OT: need reassurance/back to school | Arthritis Information


Let me preface this by saying I'm in a weird place today. I'm over-tired and emotional. Not the picture of good mental health today. My little guy started 4th grade today. He came home awhile ago and he didn't have a good day. He's in a large classroom with "team teachers"....meaning the class has 44 kids, but 2 teachers. I'm not sure it's the best set-up for him, but it is what it is. He's sad because his friends are all in other classes. I asssured him with 44 kids, he's bound to make new friends. He's just generally bummed today and for some reason I'm very sad about that. On a normal day, I'd not blow this out of proportion, but today I am. Not sure what I'm looking for. Reassurance that he'll be ok? That I will? Also...I must say...I miss my little buddy. We spent the entire summer together hanging out, staying up late, sleeping in, etc.

It's too bad our school systems have to make so many cuts that we have to put 44 kids in one class with only 2 teachers. Poor kid, it must be tough. My little guy will also be starting 4th grade in a few weeks, and he already has a bad taste about it. He is going to have the same teacher my older son had and she is horrible. I am not the typical complainer, but this lady needs to retire. She is the rare type that will fly off the handle, and yell at the entire class, because 1 kid forgot homework. I'll give her a week, and if she does anything like that with son #2, he'll be switching classes. I'm not going to go through another year worrying about what she'll do next.

Anyway, I hope it gets better for your son. Tell him not be afraid to approach a few kids and introduce himself. Its amazing how easy it is to do, and how fast he'll make friends.

You've just got a big heart Sweetie....and you no doubt are just hurting for your little guy. I know the feeling with my own kids. You want to protect them and make everything ok for them. You told him the right thing. He will make new friends and he'll likely still get to see the other friends at other times during the day. Just keep reassuring him and we'll just keep reassuring you. Keep your chin up; I'm sure part of your Blues center around him being back in school and missing him just like you said. Things will settle down soon enough.

Tomorrows a new day. Help the little man stay positive and encourage him to reach out to some other kids that might be feeling as lonely as he is right now. It might just turn out to be a great year after all!

Awww....I know how ya feel.  Seeing one of your own sad is hard on a Mom.  But he'll be ok.  He misses his buddies, but he will make new ones.  I promise!!! 


Awww well..........you may not like what I have to say, but I hope you see where I'm coming from....


Even IF this is a bad year for him, just be there. Don't make a hastle out of switching him to another class, unless he asks for it. I may sound crazy, BUT there were many times in my school life where I didn't like my class. Being a military brat, I thought we could just move, and I'd ask if we could.


And anyway, like you said, with 44 kids he's BOUND to make friends!! Hang in there, I remember how hard it was for my mom to listen to me tell her my horror stories of school. But it always got better, just like she said it would.

Patience...he'll make it through these first couple fo days and soon enough he will have several new best buddies

Deb if you are that uncomfortable with the teacher ask for the switch now before school starts.  Waiting until after something happens can put your child in a awkward position of starting over in his own school

that's good advice Buck; no need for his to have to readjust to another new class room as well. Then he'll also have to explain to other's what happened as well. I'd do it now as well. Certainly with your previous experience with this teacher you shouldn't have any trouble getting your child switched.

Juliah, I just wanted to send best wishes to you. My son will start 5th grade next week, and I miss him already. I've never been one to understand my girlfriends' excitement at their kids returning to school, as I dread it!

I'd stress to your son he can still remain friends with his "old" buddies, but that now he's in the terrific situation of having new friends that he can introduce THEM to. You can never have too many friends!

Will they all still have recess at the same time? If so, it may help to explain to him that now that he's in 4th, he probably wouldn't have that much class time to hang out with friends anyway. Is it possible for you to have friends over for him on Friday afternoons or over the weekend? My son is still friends with a little boy he knew from kindergarten class whom he only sees at recess, play-dates, and birthday parties.

Kids are resilient, but moms aren't always so much. It's natural to be emotional--he's your baby.

Hugs to you,


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