No MTX for Me...Bad Blood test | Arthritis Information


Got a call from My Rheumy. Said No Mtx for at lest 2 weeks. said my Lymphocytes ( sp?) were very low. Said a 7 Under 12 low. Anybody else. I'm feeling pretty horrible. 

I'm not familiar with that blood test

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so awful

Hope your blood goes back to normal soon.

Don't feel bad. My RD never explains anything to me either. Sometimes I am not sure I wanna know, and during the appointments I have so many questions that I forget to ask her to review my bloodwork. I need to take better notes and write down my questions. Hi 6t5, am facing the same problems with MXT, except for me it's the liver functions that are elevated.  I may have to come off MXT and I'm one unhappy camper.  It's hard to even think about.  I've done so well that I'm willing to take the chance but my RD isn't.  There's no wiggle room for abnormal labs when we're on some of these meds.  You shouldn't start feeling a difference until after 3 weeks or so.  Hopefully, you'll be back on it in 2 weeks.  When I had knee surgery I was off MXT 3 weeks prior and didn't start feeling a flare until I was at 3.5 weeks out from my last MXT inject.  Take care.  Lindy.I was taking oral mtx and my liver function test shot up, so rheumy pulled me off sending me into a huge flare. I begged my new rheumy to let me try injectible mtx. He was very against it, but gave in after a couple of other meds did not work for me. I have been on injections for almost a year now and no problem yay!

owiedeb, is the injectable MTX easier on the liver?

Congrats on doing so well!

6t5, I'm so sorry to hear this. Did the doctor offer any alternative in the meantime?Yes, He upped the Medrol to 8mg. The Fatique and energy is killing me. I feel so wiped outDR called. Blood back to normal. Going on 3 MTX for four weeks and getting re tested


I keep seeing and hearing this strange word "normal"!!! I am not sure it should be in our vocabulary.

I hope something works for you soon.

Hey that's good news!  Hopefully everything will be fine with the next bloodwork being done.RaJay.Yeah. Why do I have so many things wrong with me but am Normal.....

Good news for you!!! Congratulations.

Ya the "Normal" thing gets to me every once in a while.  Nothing normal about planning your life around meds and dr.'s appt. 

Got to love this whole thing.

I'm not sure if it is easier on the liver than the pill form, but it is definitely easier on tummy since it does not have to be digested like the pills do. I think the combo of meds I was on contributed to my high liver count. I am taking different meds now than I was back then.