A test for palindromic rheumatism? | Arthritis Information


Just came across this form of arthritis online a few weeks ago, and i'm getting the sense that it will be either this or a mild form of ra. PR mimics RA but isn't as dangerous and doesn't cause joint damage. The things about PR that stuck out is that it's migratory, and it comes and goes,which mine has for about the past 15yrs. They also described their nodules being different, finding them in the subutaneous tissue such as heel pads, or finger pads. I recall seeing two soft pea size (actually smaller) on the side of my foot, no where near the joint, and they are not hard as they described. Also just recently on the side of my hand on the soft tissue part where  a vein is raised. You can see them when I'm active but not when my hand is rested or not used for awhile. I have my first rheumy apt tom, and will ask about if there's a special test, but in the meantime-what should i be asking? newbb39314.5881481481

Damn, that explains my 2 weird 'in the skin' nodules on my elbow.  Did you keep any of the info you found on that?  Can you forward it to me.  I'm friends with some AP PRA'ers and we're looking for any research we can find on PRA.

New research out of Korea says we have a different set of genes that activate than the RA peeps do.  I'll try to find the study and forward it to you.  Unless they managed to somehow develop a test for PRA as far as I know there isn't one.  It's more of a 'well, RA doesn't usually do...' until the MD figures out it's PRA.

Have you been to www.palindromic.org yet?

PRA does not have to be mild.  I was severe.   Also, while people can be PRA for decades - about half go on to regular RA.  Please ask for a full set of X-rays to be sure.



pip, here's just one site http://www.arthritis.co.za/palindrome.html

and yes I've visited the one in your link, that was the first one that I came across that described the transient pea sized nodules. Yes the next step is definitely xrays. My bloodwork came out fine, but part of me suspects it was due to all the natural sups I was taking(anti-infla) Yrs prior the numbers were always elevated. I've never had the chronic fatigue or swelling. PR usually isn't associated with swelling. The coming and going is another indicator. My ring finger has fit snug at times but who's to say it wasn't water retention. I guess I'm just excited that after 15yrs i will finally get an answer either way. If this is the worst it ever gets I will be happier than a pig in....


here's the other

http://ww2.arthritis.org/resources/arthritistoday/2005_archi ves/2005_03_04/2005_03_04_OnCall_p9.asp

Hi Pip, I have soft tissue nodules on my elbows but they've been diagnosed as PA in origin.  We should take pics and compare our nodules!  Lindy
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