OT? Blog about RA | Arthritis Information


So I was in a half funny, half educational mood, and I did a blog about my stupid jaw. But I'm sure I'm not the only one here with this issue, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy...



I guess that's a great description because I have never had it settle in my jaw, but now I kinda "get" the pain of it.  Well, as much as you can without actually experiencing it.  Which I hope I never do.  ANd I sure wish you didn't either.It's all good. I think it's one of those places in the body that people don't realize can be affected. From what my doctors tell me, it's not incredibly common, and there's not really anything they can do about it. Oh, except reposition it, and "cut" the top into a more round shape. Uh, no thanks......I'll just NOT open my mouth as far.....


Pretty Neat Katie! I've never had the problem but I've heard Joonie talk about how bad it is

I told one of my GP's about it, and all he told me was... "Don't chew it then."  What am I suppose to do? Play "Breakout" with it in my mouth? You know like take your tounge and press it up against the roof of your mouth and then peel it back down with your tounge and then press it up against the roof of your mouth again, all of it without actually moving your jaw.

Yes, folks I have done that before, and I only do that when I get ahold of some Bubble-licious Cotton Candy flavor. I just like the taste of the gum juices

Chewing gum is the DEVIL!!

LOL Yup, I do that one too, Joonie. Bubulicious is the most RA friendly gum.

I can't even have a real conversation, because within a few real sentences I cant move my jaw..

 I have a small jaw anyway and going to the dentist is   terrible because he  gets this jaw to open wide enough for a Mack truck to drive through..  the teeth feel fine,  but my jaw hurts for a week.

Kathy, my jaw was stunted in growth. My bottom one is so much smaller. I SHOULDN'T have an over bite. But the RA caused my bottom jaw to stop growing. I have days like you talk about, and it's miserable. I can't imagine being like that all the time. :(Hey... I never thought about why my bottom jaw has teeth crowding. I can feel in my bottom jaw with tounge that one side of my jaw curves inward more than my other side. It of course is on my left side, the side of my body that is much smaller than my right side, and not because I am dominate righty either, it is stunted a noticable difference my whole left side, mainly my limp because my left leg is like 1/2inch shorter than my other. But oh well... I have lived with my "patent" limp this long why not the rest of my life
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