sed rate while in flare? | Arthritis Information


Hi , just wondering if any of you have ever been in a bad flare, and swore your sed rate must be through the roof, only to have a blood work up tell you it was normal at the time? I had visible swelling, horrible pain, and exhaustion and low grade fever, and perfectly normal SR. I do not take Pred, so I can't blame it on that. Anyone else? I am RF positive and ANA positive, official diagnosis is UCTD.

Been there, done that! 

I  am also RF, ANA, Anti-CCP positive.  Once I started treatment, my Sed Rate and CRP slowly returned to normal.  Even though I've had my Sed Rate tested while in a flare, it's still normal.  I can't figure it out.

Makes no sense to me either, thanks for your reply.I am RF, ANA, and Anti-CCP positive also.  But I have always had a low sedrate.  The doctor said I am early stage RA and that it is a good thing.  When I was first diagnosed I was flaring everywhere and had a normal sedrate.

Although my RD insists that it is not possible, I have also had a normal sed rate while flaring.


my blood work has been normal pretty much since my first flare when i was dx!

Same here Jena.  All of my labs are negative, go figure.

Take care

When I flared a couple of months ago, my sed rate was BELOW the normal.  I couldn't believe it!!   Mad!!   I was sure it would be through the roof.   With meds, it usually sits between 26 & 30, fine - but with that flare, it was 17!!  Yep - mad.  The pain was intense to say the least.

My RH said it doesn't always show as higher in a flare!   I'm sero negative by the way.
Same thing here Jena. I have been in an awful flare before but sed rate was within the normal range. My CRP always remains high however.I am sero-negative and was aching pretty bad when I went to my RD Friday before last and also thought it would show elevated. Nope!!! Not a chance! It's all a bunch of TRICKERY!!!!! I can't trust my's a BIG FAT LIAR!!!!!!