Hi, New old guy here | Arthritis Information


Hi Bob!  I am new here too!  I can't wait to read your posts, I bet you have a lot to share! Kylie39319.5504166667

Hi Bob,

Welcome to the site. You are one of a few of the men on a female dominated site but they are a great bunch of women. Everyone here is full of great info and is open to new input as well.  Feel free to jump in and join any conversation.


Hi Bob! welcome to the board!

Yeah, we are proud of our guys for sticking around with all over us female and womanly talk.

Hope to see you around


Welcome Bob! You can link this forum all you want. There's no real owner....well, there is but no ones ever heard or seen from him!!!!


Hope to hear a lot more from you!

Hi and welcome...there are many of us here that aren't "at the mercy of the docs" and many of us that have tapered our doses of Pred. and been able to come off it, with the help of biologics and dmards.  Dmards are given in such small doses compared to their uses for other diseases that I was comfortable with taking them.  Remicade is another story, but as far as I'm concerned the long term effects of Presnisone are worse than Remicade.  I'm pre diabetic, have eye changes and osteopenia due to Prednisone.  I decided to take the dreaded drugs based on my research and working in partnerships with my rheumatologist and primary doctor.  I research to the nth degree and for my combination of auto immune diseases this was the best treatment plan. 

After much trial and error I have yet to find a food or food group that bothers me.  I wish that there were foods that triggered my arthritis.  Dropping foods from my daily diet would be preferable to relying on Dmards and Biologics. The only substance I don't eat is processed sugar.  I find that it causes inflammation and swelling.  Many people find foods that they can't eat because they cause  inflammation, swelling and pain.  We do what we have to do to live a joyful, painfree life to it's fullest. 

I hope that you continue to have progress with RA and that your choice of treatment plans continue to work for you.  That's really what we all desire.  Take care.  Lindy  

Hey Bob!! Welcome to the board.

HI Bob~Welcome to AI. Jay's right. We don't have too many guys here that are active. I'm not sure if we run them all off with our girlie drama; or they just don't have time for us on a regular basis....but the few we have we value greatly. We'll be happy to have your contribution to the site what ever it may be. I'm sure our other regular guys will appreciate the support as well.

Welcome to AI. I'll look forward to checking out your blog as time permits. Glad you're here.

Nice to meet you Bob...welcome!Hi Bob! Welcome!!! Lot's of good information and support here, so do stick around! 

 Welcome to the best place you could be! there seems to more and more of us men opening up about RA. for me it was hard to admit to myself that this monster ( good description!) had found me.

 The Ladies at this site are nothing less than Angels sent from Heaven, they will make you smile and Laugh, and at times you will find tears running down your face because you understand these issues also.

 Good People Care about Each Other


Hi Bob...welcome!

Welcome Bob!

There are a few of us guys. You didn't say how old you are so I assume I'm younger and better looking.


A very Warm Welcome to you Bob!  Great to meet you!


Welcome Bob! We're always glad to have another man join our group. It keeps things interesting. There are many wonderful people here and if you must have RA, you couldn't find a more understanding and welcoming group with whom to share the ups and downs. (sorry...that sentence didn't want to end

I don't think I have met or welcomed Kylie or Leroy, either. Glad to have you both here, too.

Sign on anytime, Bob. There's always someone here. We have some great discussions...some serious and some get hysterically funny

Looking forward to hearing more from you and all the other new members I have not yet met. Lately, it seems we have several new folks every day! It's great!

A new feature has kind of appeared and taken on a life of it's own. The past 3 or 4 days, a "chat" is started by someone (anyone). It's mostly OT, but lots of fun, interesting topics. People just seem to pop in and out all day. I've really enjoyed it...when I can keep up

Note to group: "Have I pretty much got it right about the "chat"?"

Anyway, good to have you here!

Be well,



Nailed it on the head Nini. It's really just a place to be random and talk about "other stuff" We really are some serious talkers....lol

Welcome, Bob.  This is a really active board with many contributors that offer much to those in need.  Just knowing you're not alone with this disease is so helpful.  I try not to whine to my family, but feel more inclined to "share" here.

Come often...I try to do that more these days after joining 2 years ago and largely disappearing for a really long time because it's  hard to sit at a computer when you work with computers all day long.  Talk about bringing your work home with you.....anyway do visit often.

Molly Bee


Hi Bob

Welcome you've probably got loads of info to share.

Welcome Bob!


Your 12 years of experience, however painful, can be a boon of information to us on this site. I find that being here comforts me in a way not many other sources of support do. Plus, I now have another man to talk with!!!!!

Hope you have a pain free day and please let me know what treatments are working for you!

Hi, Bob! Cheers to a pain free day! (clink, clink)
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