Web site regarding predisone | Arthritis Information


Several months ago, one of you nice people, gave us a terrific web site regarding predisone. it was so hlepful.I copied it off and need it again-but cannot find again.


5 mg and I think I can see a few wrinkles. Never thought i would be happy to see them again.


Hi Lonna

I think it was me. It's on this site. Go to the list of topics, and scroll down
to the one about predisolone. When you open it up it only shows one topic,
but if you set it to show posts from the last 6 months, then one will show
which is 'all about predisolone' Dr Fusco.

Hope this was the one you meant.

Hope the wrinkles keep appearing.


There is also a book about prednisone (Coping with Prednisone) which some folks have found very helpful.  You can get it at Amazon:

http://www.amazon.ca/s?ie=UTF8&index=books-ca&field- keywords=Prednisone&page=1

I don't think it mentions the chromium depletion problem - it was something I had to figure out for myself with research on the internet - it helps a lot to control blood sugar levels if you take chromium picolinate (500-600 mcg) and biotin (250-300mcg) daily, but don't take it with your calcium or it will be a waste.  Lots of information on the internet if you google "chromium picolinate and corticosteroid induced diabetes".



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