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Beautiful. Looks like she could take your face off w/ 3 claws or less! Love da kitty kats.Milo in his usual sleeping position, Sarah, . He needs a pillow, for god's sake.  Awww he is so cute!!!!  I bet he is great at keeping your feet warm in the winter!!! 

Cordy you're right its his favourite pose!

He came in limping on Monday took him to the vet (take him on a lead he's not keen on his carrier). He's actually quite skinny under all the fluff and it took 3 of the vets finest to hold him down whilst they prodded his left to find out why it was twice the size as the other. As he was getting stressed they decided to keep him in overnight and shaved his leg the next day to find a big slash (well 1cm but on a skinny leg that's big enough). They've given him a quick scale and polish whilst he was under and I collected him on Tuesday evening.

I took Milo to the vet for his post op check today. The surgery is a oblong shaped room. Seats are arranged in two's around the outside of the surgery and then two sets of two in the middle.  When we walked in (he was on his lead... and he doesnt like it!!*) I sat on one chair and he sat on the one next to me. Had a sniff then settled down to give himself a wash. Dogs barking, whining etc ... not phased. As 15 minutes turned into 45 minutes he got bored and so decided to go and have a walk. After checking out the dogs (some didnt like him though) he plonked himself down in the middle of the surgery, stretched himself out and eyeballed any dog that looked at him. An alsation came out of one of the doors after having been seen and Milo turned over in the sphinx pose and stared at him, the dog hid behind his mums legs and did that thing where he wanted to look but didnt dare. Once Milo was happy he'd put the dog in its place he stretched out in the sunshine again; the vet opened the door and stood looking at Milo and said is that a cat or a dog... I said you know Milo he thinks he's a puppy, every one in the place was in kinks. we get home and the sound the lawnmower.. had him straight in!!

He's a real character. Sleeps on his back arms and legs fully stretched. He has a puppy bed because a normal cat bed is not big enough. He has blankets on one seat of two of our sofas and that's his place. If we have visitors and they sit in his seat he'll sit at their feat and wait until they move! As you can tell he's my absolute baby and when I'm feeling fed up or miserable he's a real tonic. We should all have one
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