98.1 temp and sweating | Arthritis Information


Ok so I just checking my temp and it is 98.1 and I am sweating. Now why would I be sweating if my temp is below the normal body temp?

Because sweating is what cools the body to keep it at a normal temp.  Well, dearie because RA can do that and also meds can do that. I always sweated way more than normal even before meds...I spend the summer melting, literally so it may have naught to do with your actual body temp, sweetie.  Yeah joonie, remember you're on a much higher dose of prednisone!Yeah, PRED LADY! OMG Katie! I'm gonna try it. This may be just what I need for my hot flashes!I always keep a large (approx 12" x 18") flexible cold pack in the freezer.  If I get overheated/sweaty, I'll lay down with the ice pack under my back for 10 or 15 minutes.  Heaven on earth.


On behalf of all the men on this board Do Not let us know how it works out for you!  But good luck. Just kidding.

I was at 98.1 after I got outta the shower that is what I posted on here. Then we went to inlaws and I checked my temp after we left there to go to wal-mart, my temp was 97.6 not sweating felt just fine.

Then I checked my temp again after we got outta wal-mart because I was sweating... and it was 98.6. Then I checked it again when we were on our way to my mommy's house and it was 97.8.

I just checking it right now... and my temp is 98.9. And I tired. I should have checked it when I was over my mommy's house, because I felt blah while I was over there, but forgot the thermometer in the car, and forgot when I got back to the car.

I am not sure if I am running a fever or not. It is weird. How I flucuate like that in my temp in like less than an hour of taking it.

Temperature flucuates throughout the day in everybody.  I don't know how mcuh and how often, but I know that it isn't condsidered a fever unless it's a degree over normal.  My temp is always pretty low, so if it gets over 98, I consider it a fever. I don't know if a doctor would though. 

I sweat so much that the back of my hair looks like a cats been sucking on it all the time!!

I was a sweater before RA and am now even worse. I have a hard time finding deodorant that will work as well. Does anyone else have this problem as well?

Hummm... it seems like MIL said anything for her in the 99 range is a temp. She is a cancer survivor and I think that is what her oncologist told her to consider a fever for her now. Which is true for when she gets sick. I will see her with a thermometer in her mouth and she will say 99.something and say she knew she had a fever.

*shrugs shoulders*

Yeah, I just noticed the other day, I could smell my pits after I took a shower and put deodorant on.

*smells right pit*

Yep, I put deodorant on 2 times today and I still can smell myself thru it. I think I need to swich back to Secret as this soft&dry is not cutting it.

Never smelt myself when I used Secret - Baby PowderFresh.

I LOVE the smell of baby powder!! At one time the Dollar General had Baby Powder scented air freshners and I would buy 4 of them and put them up all over my house
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