Need Help: Remicade without MTX | Arthritis Information



I have RA since 2001 and am on MTX + Remicade till June1st 2007. I was doing great and no complains except occasinal pains here and there. My Rhumy asked me to stop MTX on June 1st bcause, I told him that I am thinking to have one more child...

So I am Off MTX, and last month I had such a bad flare...All the joints of my body was hurting and was tired whole day.... I had my remicade last week, most of the pain is gone but still some left in my feet and the tiredness/sick feeling is not going away...

I have appt with my Rhumy tomorrow...Can some one provide me some details on if Remicade works without MTX? Instead of MTX what should I take? What else should I ask my Rhuemy...





MXT works in conjunction with Remicade.  They work in two different ways.  Remicade can work without MXT but it sounds as if you need both, that your RA isn't as controlled as you might have thought.  What have your labs shown in the past?  If you want to become pregnant I don't know what other dmard you can take.  That's a question for your RD.  Just make sure that your RD and ObGyn work closely together if pregnancy occurs.  Lindy

Remicade worksbetter with MTX or Arava as a cocktail.  But it can work you just may have to adjust your remicade dose to counterbalance the missing mtx


MTX is definitely contraindicated in pregnancy.  I have never been on remicade but I tried mtx for 5 months and it didn't work and the side effects were bad for me. 

I know my reproductive endocrinologist said that the biologicals such as humira and enbrel were ok for pregnancy and even prednisone but I am not sure what you could as to the remicade to help.  I would be interested to hear what the doctors say though so please keep us updated!
I'm taking remicade right now without anything else. My RD doesn't know that I stopped arava a few weeks ago because my hair was falling out. I might as well not be taking anything for all the good it's doing me. I'm in lots of pain. When I had blood work done on vacation in another state, my liver enzymes were high so my RD might have taken me off arava anyway. All I know is, I'm hurting. All the best to you. Sorry I don't have anything better to say about it.