Small pox vaccine and RA | Arthritis Information


I just talked to our son who will going off to Iraq in a few weeks.  He just had a smallpox vaccine and had some questions about wearing contacts.  I looked it up on the CDC website and WOW.  It is a live vaccine (not smallpox itself, but another pox) and they say the vaccination site will swell, blister and drain pus.  After the scab is formed and then falls off, he will need to be very careful with his clothing, towels and sheets as someone could get infected for 3 WEEKS! 

Of course, he shouldn't be in contact with anyone who is immunosuppressed OMG That's some heavy duty vaccine!!! I'm so sorry :( I can understand you wanting to be around him anyway, but PLLEEAASSEEE be careful! Kay????You'll be around him.....won't be able to stop yourself

Most people over 40 have had the vaccine (cow pox) in grade school. So I hope you are old enough to be immune. 

I remember mine vividly - still have a scar on my upper arm from it.

Oh Mary, I'm so sorry that this weekend with your son has been marred by this vaccination stuff.  It's a bummer!!  Bad enough that he's going to Iraq anyway, without this added thing.

I'm sure your Dr. will have some advice for you, but as Katie said, just be careful!! Thanks for the concern.  I did check with the CDC and a person (any person) should not have contact with their clothes, towels, sheets etc. The stats say that up to 6 out of 100,000 people are infected by someone who has just received the vaccine.  He was also advised not to wear contact lenses.  It is a bit different from a regular vaccine, as it is done by a "prong" and part of the process is to have a pus filled blister form. 

He is a 2nd lt. in the army and he and his wife just married in June.  We are very sad to see him go for 15 months.  We love him very much. I'll be praying for him, and your fam.  15 months is a long time.  How is his new wife handeling it?  It's easy to focus on the one that's deployed, but the families left behind are making a huge sacrifice and contribution as well.

God Bless your son and family!

My son had to have his high school/sport physical. My dr said to have someone else take him because of all the kids getting live vaccinations. I was worried because we thought he needed a tetnus shot whether I should be around him. Dr. said that shot  wasn't a live vaccine so it would be ok. I'm sorry Mary, I hope you can get to see him. That really bites!

best wishes
