OT-Kindegarten | Arthritis Information


Ok folks, Wednesday Kelsay has her first day of Kindergarten and I'm kinda nervous actually.  I have NO idea what to expect.  Can some of you moms/dads help me out?  Do they get homework? Fieldtrips? Do they have music class in Kindergarten????

Sorry, Kelsay is my first child and I have no idea what to expect LOL


Hmmmm...that was a long time ago.  I don't remember a lot of homework, maybe projects they'd have to do at home or I'd have to be sending in things to do projects in class.  Oh, and reading to /helping them read.  My kids had singing, but I don't think instruments at that age.  OH...teachers LOVE it when you come in to the class room once a week or so to help out.  Those were fun days.  My kids went to a Christian school so their was always a verse to memorize.  And you can count on  at least a couple of feild trips.

Shannon, congratulations! I know this is a big step. I'm sure your daughter is excited and a bit nervous, too.

My son goes to parochial school and had very minor homework assignments (10 minutes, tops) in Kindergarten. Mostly coloring or some basic time-telling, whatever they were learning at the moment. Chances are that if she does have it, she will think it is ever-so-cool. ;)

Field trips... I think we went to a pumpkin patch in Kindergarten around Halloween. But rest assured, there are TONS of chaperones if you go anywhere at that young of an age.

Has Kelsay ever been in preschool, or is this her first time away from you? Rest assured that kindergarten and preschool teachers are prepared for possible tears, and are usually very adept at making the first day a really fun (and not so scary) time.

Best of luck to both of you!




She should not have much in the way of "homework" unless it is to share a book with you or share the letter of the day with you.  Some Kdgn's have homework backpacks which are activities designed to stimulate certain motor skills.  These are great and if she has a chance to do this, then make sure you take advantage of the oportunity, because you will know which motor skills she has problems with.  Girls at this age usually struggle with gross motor skills as opposed to fine.  In other words tieing her shoes is easier for her than skipping. 

They should have field trips if your school district participates and has money for field trips.  She should have specials(music, PE and Art) just like any other grade. 

Dear Shannon, first, let me send you some (((hugs)))). My son started 4th grade today, but it seemed like it was just yesterday that he started Kindergarten. My son was in a private, Christian school for kindergarten (but is in public school now), and he loved it! It was harder for me to let him go, than it was for him to go. As for homework, there wasn't any formal homework at his school. We were supposed to read with him every night for 20 minutes.  They sent home these cards (that were attached to his backpack) that had the sounds on them. Once he showed he knew the sounds, he started getting word cards with simple words (cat, bat, etc). I'd work with him at home on sounding out the cards and then he'd get harder ones as the year progressed. It was an individual paced sort of thing, as some kids didn't know any of their sounds when they started, where others were reading on a 1st or 2nd grade level. Kindergarten did appear to involve more work than what I remember, but it was "fun work" for Alex. They used a cool handwriting program, called "Writing without tears" and learned to print all letters, both uppercase and lowercase. I can't remember the specifics of what else they learned. Incorporated within their day was: circle time (singing learning songs, stuff like that), teacher would read to them, handwriting, chapel, outside play, basic math, basic science, geography (not too complicated). Most kids I know (I work with kids, so I know a lot, lol) love kindergarten. They all miss it when they move to the upper grades. I think it's harder on the parents to let go. There are lots of good books out there to read to your daughter on "the first day of school, what school is like, etc". The less anxious you are, the less anxious she will be. If separation is difficult for her, "The Kissing Hand" is a great book and will help her (and you :) ). I wish you both the best. Love and hugs, Juliah

Oh yeah, about field trips. My son had 3 or 4 field trips in Kindergarten and were required to bring one parent with them. It's not that way in public schools though. We went to a pizza place where they learned to make their own pizzas, went to the planetarium, zoo and pumpkin patch. My son was in half-day kindergaren, which isn't an option in public school here. Not sure how other states work.




Hi and thanks for the welcome on the other page make sure you have tissues is this is your first child. I did this last year with my fourth child my kids are 22 ,21, 16 and the baby is 6.  My son had homework every week he had about 6-8 workbook pages that were turned in on Monday's .  He had so much fun gym music art science and library once a week made for a wonderful day.  Does your daughter have half day or full day kindergarten?  We also had several feildtrips  make sure if you want to go you send in your paper work ASAP because everyone want to go to the one in Kindergarten good luck have fun and dont forget the tissues. 

Linda from NJ

I have a 14 year old 9th grader and still remember his first day of kindergarten.  He cried at home and "refused" to go, but came home smiling and had a great day.  I made him a chocolate cake with a big letter "K" for kindergarten on it.  I also taught kindergarten for several years.  Normally, the only homework, other than some very basic reading,  would be family projects, i.e., decorate this turkey around thanksgiving, etc.  We had art everyday and they went to music class once a week.  We did have educational field trips and naps.  The naps got shorter later in the year and they were not forced to nap, but they did have to be quiet and rest for about 30 minutes. 

Kindergarten is great! Only homework I remember w/my 11 yr. old was reading a small book each day. The teacher had a basket of them, and they selected one for each night. By Christmas, my daughter was reading some of them on her own - it was so amazing and exciting! You really do see a 'light' click on the first they time they realize they get it!

My 4 yr. old was accepted into a public pre-K Montessori program, so she will actually start 'big school' next week, a year early. Montessori will new for us, and it is exciting - she is supposed to bring a 'real' plate for snack (no plastic) and two cloth napkins! I guess she will expect crystal and china for dinner...

Her new school is having a "Boo Hoo Breakfast" for moms on the first day LOL, but I think I will be fine. She loved preschool and I am very excited for her to have this new experience. My boys had homework once a week in Kindergarten, and it was two pages long.  They had 2 days to get it done.  One page was writing the letter of the week, in upper and lower case.  The other one was math problems.  In the beginning of the year, it was quite a struggle with our younger boy.  He felt it was a grave injustice to have to continue to do schoolwork at home after he had already wasted his entire day at school.  It would take hours just to get him to do the work.  He was fully capable of it; he just had an incredible attitude.  After a month or so, I think he accepted his fate and did his work.

Thanks everyone!! She is in a half-day kindergarten and she was in preschool last year so shes used to being away from me.  You guys have gotten me excited now lol

She's going to be just fine! I remember how excited my kids were when they went to school for the first time. It's a big stepping stone for them. {{{{HUGS}}}}

WOW kindergarden,

I can not remember last month let alone that many years ago. My youngest will be a freshman in college this year.

Enjoy all the time you can (while she is little, it won't last long) and if you can go on every field trip. My kids still talk about the times I did.



Take pictures - you will really want them later.  When my daughter graduated from college, I made a scrapbook for her of her life until then, and it was so neat to see the pictures of her on her first day of kindergarten, and then in her cap and gown graduating from college.

Like your daughter, my daughter was really ready for school when the time came.  She needed to be challenged, and to learn new things.  Preschool was great, but when she started kindergarten the whole world opened up and she just seemed to blossom.  I know you will see the same thing happen - and it is one of the greatest thrills of being a parent.

And don't worry, you will still see a lot of the little girl who wants to sit on Mommy's lap and cuddle.  That mother daughter bond is a very precious thing!

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