updateness rash | Arthritis Information


No more humira for me, prednisone has been uped to 10 for the next few weeks while im without humira and before i can get to my rheumy, they still dont know what the rash was from but i had the blood work for lymes which si soooo unlikely, lupus is small chance and its come up before as a possibility but the rash is going away and i feel like they are just gonna forget about it when it does. most likely it was just an allergic reac tion to my humira.... sooo my rheumy is taken me off it completely,

Completly forever?  Maybe you'll be an Enbrel girl, like me

Anyway, I'm glad it's getting better.  It's over stayed it's welcome.

Yeah that rash needed to GO! Sorry it seems to be from the Humira :( They'll figure something out for you! Hang in there!!!yea, its not for sure humira, but im not taking it again just in case, i still have it, but its less itchy and not as red sooo thats good :)

I don't blame you about the Humira.  I'd be wary too.  I'm glad your rash is finally clearing up.  That looked so so so uncomfortable!  I hope that you find another medication that works even better for you!  No more side effects!



The one way to definitely find out if it is from Humira is to stop the med and wait until the rash clears.  Restart the med and if the rash comes back it is from the Humira.  This is what I had to do with the nasty rashes I got from Enbrel before my dermatologist and rheumy would finally agree with me that it was the med.

yea i guess, humira has a pretty long half life though and i dont really want to have the rash anymore thre is no way i can deal with that itchiness while at school! looks like im going back to enbrel.... blah i started humira cause enbrel didnt really work, but humira worked even less... they are still looking into what the rash is from but its going away sooo im betting they will give up, once the lyme test comes back negative(most likely) i dont think they will look more into lupus although i think they should, its come up before with my rheummy doing all the tests, but bloodwork never shows it.... but yea
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