New here | Arthritis Information


Hi there, very happy to be here!  I found out I had RA about 1.5 years ago.   I am Stay at home mom to two wonderful little kids 3 and 1 years old.  I have been married for 6 years to a wonderful supportive man.  That said, I am desperately in need of people who understand and I am happy to be here, I hope to get to know some here!



Hi Kylie,

Welcome I see you are not being shy, that is a good thing. WOW your kids are pretty small compaired to mine. 21, 20 & 18. Enjoy the time with them now it will be gone in the "blink of an eye". I know it is a corny old saying but as our children are leaving we realize how true it is. I am pretty newly DX myself and find this site to be a great place to hang out with people who do understand. Again welcome.



Hello Kylie!!! Don't feel put off if not too many people greet you in this post. The majority of folks just check in on the RA Forum. Not really sure why, that's just the way things go around here. Nice to meet you!!!Thanks for the welcome!  I realized after posting where everyone is!  Oh well thanks. 