update on funky rash | Arthritis Information


got biopsy results today
still dont know much, but biopsy showed a few possibilities, first of is lymes some others in btw that i dont know the name and small chance its lupus.... sooo yea getting blood work for lyme tomorrow. AHHHH i go to school in monday! im gonna be 10 hours from home i need this figured out and soon! good news is the rash is a bit better lol its gonna go away before we know wat its from!Well then, let's hope for Lyme's!!  Don't forget about us when you're at school.  Will be waiting for the mystery rash to be identified and disposed of.


At least it seems like you're getting somewhere...even if it is on the slow boat to China...

Gee if it is lymes you may be cured of arthritis! Let's all hope for that.

Sure would explain a lot and sure would be better than having RA. Don't get me wrong; it's serious....but you can be "cured". Here's to wishing little one.

Good Luck!

Hope you find out soon...and good luck with school next week!!


 Well Lil Mermaid I dont know if your news is good or bad. hummm, anyways glad your a little better, you made me itch to death just lookin at ya
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