OT If..... | Arthritis Information


you were to pick the one thing that always makes you smile, what would it be?? I love hearing the sound of happy children.  You know the deep belly laughs they get when they are over tired, or the sound of pure and complete joy as they burst out of the school doors onto the playground at recess.  Makes me smile just thinking about it.Neve's soft, dewy face first thing in the morning.  My granddaughter's sweet laugh! Absolutely pure joy!Linda, What's yours?


 DITTI NINI!!! Ain't nothing like  Emma's gigglesAnd my kitties. They're so puurrrrrfect!!

Seeing my children succeed, babies, and puppies.

I know, I know...that's three things. But Katie had two!

Picturing in my mind my 5 beautiful sons, and my sweet grandson and his belly laugh. The girls they love, and the man I love with his mischievious smile. So much to be thankful for.

My childrens little faces especially when they are sleeping - priceless!  Janie. My kids. We always get a good laugh watching old family movies of them when they were little. Now they are 14 and 19. They grow up so fast!


 And then you have grandchildren


My daughter!  She's 2 and she's learning all kinds of new words.  Some of them she butchers to death but it's cute.  Example: supermarket is a stupid market.  And the best thing in the world.  She just learned how to say I love you.  Has to be the best thing in the world when she says it.  I definitely smile.Steph,

I think little Isabel is right...it is a stupid market. I hate going to the stupid market...I can see from now on I will forever call it the stupid market...thanks Isabel seeing happiness in the faces of my children and hubby [QUOTE=Linncn]

you were to pick the one thing that always makes you smile, what would it be??

After a visit there today, I have to agree.


When my Cat is holding my very hyper dog down and grooming (licking) her all over from head to toe. It is just so cute and sweet!!!LMAO The Stupid Market.  I may be a little odd here but It always makes me smile to see an older couple (say in their late 60s-70s) holding hands. Sometimes you can just see how in love they are.

Seeing my kids happy healthy and safe!!

These are all things of joy! How lucky we are to be able to share them.Having a good day where I can spend time with my kids without being held back by a flare up.
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