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How does a Ra Dr. know by the blood test that your Ra is still active? I mean beside you hurting like heck. She came into the office and she said well by your blood test your ra has not gone into remission and that is what we are working on, so we're going to do such and such. So what is the test that they know? Can someone tell me. Please explain. Thanks.Well, here are the basics:

1. If you are seropositive i.e. have a Rheumatoid Factor, I believe that under a certain level is okay, so if it is high then you RA isn't in remission.

2. ESR or Sed rate: Test for inflammation. Normal is below ten so if you're blood work is showing higher she may be talking about that.

3. C-reactive protein: the other test for inflammation. Normal is below five.

Of course, there are some people with raging RA who show normal ESR and CRP. And a ton of us are seronegative which means no Rheumatoid factor.

Those are the things your RD has to be talking about. Cordelia, Help me out here. Could you break that down for me. She did tell me that my blood work came back "not good" and it showed that it was real high but she talks so fast and works so fast I don't get a word in edge wise, I won't hold you to it, but what do you think she meant?I  don't know what "it" was. What I am afraid of is she will take me off of the remicade, as she said that I might be "failing" the remicade, and I have already failed humira and embrel. What is left for me? My husband works for the company that makes remicade and well, I sure wish to God  it would work.Deep breathe, Vanessa. Anxiety is going to make your RA worse so try and just chew of the next bit, the next piece, focus on the next thing only.

Let's break it down...

1. If you are seropositive and have a Rheumatoid Factor, your RD could have been referring to that being high which from what I understand is 200 plus.

2. ESR and CRP are the two tests that measure inflammation. If they are higher than the normal ranges, your RD could have been referring to that. My are always high but at one point were 82 and 65, about 43 and 34 at this moment.

My bet is she was referring to your ESR and CRP...they will show how your drugs are controlling the inflammation levels in your body, if they are unchanged or higher then obviously the drugs are not working.

I have just failed Humira too and have been told I have built immunity to all biologics so they have just become a no option for me...I am about to go on Rixtuan so I completely understand that feeling of having no where left to go...

There is always somewhere left to go though, Rixtuan, Oceania, AP. New drugs are being researched and approved...keep your head above that ocean of depression I think you may be feeling.

Deep breath, it will be okay, somehow, even if it sucks and isn't okay. Oh, and get your RD to slow down and print out copies of your blood work for you and highlight the stuff she is talking about. I get this every visit. This is your disease not your RD's and you need to know what the hell they are talking about. You also need to express your concerns...write them out prior to your visit...and your questions. Maybe it is possible to email them to her prior to your visit, I have done this, then take them in hard copy to your visit. Your RD will appreciate your efficiency. 
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