Bacteria in WBC of folks with RA | Arthritis Information


Okay, I've been looking for this article for weeks and finally I found it again. It's been so long I can't even remember what the thread where it came up was anymore. Dr. Brown believed the offending mycoplasma travelled in the white blood cells or people with RA, and recently this discovery was publisized. It's not exactly like he hypothesised, but pretty close!

Here is the article:

Interesting.......yeah, I remember when you were looking for it, it was a while ago!! Thanks for posting it, and for looking till you found it

 Gimpy you would make a great private detective! Who needs google!

Well, my first thought was 'therapies' yet again.  Here they practically prove infection and still say nothing about 'cure'.

Not trying to be a downer, GoGo! 


Good article Thanks