A busy day and in so much pain | Arthritis Information


I tell you my upper back,ribs under my breast,shoulderblades and stomach hurt so bad.I feel sick to my stomach.The pain is especially worse in my right shoulderblade.No gallbladder anymore, so it can't be that.And today my daughter has 3 dr. appts.First one at 11 this morning and the last is at 3.She is having an mri and will have to be sedated.I threw away the vicodin my dr. gave me cause it was upsetting my stomach.Boy I wish I hadn't done that.It hurts to breath.All I want to do is lay down.I will be glad when this day is over and I pray we find out what is wrong with my daugther today.

Boy I am depressing myself and everyone else.

Ok friends, The gun just went off and I am on my way towards the finish line.Wish me luck!

Good Luck, Sheila!  Praying all is well with your daughter.


Good luck Sheila!  I hope all is well with you and your daughter. 

SHeila.....good luck -nothing stresses you out more than worrying about your kids health.  I will say a prayer.


Carrie was put on an anti-depressant and her Carabatrol(which is a seizure med. and a mood stabalizer) was increased.We then had to drive an hour to get a shunt series(xrays of her head and stomach to make sure shunt was fine) and the she had an MRI which took us 1 1/2 hours of a wait before they got to her.long story.We had to sedate her.She cried when they put the iv in.She feel asleep and did very well during the mri.We get results hopefully thursday.After today I am sure we are going to change neurosurgeons.It is Carrie's neurologist that is doing all these tests.Her neurosurgeon signed her off to other dr.'s to help her with her eye and head pain.Not to mention this is the second time he has been out of town in 3 weeks.This time he won't be back til Aug.21.He is in practice by himself.Not good.

All is quiet in the house now.Carrie sleeping off the sedation meds. and I am sitting here eating an oatmeal cookie thanking God we are home and made it through the day.It has been a very long one.

Thanks to everyone that sent their best wishes for us.

I'm so glad you're done with this day!  Does'nt it feel great to know that all you need to do now is get some rest after all of that

Hugs to you both!!



Boy you ain't kidding Pam.As soon as my husband gets home to seat with Carrie,I am gonna go get her meds. filled then come home and put on my pj's and veg.I am gonna have to take some more aleve for my back and ribs.Last night I hurt so bad,I woke up constantly due to back pain.Tonight I will have to take klonopin again to help me sleep.When I go see my pscyh. I am gonna ask for some type of sleep aid.

Well, I am signing off for the night.Gonna finish out my dau soon and hit the sack.{{{{{{SSSSSIIIIIGGGGGHHHHH}}}}}}

That's funny (not really funny but...)  I woke up all night too with pain here, there and just about everywhere.  Today pain was down, but I am soooooo darn tired

Take care,



Well we had to head back to the neurosurgeons office today.Very long and complicated story but I will say we got Carrie's medical records and left there and went right over to a peds. neurosurgeon at a very good hospital and transfered her.It was a nightmare yesterday and one today.And now we are pretty sure her seizures are active again.I think we will be heading back to see the neurologist very soon.

Good news, we did get caught up on our house payment and there is no longer a foreclosure on our house.We may be eating cereal and jelly sandwiches for awhile but atleast we will still have our home.

I am still hurting in my back and ribs and my throat feels raw. I am so hoarse.I am taking aleve and motrin like candy and still can't get releif.I know this is killing my stomach,gastrtis is an awful thing to have but I hurt so much.I called my reheumy. to see if she had any cancellations so I could get in earlier, they said not today but keep trying she gets cancelations all the time.

Well that's my update pals!Thanks so much for being there for me.


I do take protonix.I even had bleeding while on it we then increased the meds. to 40 mg.

I am drinking alot of maloxx to help with the protonix to protect my stomach.

It's a mess.


Sheila; I'm sure it's not exactly the same thing as your feeling right now, but I know all too well about the back, and rib pain....breast bones too (That's the first to act up without my meds, everytime) I've coughed so much over the last couple weeks I feel like I'm going to break a rib if I don't stop soon. My GP said she figured I'd pulled something last week when I was in.

I myself have been enjoying some really strong cough medicine with codine....and muscle relaxers. I feel so doped up at times all I can do it lay in bed with 7 pillows all proped around me and a heating pad on my back...and an ice pack on my breast bones. I've missed 2 and 1/2 days of work as a result of this behavior...but everyone's recommended rest...so that's what I've done.

Today was my first full day back at work and I so missed my cozy little spot on my bed!!! Headed there now. Good Night All.

Sheila; I'll continue to pray for you and your situation. Take care of yourself honey. You're a strong woman. You can do this!!

edited for typos...WE NEED SPELL CHECK!!!


lovie.. ther IS a spell check!!!! its the button that has the abc and a check mark on it... its next to the tree!!!!!!!!!

hee hee

YICKS!!! I'm such an airhead.

I'm just now noticing the tree!!! I kept wondering what you guys were talking about when you talked about the tree

You have to download something to use the spell check? I got all kinds of crap on my husbands computer after trying to access the chatroom from home a few weeks back...I don't want to risk anything at the office.

My husband still thinks one of the kids was fooling around with his computer. I've yet to correct him. Joonie; would you consider that a lie? Or withholding information?


I'm just now noticing the tree!!! I kept wondering what you guys were talking about when you talked about the tree

Lovie,  The spell check is the box with ABC and the check
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