New info from newbie | Arthritis Information


I'm back from my family doctor with a few questions and a few answers.

I have been taking 5 milligrams of prednisone for the last 2 months as sole therapy for sero negative ra.

I asked my doctor what he thought of this regimen and he suggested seeking a second opinion.  He referred me to the first rheumy at my request.My appointment for the second opinion is November 1st.  My appointment with the first rheumy is October 10th.  What should I do?  GO to the original appointment as scheduled?  And then to the 2nd?

One more question.  I'm worried about taking prednisone for 2 more months.  I asked my doctor for a schedule to taper down but now I'm wondering if it would be wiser to stay on the original dose.  If my hands swell, I'm on no alternative therapy.

Will  I be able to successfully taper after 4 months?  Is that considered long term?

I would truly appreciate your imput.  I felt much calmer after your replies when I posted for the first time.



I'm glad you got a referral to a specialist.  As for the dose of Pred, it is better to be on NO pred, of course.  However, your dose is low enough that I *doubt* you have to worry much.  With that being said, I don't know anything about your medical hx.  I personally would keep both appts.  There is no harm in visiting with both and seeing who you mesh with the best.  It has been said here many times....You need to feel comfortable w/ your medical team.  Good luck and keep us posted!!!


Dear Phats,  thanks for your prompt reply.  I actually saw the 1st rheumy  4 times.  I questioned his use of prednisone aloine with no other meds and that is why I am getting a second opinion.

I've read my records, they seem quite complete and interesting.  I didn't realize specialists supplied so much info to PCP'S.

Thanks again for your good advice.

Good luck and keep us posted!!


Dotty, initially he should have put you on pred, but should now be offering you alternatives that do not damage your body. Keep both Appts.

That said, 5 mg of pred is not going to hurt you for two more months. I have been on 10mg of pred for at least 3yrs w/no adverse effects. Thats just ME though. Talk openly with both appointments about your pred use and your concerns. Welcome aboard!



I would go to the old RD just to let them know you are changing and I would ask for a copy of my records from him/her.  Right now you have to concentrate on saving the new RD time.  Get any xrays, bloodwork, etc. 

Write down all of the concerns you have, and what you want to change the most. 

good luck and welcome!


  Same here dotty, welcome

I agree with the's always best not to be on any pred but you're on such a low dose you should be okay.  If you do decide to taper down and start flaring you can always go back to the original dose.

As for the RD appointments that's really a decision you have to make.  The first RD put you on pred only?  Did they discuss a game plan?  Are they waiting for lab results?  How did you feel about the doctor?  Were you comfortable with them?  If it's RA, you'll definately need more than prednisone so if nothing was discussed I'd be a little concerned.  Of course, there's limited information that we're reading here.

I'm pro 2nd opinion, especially when it comes to health issues.  It does look like your appointments are spaced apart pretty good.  I don't might just keep both, see what happens, decide if you feel more comfortable with one than the other and go from there.  Whatever you decide, good luck and let us know how you do.

Hope this makes sense...I think my brain is falling asleep.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Everyone has great advice for you Dotty. Just wanted to say welcome and it's good to have you here.

I'll agree with the others.  STay on the pred until you have something to replace it.  5 mg isn't too bad in the long run and when the time comes you shouldn't have too many problems with a proper taper.

Keep both appts.  Don't tell Dr 1 anything about Dr 2.  Get a copy of any diagnostic tests you've done and any x'rays thats all the 2nd opinion guy needs right now

Ok Dotty and welcome.  Great people on here, and I'm just endorsing what the others have said.  Good luck and keep posting

Welcome to the board. 

Everyone else here has given some great advice so I really have nothing to add except for welcome.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. 

Hi Welcome, and good luck in sorting out both of your doctors and what meds are best for you. You are doing the right thing questioning what your treatment is to be. LyndaWelcome to the board!

Thanks so much for all your informative replies.  I have come to really depend on this board.


Welcome Dotty. I don't think I've had an opprotunity to welcome you yet.

Long term predisone isn't really the answer and it's pretty clear you know that. I think you're right on track with questioning that treatment. RA is a long term disease and although predisone will help the symptoms it's not going to slow the progression like a DMARD would and that's very important.

I agree that you should keep both appointments (and not mention it to either doctor) if for no other reason to see which doctor you like best. This will be a long term relationship and it's best that you choose a doctor that you feel comfortable with. Personailites are so different and you'll want to choose one that you can stay with long term. I've had to change doctors twice. Once because one doctor moved to another state and the second time due to insurance reasons. When I was searching for my thrid doctor I looked at the practices website and looked for one that was fairly young in the hopes of keeping the same one for many years. That was a big deciding factor in my final choice. Luckily I found one I liked and have had the same one for many years now.

Good Luck to you as you move forward with the new doctors.

Thanks so much for all your good advice.

Thanks for the good advice.


Welcome to the board Dotty

Yeah, stay on the pred until you get something to take its place. It will help keep you mobile and in less pain until then. 5mg of pred is not that bad of a dose, I was ONLY on 5mg for a few months until I could see an RD and get better meds.

Keep us posted.