Lindy’s doing a happy dance | Arthritis Information


Got my liver functions back today and they're NORMAL!!  The last two have been slightly elevated and RD was going to pull me off MXT

He sent me to a different lab because he had been having trouble with the lab that I had been using.  Goes to show you that all normal values and abnormal values aren't created equal. 

I'm dancing tonight. 

LinB39317.8658796296GREAT news Lindy!!! How elevated where they before your RD considered taking you off the methotrexate? Just several points above normal or significantly elevated?Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOOHOO LINDY!! Thats maaaauvelous dahling!

Hi Brisen, just a few points above normal.  Lab before last was just a a point of two above normal.  The next lab was a few more points.  To me not significant but my RD doesn't allow any wiggle room when it comes to liver functions.  When we're on these meds they can elevate and you can get in trouble very quickly.  I didn't want to get to the point that I'd have to have a liver biopsy.  I had one many years ago when I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and don't particularly want another one.  Great news  !!!Excellent! My liver function has been doing the same thing over the past few months. Most recently, my AST was 69, ALT 78, and ALP 144. I was certain my RD would stop my methotrexate at last visit, but he doesn't seem too concerned. I'm the one that's starting to worry about it...Go Lindy! Go Lindy!  That is fantastic!!!  Way to go!!!!! 

YAAAAAY!  That is really great news.  So happy for you

I had the same thing happen and had to go off MTX.  Now he doesn't want me to go back on it.

Way to go!   Good news!

brisen:  and others:

here is the lab site I mentioned.

I hope it posts properly. It is funded by a grant and I actually get emails back from the professionals who voluntarily run it for the public. First site I've seen that talks personally about your own blood work.  If I have any question about test results and ranges, that I think are important to question, I email them.

Take care


Joanne, thanks for the site.  I'm a nurse so I usually can translate and understand what's going on but this site will still be helpful.  I'm going to take a look at the site later today when I can concentrate a little more.  Thanks, Lindy

Take care,

That is WONDERFUL News, Lindy! I am happy you can stay on your meds that are making you feel and do much better.

Now, do not over-do on the happy dancing