Cysts on legs?? | Arthritis Information


Hi,I posted a few weeks ago regarding my sister in the Uk with a swollen leg.
Apparently the swelling is caused by cysts behind her knees that have ruptured.
The Hospital has told her to rest as there is nothing they can do and it is common in RA,personally I have never heard of it
Has anyone suffered with this ??if so how did you manage?
They might be "bakers cysts". I have them behind both knees and my Dr. said to do nothing unless they start to hurt. Well, they're hurting now so I guess I'll have to tell him. You can google it to get more information. I have a golf ball sized lump behing each knee.Bakers cysts can get really big - like a toy footballYikes !!!!
I will let her know when I speak with her tomorrow.
I will google it later.
Thankyou for your replies.agatha39318.6765162037Oh Miles!  And Marian, do you have them too?  Boy, what will RA think up next?  Agatha, I've never heard of it before now.  Hope your sisters feeling well soon.

I had really big ones where that swelling was not just behind my knee but had started down my calf. (Not as big as a kid's football)

My knees were incredibly stiff, they could bend but it took time. My Rd said if they got bigger or painful he would drain them.  They are down in size to like grade B eggs (the tiny cheap ones).

Sorry this was 15 or 20 years ago, they gradually went down. Took a long time. 

I have them. they  get bigger at times, then shrink on their own.. they can be really painful

 Its a buildup of synovial fluid behind the knee.. I wonder how it wanders over there?


Oh man Bakers Cysts SUCK SO MUCH. >.< I used to get them all the time. :( They hurt so bad, but I've never had one rupture, though I know they can. I can't imagine how much that hurts!!! The best thing to do when you're getting one, is immobilize that knee. It'll heal itself if you catch it quick enough. Otherwise a lot of times they have to drain it. *shivers*Yea, I'd read that too, to immobilize the leg. But what am I supposed to do when BOTH of my knees have them? I wonder if it's strange that both knees got them. I've had them for months and my knees do hurt more, so I'm trying to build up the muscles around them and I need to drop the 20 lbs. I gained in the last year. I hate how they feel, large lumps behind my knees.I don't know miles, I've never had them  in both knees :( I'm sorry!!!!

Ouchie, I hope that your friend will try and stay off her feet and immobilize them for awhile.  I know it's hard when they're bilateral.  I had Bakers behind both knees but they weren't large, smaller than an egg and they eventually went away.  I was flaring really bad and could hardly walk.  That was a couple of years ago and haven't had them since. (Knocks on wood)

Your doc will drain them if they become too large or if they're interfering with walking or very painful. 

Miles, hope you can give your legs some rest.  It may help.  Hot and cold might help also.  Lindy

I've had them before as well. My doctor always gives me a cortisone shot and they get better. I've never had one rupture....I hear that can be horrible. Hope she's feeling better soon.