How long did it take? | Arthritis Information


How long did it take and how many meds did you have to go thru, in order to get your RA "Under Control?"

Or are you still searching for the right meds?

Diagnosed almost 5 years ago and still searching...

Still searching it seems. Humira does ok, but I am sure I am not getting the full benefit from it. Because I am not looking like the woman on their commercial.
Two and a bit since dx and still searching. Have done Plaquenil, Sulfa, MTX, Arava and combos of them all. Humira and have now built up immunity to the biologics so about to start Rixtuan.

None of them have 'managed' it but a combo did come close for a while and Humira at first but then gave me repeated infections.

It's not easy.

[QUOTE=Linncn]How often do you take Orencia?  They sent me a clock in the mail.  orencia I mean.  Just got a clock one day.[/QUOTE]

The clock is for us to see how many years it takes to get our RA under contolThat's soooo sad guys!!! They've just gotta find a way to make us all feel better... Okay...I'm so sad that I had to go get some ice cream. But not just any ice cream...this is Marble Slab!!!  Ummmmmm! I started my diet AGAIN today, but just finished pounding down a handful of oatmeal raison cookies. *sigh* Brisen39314.8521064815


  Blessed, are you in the path of the hurricaine? You can come stay with me if you need to. BE Safe It amazes me how few people are offered gold these days. I have had very aggressive r a for 18yrs. Salazopyrin worked but wore off in a couple of years. Then they tried plaquenil then 25mgs methotrexate. As there was nothing else available back then they tried gold as a last resort and it put me into remission in a couple of weeks. It continued to work for 12yrs although the effects slowly wore off. Added Arava which kept it under control but got bad stomach problems and stopped taking all meds. Since then have tried biologics with no effect so now am back on gold and half arava dose as its the only thing that helps. So for those of you who have run out of options gold is definitely worth trying. I even went on a golimumab trial which is the people who make remicades next biologic but it didn't help.coral39314.8804282407I was dx two years ago (almost Sept.). I was started on plaqenil for 4 months; no help. Tried mtx, sulfasalazine, was allergic. Tried minocycoline; no help. Now I take humira every other week. I first started humira in Oct 06 and felt great. I still had pain but I had my energy back. I had a cyst on tailbone and had to go off for surgery in Jan. Started back on in April with the pen injectors. I had trouble with them and lots of the meds ran down my leg. A couple of weeks ago, RA Dr. thought we should try reg. humira syringe. Haven't really noticed any difference. My morning stiffness isn 't so bad but still have pain and swelling. I will be taking this for 3 more months then may try remicade infusions. It's been a journey and I have learned patience. Something I never had before RA. Xanax helps me be more patient and calms my nerves. About a year and RD won't say it's under control as I'm still on pred. My current cocktail of Arava and Plaquenil is definately doing something, I just have to pray it continues to work. Prior to this I was on MTX (allergic to that) and sulfasalazine (did nothing). The big test is going to be whether I'm going to be able to drop the pred from 8mg to 0mg. A year ago I was on 20mg and not been off it since.

i was diagnosed this past year i am on mtx. enbrel,pred. I am proggresivly getting worse


Kel, I hope you find the right combo soon!

I've been dx'd for 4 years and still searching for the right combo

It took a year before I went to a rheumatologist and got the official diagnosis.  Prior to that, my regular doctor was giving me short courses of Medrol and anti-inflammatories, which would work for a short time and then I would be right back where I started.  And I also developed gastritis from the NSAIDs.  Now I take Naproxen (enteric coated) and Prevacid, along with fish oil (omega-3s can help reduce inflammation) and Zoloft, which really seems to help with pain.  I have flares on occasion, but I usually bring them on myself (lack of sleep, too much stress, partying).  My last big "remission" was about 18 months long!  I had a flare this summer, brought on by acting like I was a 20-something again while my kids were at my sister's house for a few weeks.  Staying out late, eating junk food, drinking beer... I paid the price!  It finally seems to be resolving now, thank God! BUMP