Newbie - Knee Pain Question | Arthritis Information


I was diagnosed with RA a couple of months ago, pain was in my fingers/hands/wrists.  My RD told me I also have OA in my knees and sent me for physical therapy to strengthen the muscles to help with the OA. 

I was doing great with my exercises and had gained strength in my hips/legs/knees.  I actually was hoping that I could stop PT and just continue my exercises at home.

However, about 3 days ago I started having a pain in my left knee (above and to the right of the knee cap).  It is warm to the touch, swollen, feels like a knot, and painful.  Doing my exercises doesn't hurt it.  I have been putting ice on it and have taken 2 Mobics.

The pain just happened - - it wasn't something where I felt a sharp pain and then it continued.  I have no idea what caused the pain in the first place.

At PT today they wouldn't allow me to do my exercises.  Instead they attempted to find out what was causing the problem.  They hooked me up to some type of stimulating machine and covered the area with ice (didn't hurt, felt like tiny shocks or pin pricks).

They couldn't decide what was wrong.  They didn't think it was a strained muscle, nor joint pain.  They didn't seem to think it was OA.  I reminded them that I also have RA and then they thought it might be related to that.

So, fellow RA sufferers, what do you think?  Since I haven't had any RA pains previously in my knees, I don't know if this could be RA or not.  I return tomorrow morning to have my original PT take a look at my knee and give his opinion...he may send me back to my RD if I'm not showing improvement by tomorrow (so far I'm not).

Thanks for any comments or suggestions you can give me that might describe RA pain in the knee.

Hi Flamingo, call your RD and get an appt.  I have RA/OA and I just had my left knee replaced and will have the right replaced next year. 

In 1 year I went from not knowing that I had OA in my knees (no pain, no clicking, no rubbing) to bone on bone and a total knee replacement.  It can move quickly when you have RA/OA combination.  Your RD may refer you to a orthopedic doctor for an evaluation and xrays of your knees.  I sincerely hope that it's just some slight changes.  Keep us posted.  Lindy 


I'm sorry about your knee pain. I've recently begun having pain, popping, and grinding in both knees. I know it's OA and it seems to be getting worse. Years ago, my Dr. sent me to P/T for knee pain and I started lifting weights in order to build up the muscles around the knees. It kept me pain free for about 18 years. Now I'm going to have to go back for P/T again. You really need to see your RD. I'd be afraid to do any kind of exercising with something like that. The best of luck to you. Sorry I couldn't help.


I'm glad that the Pt is working for you.  I had the same situation with my knees before they decided to replace them.

Steph, was that surgery as grueling as I've heard? I was recently reading that there is a new less invasive procedure for a partial knee replacement. I'm afraid that I may have to have that someday. The bone on bone has been much worse lately.

Thanks for your replies.  I'll see what the PT has to say tomorrow morning (I'm still having the pain tonight) and if he doesn't know what is going on, I'll get an appt. with my RD.


Hi Flamingo, Welcome.

I've had knee trouble for a long time and my left knee was swollen, red, and warm to the touch. The pain was awful and I didn't know what was going on. My RD took a x-ray and discover that I had CPPD, a type of false gout. Now I just take my little pill every morning and it takes care of the problem. I hope that it's something simple. However, I would get it checked out and the sooner the better.

I've also had a total knee replacement on my right knee as it was in bad shape. It's been a slow recovery but wish that I had it done sooner. I'm back into PT as I stepped the wrong way going down the stairs. Hopefully ,this time will be the last time.

The machine that they used on you was a tens unit. I have a little one at home and use it on my knee when it's painful.

Hope that this helps.
