Hi Everybody | Arthritis Information


I haven't been posting to much as my left hand and shoulder are very painful. I'm having this flare and it's affecting my back and right knee. I've been taking a lot of naps and my housework isn't getting done.

Today, I couldn't get a prepackage sandwich open!!! That's bad when that little paper wrapper is winning.

Another thing that is affecting me is the stress that I've been under. As you all know, that isn't good for us!!!

The one good thing that has happen is that I finally got a handheld shower head and this long handle mesh bath brush. Love them both. I've only dropped the shower head twice.

Everyone, thanks for letting me vent and take care.


Ooooh!  Love the shower head thing.  We recently got one for my 6 year old.  Makes for fun (and wet) bath times.

Really hope you feel better soon!  Try to take those naps - it's when we most heal.



Hi Maris, am so glad to see you posting, you've been missing in action for quite a while.  I fully understand how a little plastic bag can win, happens to me all the time.  Love the handheld shower, sure makes showering easier.  Keep posting and keep us updated.  LindyHi Marisa,

Love your visual of the pre-packaged sandwich.

Hi Marisa,

I'm sorry you are under so much stress. Is there anything that can be done to lower it? I am doing my best to not worry about the house work not getting done. I am a major neat freak, so it has been difficult, but I am doing the best I can. My boys have really stepped up to help and on the weekends we tell them to let their friends know that anyone who shows up to help will get paid by the hour. We can't really afford it, but we are getting much needed landscaping done. We also had them paint our closet doors.

Hi Marisa, I'm so sorry you have been having such pain. I never can get anything opened. I have my own little place in a kitchen drawer for a pair of scissors, needle nose pliers, a twist-off bottle opener and little multi-use wrench. They are right there when something threatens to defeat me.

You know how a gallon of milk has that plastic piece you have to pull off around the bottle, before you can take the top off? My needle-nose pliers are great for grabbing hold of that and tearing it off

Just a few little hints. I automatically grab a pair of scissors before I try to open anything anymore. Like many of us, my hands just don't work.

Those hand held shower heads are great. I also have a shower chair for days when my balance is not good. (many days)

Hope you feel better very soon! I have missed seeing your posts.

Hugs, Nini


(((Hugs))) I hope you feel better soon.

Peace & Love...Neasy

I know just how you feel honey. I'm so happy to have this forum to talk to people who understand. I had to laugh about the shower head. I seem to be dropping things alot, and my explaination is that my hands have been "dumb". LOL. Feel better soon!! {{{HUGS}}}

Sorry you're not doing too good right now. Don't worry about that house work---it'll wait for you..unfortunately, lol.

Hang in there, and take it easy on yourself.



Nini, I can't grab nor hold things the way most people do. Scissors, pliers, can openers are things that I have to be careful with. I have to watch what I pickup too. My left hand and shoulder have permanent restrications which makes it hard for me to find work.

Must tell all of you that I had to take 2 Ultrams last night. It helped me to sleep. I couldn't get comfortable as I was hurting.

Now about the housework. My house is dusty but I try to swiffer it every other day. I find that I can hold the swiffer better than a dust rag. I finally gave up the old mop and bucket for a swiffer wetjet. I couldn't wring out that mop anymore.

Have more to post but that will be for another day and I'll make sure that I put my OT on it too.

Again thanks to all of you.

Have a great day, 

MARISA -- We love you!

Feel better soon, we need you round these parts!

Hi Marisa, sorry you're having a bad time but glad you thought of us to "talk" to.   Feel better soon Marisa!!!  I too have given up my regular mop and bucket and have a Swiffer Wet Jet.  I also have the Swiffer Sweep n Vac.  And use the Swiffer Dusters lol. 
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