Dental Work & TNF | Arthritis Information


Someone posted recently that you need to take antibiotics if you are to have dental work while taking an anti-TNF.  Is this true?  Neither my RD nor my pharmacist has mentioned anything about that?



I have been on TNF drugs for almost 9 years. I have had a lot of dental work with out antibiotics.

None of the 'official sites' for enbrel, remicade, or humira tell you to take antibiotics when having dental work.

Common sense tells me if you need a root canal or have a tooth extracted due to infection, you should take antibiotics because your immune system is suppressed. 

My dentist says no. 

We've found that I am VERY slow to heal. I don't take Humira any more.....but I do take MTX and the healing process is still slowed. Only once when I had a bad tooth did I stop the MTX for a week until I was better; but every time (Which has been many lately) I've had a root canal or anything invasive done in my mouth my dentist hands me a script for an antibiotic just to be on the safe side. The two times he didn't I had to call and get one three days later because the pain wasn't getting better.

It might be a case of trial and error. You might just have to see how you'll react. It's not writen in stone anywhere that you have to.....but often (in my case anyway) it's nessesary.

Good Luck. I hate going to the dentist; but it's super important!
