RA & Low Tolerance For Problem Management | Arthritis Information


You all know the saying probably...that God never gives us more than we can handle...well, sometimes I seriously wonder, lol.

I find with RA it is so easy to go from doing okay to feeling completely overwhelmed...like someone added more two many blocks to the stack and it all comes tumbling down. I notice too that many of you feel similarly from your posts...we can do so much but then...nah hah, overwhelmed hits us.

In the last six weeks, just about everything in my life I rely on has broken down...home phone, computer monitor, computer again, car has had a flat battery twice, toilet has blocked up, shower is blocked still, gas has run out...on and on it's gone. During this time I have been at probably most worst RA wise nearly that I have ever been, I am waiting to start new meds, been in a lot of pain and been quite crippled up.

This week we have had huge amounts of rain, it has rained heavily all week. No complaints from me as my rainwater tanks are being filled up. I live in the bush so that is what we have.

So last night I am sitting in my lounge room watching tv and I notice that the floor near the outside wall of the house is wet...the carpet is frigging wet! No, the house is not flooding but they is obviously some structural problem that means the house is bloody leaking. Fab!

I cannot believe it! Surely, this cannot be so!

But alas, however it is. I am not imagining the wet between my toes.

I watch over the next hour as it spreads across my lounge room floor. Wow!

Then just to really top the night off, we have a power blackout so now I have a wet floor I can do nothing about that I can't see!

So I go to bed. Well, what else can a girl do?

This morning I got up and looked at it, the floor, with great distaste. Obviously I am going to have to move my furniture and call my rental agency this morning. At least it hasn't spread any further.

But I feel like crying...balling...howling, it just feels like too much. See I can do the RA, RA just makes everything we do more difficult but
I can endure that...it is the RA plus all this other stuff in life that sends me over the edge.

Anyone else feel the same way at times?
Absolutely!  I am so sorry are getting dumped on like this!  I can sympathize; my husband had a heart attack and was on life support while I was 7 months pregnant with our second child and our first child was only 10 months old.  To make matters worse, I had just started a new job a few months prior so I had no vacation and could not take advantage of family leave, and my stepmother and mother were both battling cancer as well.  I didn't know how I was going to get through each hour, much less the whole ordeal.  And I didn't even have RA at the time.  I dreaded each day; I didn't know what was going to pop up next.  It all seemed to hit at once.

I don't have any answers, but do know that you will be in my prayers.  You will get through these troubling times.

Cordelia,  I'm new here.  You answered my first post with empathy and kindness.

That shows me that despite your many problems, both with ra and dilemmas in general you are still able to lend a sympathetic ear and think of others.

I wish you all the best.  If what goes around comes around you should be in good shape soon!

Oh Cordy what an absolute bugger.... and here's me whinning about my son and the liquid shoe polish spilt all over my new carpet. For me that was the straw that broke the camels back and I cried and I wouldnt normally. Miserable and swollen is why I didnt cope as normal.

Sooooo empathise with you. Do you know where the leaking is coming from? Here's hoping all your lovely friends can help out....

Big hugs and loves

Sorry, Cordy... huggs.

I know what ya mean, that is what happens to me too. When it rains it pours.

Oh Sweetie; I'm sorry this is all hitting at once. There's not a lot anyone can say a times like these. "Keep your chin up" , "Stay Positive", "Tomorrow's a new day", "Don't give up things; will be better soon." none of those things are going to make you feel much better today. Know you have lots of friend here that know the feeling of being over whelmed and you can always come here to vent.

Hope the suns shining bright for you soon. Take Care.

Another thing, Cordelia - the name of this thread should be "RA and HIGH tolerance for problem management"!!!  Because I know a whole lot of people that surely would have lost their minds by now if they had to deal with all the stuff you've had to in the past couple of months. Thanks for the empathy all. I really needed some.

Jasmine, wow, yes I sort of relate...it has to get better soon. I am so unwell as the moment all I want to do is curl up and rest and I keep having to deal with this stuff, geez.

Dotty, what you said was lovely and it was a pleasure to answer your first post with empathy and kindness. See, I remember, the shock I felt when first dxed, how isolating it was, how despairing, and confusing...I have a heart for the people at that stage and always try to talk to them.  I think it can make a huge difference when newly diagnosed if someone further down the track reassures them and supports them.

Sarah, yeah, I know you relate right at this moment. One more thing on top of this disease can be the straw that broke the camel's back.

(((((hugs))))  I know how it is with one thing after the other Cordy.  We are still going thru one thing after the other here.  It is overwhelming for anyone whether or not they have a chronic illness or not.  The chronic illness just makes it all that much more difficult to deal with.  There are times I just break down and have myself a good cry.  It is really cathartic for me to do that.  I also at times just have to look at things with a sense of humor.  If I didn't, I would probably be resting in a nice white room with soft walls and a sports jacket that goes on backwards. 

What you are feeling and what you are going thru are perfectly normal.  Personally...I admire you.  You deal with this stupid disease...are a single mom...do all the stuff that I rely on my husband and kids to do for me on your own.  I see you as a strong, loving, and kind woman.  Always a support to people here no matter how you are feeling. 

Good lord woman yes! We understand! Man have you got it rough right now....but everything happens for a reason. That's how my entire last year went, one horrible thing after the other. Just ask Liz, she got to hear aaaaaaalllllllll about it.


You'll make it through this, and just being sane right NOW is a miracle. So what if you wanted to break down and cry. My god you have EVERY right. When you get a moment, take some "me time" You deserve it.



(((Hugs))) Heck yes we understand.  I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time and hope things start to turn around.  It just plain sucks that when something goes wrong it ALL seems to go wrong.  Take good care of yourself.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Oh Cordie, I am sorry you are dealing with so much at once. I wish there was something I could say or do to lighten your burden. Sometimes a good cry does wonders for me when I am most overwhelmed.

Try to take a little time for yourself. If you can spare a few dollars,  sneak away for a pedicure. Although it seems trivial and an extravegance, it really brightens my day. It probably seems dumb to others in the face of such problems.... ok, now i am rambling...sorry

I do hope things get better soon for you sweetie!

Yes, I know exactly how you feel...did you see my post "feeling bad"? I know how you feel, like everything is crashing down all around you. {Hugs} to you sweetie...I hope everything turns around for you.

I'm so sorry about everything going on right now.  Wow.  The leaking home would throw me over the edge for sure.  I felt like that this morning when Lily woke up with a sore throat.  I mean, most moms would be like hmm...it will pass.  I'm freaking out because she usually gets Strep, then seizures, antibiotics don't agree with her, etc...I get all upset and then flare.

So here I sit with my sick girl, flaring, looking at all of the packing we need to do to move out this weekend, the work I need to do for my job, the cleaning, phone calls....ahhhhh and that's really all little stuff except for the health things!

I TEWTALLY understand.  I think you all are amazing.  Hang in there - you really deserve the best, Cordy.  We all care very much and are totally cyber holding your hand.



I feel so bad for you............If I could get there I'd bring my wet vac, oh, thats right, no electric..............

Trying to make you laugh!  Hope it worked.

Give yourself a great big hug from me ok?


All your kindness just makes me feel. Joonie, Lovie, Steph, Katie, Neasy, Deb, I feel thoroughly cared for between all of you.

And Jasmine, you are right about the change of title.

Take your time!!!!! Don't push yourself too much. Furniture is replacable. As much as that would suck, which would be worse? Being without a chair or cabinet for a while, or being so stiff, sore, miserable for a while?


We're always here when you need us!!!

Hang in there Cordelia - I know you need water, but that's not a good way or place to get it.   Hope you can get some response from your Agency soon.  Please be careful with shifting stuff!  If I lived on your side of the ditch, I'd come around at help ya!!  And bring my big strong son and his big strong blowing machine.

Do you have a dehumidifier - oh - right - no power for that.  What about insurance??  Insurance Co. sent a man with a machine to me once when my basement flooded.

Take care and hope you get sorted soon.
Good point Katie. I am feeling anxious too as I don't want my Property Manager in my house...she so doesn't understand RA and I am not coping at the moment, my house is a hovel. Last time she was here, she made a comment about me going into a nursing home and putting Neve in foster care...as you can imagine I am feeling friendly towards her. 

Oh that's so sad about your friends nephew :( :( :( :(


And as far as your property manager goes. PSHAW. What a meanie. (isn't THAT putting it nicely!) Tell her you don't need a nursing home, just a maid. Sheesh. My property manager...sucks. I am in no mood for RA ignorant people. Hi Cordy, Just sending good thoughts your way. If there was some way to help you I would. Remember, we're all here for you in spirit. I echo everything everybody said. Many hugs.


 Keep your chin up Cordy things will get better

 How in the world do you remember all those names when your answering posts? If it's more than one I always leave somebody out

 On a side note of the wet carpet it could be worse, son and I came home to horrible smell one night, went downstairs to his room and EEWWW the toilet had been running, filled the septic tank, over flowed out the shower and commode, and we had about 4 inches of poopy water in the den, bedroom and bath! Talk about a nightmare


You are absolutely right, Mona...it could be worse. I am seeing the silver lining now. 


Or it could be like the time my upstairs neighbors flushed unflushable tampons, and backed up the ENTIRE BUILDING'S PUMBLNIG. >.< (only 4 units, but STILL)

There was poopy water in my sink, toilet, bathtub - KITCHEN SINK AND DISHWASHER.

But I'm sorry for little George and his parents.

Hi Cordy, I am sitting here thinking surely things can't get any worse for you!!!  I will say a prayer and hope things improve today.  At least you still have your sense of humour.  As for your friends nephew that is just tragic, again I will pray for her and him.  I wish I was nearer so I could come and help you shift the furniture then we could have a pity party together!!!!  Take care and remain your bright happy self, love Janie.

Look!! Over there in the corner!! I see it!! Your humor is doing the backstroke!


YAY for other people moving your furniture!!!!!!!! Take it easy!!!

Oh Cordelia...I am so sorry that your overcome with burdens. I hope everything turns around for you soon. My "Marco-Polo" RA has been giving me a fit as well...I lift you up in prayer. God equips the unequiped...if you know what I mean.

Thank you so much for telling me your story...It's helps to know I am not crazy and that others are going through the same or worse, and that we all have somewhere safe to come. I am sooo very sorry for those of you who have been struggling for years to find some comfort. I can't imagine what it must be like.

You are such a sweet soul...may God bless you and your family.

Oh, Blessed, you're a darl. Glad you like the story, let me know if you want to know more or have any questions.

Things have to get better soon here.

Oh no Cordy, I only just now saw this post.  Well, I am sorry to hear what you've been through these last days.  It does seem to be true that when it rains it pours (no pun intended

Glad to hear that you have something of a plan and people to carry it, and your furniture, out.

I wondered were you were, Linda. 

Cordy the SES is great for coming round and getting you out of trouble with the flooding.  They are always such nice guys.  I also agree that the title of the thread should be changed.  I think that most of us have an incredibly high tolerance.  We put up with SO much on a daily basis, that many, many people would not be able to come close to dealing with.  Then you add the regular hassles like cars and computers (and floods).  It's not surprising that at some time the final straw has to come.  I know people at work that can't handle a traffic jam, for Pete's sake, get a life.  We with RA are versitile, roll with the punches, creative, strong people. 


You're doin' fine girl.  Just keep breathing deep and have a cuppa.  The sun will start to shine again soon. 



Cordelia, you are so kind in responding to other people and here you have so many problems of your own. Yes, RA makes everything magnified, I find that ra pain makes things worse because you have to think and do what needs to be done in a pain and drug induced fog. It is sometimes maddening because we never know what is around the next bend for us and that is what is so flustrating, not only do we have to deal with everyday life with its ups and downs and crisis, but also with the lows and mediocore living of ra. Hugs and loads of sympathy to you. I do hope life give you a break at this time.((hugs)) Oh Cordy...our thoughts and prayers are with your friends family.  I just can't even imagine what they are going thru. 

I am glad the SES is coming out to help you.  Here in the States we have local townships to help or if the disaster is reallly big we have the National Guard. 

You seem more chipperin your last few posts.  GOod to see that !!!

Hey Cordy...just checking in to see how things are going today.  Hope things are looking up.


Good morning from here,

This morning everything is fine...no new water entered the building, power was back on yesterday, feet are dry so it's all good.

Thanks, Vanessa for your lovely words. I was saying to someone last night that I could do with a nice dull remission...I have had lot's of RA adventure now a bit of dullness would be fab.
Gramma, I can't imagine what my friends are going through either, sheez, what an awful thing to be told.

You know me, I never stay down for long. to all.

I guess you can see the light at the end of the tunnel?  Hope the tunnel is a short one

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