dances. Hey a couple thousand rolls of pennies will buy their favorite striper a nice new rack of "spices".


Oh oh, and RuePaul - ask him/her/it if their favorite movie is To Wong Foo Hope tommrow is a better day Chris.. LOL![QUOTE=Linncn]

Just say...well thanks for calling but I really have to go.....or sorry to have to cut this short...........or I cannot make sense out of what you're saying so Im just going to hang up now and pretend it never happened






I have AIM, I'll put you on their.  I think I have a different AIM name though.  Aww... katie thanks for the invite, but I already got ya on AIM

ok yea ive officially lost whatever it was that I had left



I WANNA BE AN AFRICAN SWALLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



or a cow. I like cows. They go "moooooooo"

Well, Shannon, Katie is a WOLF as we now know.  never fooled me for a second.  I am an animal professional though.  So don't feel bad.


Oh my GOD that cracked me up.


But I wanna be a COW! They're neat.......I like cows......











African swallows have to hall migrating cocnuts. And she howls at the full moon.  Ok...I have AIM too.  I'm not on too much lately but add me if you want.  I use GrammaSkittles on AIM also.  No way. I MOO at the full moon.....

LOL Cows Say MOOO!!

I like it when cows poop on their calf while the calf is sucking a teet, it is soo... surreal

What? I ran off the road in driver's ed watching a momma cow poop on her calf while it was feeding. Yeah, and that was the last time I got to drive the whole semester too.

my AIM name is kelsaysmommy02...yea im very unoriginal lol

Yeah shannon, why cant you be more original?

*looks around the room while pinching her nose closed*

I know who you're related to -- Lon Chaney,  Hahahaha!Who's that?google it youngster! Hillhoney39314.7815046296Bah. I'm going home now, work is over. No time for google. TELL ME WOMAN!!An actor famous for many old classic horror films!  You should know that!

Eeeeeeuuuuuuuwwwww Jooonie!

I've been at work all day and I see you've been naughty again!  LOL

BISCUIT?????  What did you do?*deer in the headlights look* I dunno?! It was RuePaul!!Well maybe I should have said 'accused' of being naughty. 


Well now... he better be happy that you did not mistake it for a credit card swiper. Cha-ching!


Its a bird... It's a plane.... nooo.... it's a hairy crack!

Hairy cracks are bad, but a big ol' hairy belly hanging over a pair of pants is just as nasty!Hey my belly resembles that remark Thanks to pred!

My son just tried to steal all of my M&Ms outta my hand when I told him to take "1"! The little booger!

Peanut M&M's are the BEST!Yep, and I done what the bag told me to do too, as it "talked" to me and it said "Tear N Share"... and I did with son and hubby.

I love oatmeal raison cookies, they are the only thing I can have to myself because no one else in the house will eat them.

  Hey *waving* here I am. Flipping puter is freezing up again! Takeing forever to get from one place to the next

 I can't have anything after midnight! Stoopid blood test in the am

No I'm on a diet

Mo'Nana! Good! I do not understand the concept behing putting ice cream on hot apple pie anyways.

Aw Joonie.  Ice cream on apple pie is soooo good.

Did you know that Carl's Jr. out here is Hardee's? Yeah... hubby got to see it last year when we went to Cali.

I think I need a different type of underarm deoderant... as I have some on and I still am PPPPEWWWW!


 SHEWW!! I like it on the side, melting icecream makes me puke

I just bought some deodorant called 'Asian Pear'.  I smells good in the container, but once you but it on it reeks.I have one of those new hershy's cacao reserve milk chocolate candy bars. It is LOADED with cocoa butter and is just sooooo creamy. Gotta go get some out of the freezer now!!!!

I do not reek that bad! I just catch a wiff of it here and there.

It sure does not keep you "soft & Dri", like it states. [QUOTE=joonie]

I think I need a different type of underarm deoderant... as I have some on and I still am PPPPEWWWW!


No Joonie, I dont think you need a different deoderant, I think you just need a shower

 It helps to shower before applying deo Joonie


Oh... oh.... OH!!!

I took a shower last night before I got into bed. Well, I kept forgetting I had already washed my hair. In the middle of the 3rd washing I was wondering why my arms were feeling tired and weird, then it hit me I had alrady washed my hair at least 2 times before.

*shakes head*


 G/nite Linda, My computer is gettin on my nerves so I'm goin too. I may be back

I guess its Joonie, Chris, Shannon and I. Did I forget anyone? 

I'm here but I think I'm taking off too.  I've been reading a Nora Roberts book and they're just at the point where they're going to try to catch a killer.  So, good night all.  Have fun!Sorry g'night Steph.Good night Jay. 

Nite steph

I am suppose to be working on my List-O-Complaints. I will work on it later

Oh and the pen I am writing with, smells like vanilla



  Does anybody steal pens besides me? I'm a clepto when it comes to pens. I don't mean too but I end up with a purse full of pens and I don't buy any, sooo... unless the pen fairy is stashing her pens in my purse I'm a thief

Well... I give up on my list. I cannot remember what all I said I would complain about. I guess I am going to wing it.

Besides I need to keep my hands in good writing condition so I can fill out all of those papers.


P.S. May we all have pain free days soon.

 No you won't! You'll sit up on that little table and swing your legs and shake your head yes and no

 g/nite Jay, you still can't hang with us huh?

I wrote down some complaints, but not many.

Well, I am off to bed. Ami is kicking in and I am slowing down again.

Talk to ya'll tomorrow.


 Joonie did you write down:

side hurting

ovary pain

kicking legs

extreme tiredness

multiple personalities

stinky underarms


ghost sightings

Thanks for the reminder of the ovary and side pain. I forgot about those as they have not bothered in since Sunday.

  You're welcome g/nite sweetie"sighs" - now she'll tell me she doesn't have a printer!!
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