newbie question | Arthritis Information


I think I am getting a bit tiresome, particularly to people who are in so much worse shape than I am, but here goes anyway.

I've posted already so I'll try to be brief with the details.   I started seeing a rheumy in April, the only treatment I 've had so far is 5 milligrams of prednisone.

I've made an appointment with a new rheumy for November 1st for a second opinion.

My right shoulder has been bothering me for the last few weeks, nothing I can't stand.  I think it may be bursitis as I had it last year and am a bit familiar with the symptoms.

My fingers are starting to puff up a bit which really concerns me as I I had a hard time using my hands until I started the prednisone.

My question is this.  Now that I'm getting some symtoms again is it okay to wait until November for my second opinion and hopefully something that will actually treat the disease.

My hands started swelling in February.  I'm awfully worried about damage.  Is this still early enough to wait a couple more months if the symptoms stay mild?

And if they get worse should I go to my original rheumy?  I 'm just afraid he may start me on something different than the new doctor will.

I kind of found the 1st doctor myself and really wish I had taken the advice of my family doctor who had other suggestions.

I look forward to your input as I'm kind of worried that I may be moving out of the treat early window.

I really would prefer to wait until the 1st of November and see the new doctor before I do anything else.



See if you can get on a cancellation list to be seen sooner. Until then, can you take pictures of the swelling? And document what you are feeling and where. That way when you do finally get to go in, you have something more concrete than "well sometimes I hurt" KWIM?

I would call the 1st rheumy dr and see what they say. I wouldn't wait until Nov. you could have damage happening now and need to do something about it. Did you have blood work done the first time? Sometimes ra doesn't always show up but with it going to other joints and your fingers puffy........I would say (of course my opinion not a dr) it sounds like ra.

Best wishes and keep us posted.

3+ months is a long time. I would call my GP and see if they could make a call on your behalf. It has speeded things up for me in the past.FWIW- I agree with the advice that you need to be seen by a rheumy or a primary care while the disease process is active.  That will help the dx. I think you've already gotten some good advice.  I just wanted to add that you're not getting tiresome so don't worry about that.  Many of us here post multiple times as new questions, concerns, etc. crop up.  If you can't "talk" to us here, who know what you're dealing with, who can you?  Never, ever wait that long if you are are symptomatic. Things are changing...shoulder, finger swelling...obviously enough for you to write this...November is too far away. Call the new rheumy office and tell them that things are getting worse and that you need an appointment before 1st Nov.

You are not tiresome. Many questions is normal.

Why are you getting a second opinion? Sorry, but I so can't remember...   HI there and welcome! I agree an earlier appointment is a good idea. Prednisone? Who prescribed it? Did you get any other medication specifically for RA? Hope I haven't asked too many questions. LyndaOh yeah don't worry about asking questions. Shoot, I think I've probably asked the same question twice in one day before.


Thanks so much for the advice.

I've already been diagnosed by the first rheumy with sero negative arthritis.

I presented with active symptoms, swelling, etc. He prescibed prednisone as my sole therapy and that's why I'm seeking a second opinion.  My hands were swollen from February until the end of April when I had my first appointment.  I had a cortisone shot which eradicated the swelling for a couple of weeks.  Then a month to see if the arthritis would resolve itself and then prednisone.

Perhaps I will have to go back and see the 1st doctor.  He was going to give me methotrexate which I was scared to take but when the prednisone worked so well he thought I should stick with that and not risk the side effects of mtx. 

I told him I was will ing to try it because I thought I needed something to prevent damage.

Frankly, I'd rather start with plaguenil (SP?)  as I've read it is more benign but he told me not much plaquenil is used in his office.

That's why I'd like to wait for the second opinion.

Do you think I could incur much damage in 2 months?  I don't think I have any so far.

Long-winded again!   Thanks for all the information.

