Aquatics Anyone? | Arthritis Information


How many of you guys and gals are in some type of "Aquatic" program? And how well has it helped you?

My RD has suggested (and I am) joining our fitness center for the Aquatic program.
Hi Lisa,

I have during this summer.  It really made a difference, especially with my upper body.  I am starting a new one tomorrow that is inside.  It is still in the high 80's and 90's here but too cold for me to outside I love to use the warm water therapy pool at my gym.  They have a structured arthritis aquatics program available, but it's a bit too slow for me (and I'm eternally grateful to not need it at this point in my life). I used to go twice a week to the local YMCA, than I got too sick.  I actually just got the updated class schedule and classes start in a few weeks and I am going to sign up for one day a week!!  I think it will help a lot.  I am always so tired and hurting though but I recently started provigil and it helps with the fatigue so I am just going to pay the money and force myself to go.  Once I pay for it, I know I won't want to waste the money so it will be incentive for me to go!

My RD wanted me to take the Arthritis Aquatics class at the YMCA, but they only offer it in the middle of the day.  I can't take off work for it.  I noticed that too kweenb.  I will only be able to take it for a few weeks and then back to work.  I wonder if they are only thinking senior citizens.  I will ask! [QUOTE=micheleb]

I am so NOT excited about wearing a bathing suit in public but hell, I have to start somewhere!

I feel the same way about the bathing suit...I am so sorry your having such a hard long has it been since you started this RA battle? Has anything ever worked for you or did they stop after awhile and you had to find something new?

Bless your heart...your really to young for your body to fall apart so on you. Please keep your chin up and I will keep you in my prayers.

Me too about the bathing suit.  I found some great UV protected clothing that can be worn in the pool.  It's like bike shorts and a shirt.  It makes me feel more confident despite my chub. 

I have tried some aquatics - but did find if I overdo my arm and hand motions, I pay for it the next day.  I think it's a great option though!  I wish everyone the best that gives it a try.  I'm hoping to have the opportunity to do more soon.


I do water therapy and water exercises and I feel great after I do them.  I don't care or worry about how others will view me in my swimsuit.  I'm a big, gorgeous woman!Lindy~you go girl~I love your attitude!! I didn't join a class, but i do get myself to the heated pool 45 minutes away. I try to go once a week. Winter here for me. The pool is 30 degree celsius, lovely and warm. some days it has the sun shining in ( it has a roof but no walls) and it is really lovely. As soon as i get in all my pain just washes away, it is so so so relaxing. And after i relax a while, i do some stretching exercises. It is really easy to over do it in a heated pool though because it feels so good, so be careful. I have over done it on many occasions and suffered the next day.  I would highly recommend it!


The YMCA told me they once offered an evening Arthritis Aquatics class but it didn't go over well. She said it was a 7:30 class.  Duh!  I told her that if they offered it closer to 5:00 when everyone was just getting off work, they would have better success.  By the time 7:00 rolls around, I'M BEAT!

They tried to talk me into taking the regular water exercise class.  They said it was just as good.  Anyone know if there is a difference?

Thanks kweenb.  I agree that 7:30 is too late.  The class I took in last month was a regular class, I just skipped the "jogging" in the water part.  I treaded water and that worked for me.

I love water exercise and go as much as I can.  The PT that I am working with has devised a workout plan for me, and it is a great place to work out and not feel the land pressure.  Watch the fatigue afterwards.

I do it as often as I can, and the plus is if they have a hot tub afterwards.  I like doing mine in the evening because of that issue.  I have also been known to go to lap swim and paddle around.  I seem to be able to do most anything in the water. 

I have my registration and check and I am sending it in today!!  Instead of going to the Y, I found a class at the local high school.  Its once a week, Wednesday night at 7pm which is perfect for me as I get off work at 6!  I know the last class I did at the Y was just a regular after work aerobics class but I could modify anything to make it work for me so if you can only get a regular class at the time you need, I say try it!  Most places will let you try one class free to see if you like it!

I just turned 37 a few weeks ago.  I was healthy and a size 6, working out everyday and really active.  We tried to start a family and that when the miscarriages began.  We than went to hormone injections for the fertility and everything started going out of whack.  My hands and feet started to swell, the drs said water retention.  I got very fatigue,  told depression.  The uvieitis started, told it was just a fluke.

I finally got pregnant with identical twin girls and than of course everything was blamed on being pregnant with high risk twins.  I lost my baby girls at just under 4 months.  Than, of course, everything was depression.

That was almost two years ago.  They haven't come up with an exact dx but most probable is sero negative ra and fibro plus the things listed in my signature.

Nothing has really helped.  Some days are worse than others but I have never had a pain free day since all this started.  Ran the gamete of dmards, tried enbrel, currently on humira and prednsone.

I see my regular internist next week and I have a list of questions and other things to look for, like POTS, as my blood pressure, heart rate and pulse fluctuate so much.

I would love to adopt but I know that I am not well enough to take care of myself, let alone a child.
I wouldnt say I have an aquatic program but I do swim at the pool a lot and it does help tremendously!