Best info on Pred | Arthritis Information


Hi All my PMR friends:

This forum has been so helpful and supportive to me since I discovered it I wanted to pass on a link that is the best I have found on Pred.  I do a lot of research on the internet and this is by far the best I have found.  I hope it gives insight and maybe some help into the side effects, diet, vitamins, etc. of being on Prednizone.  Here it is:

It is so good to be able to talk with all of you and receive understanding of what we are going through together.  My prayers, cyber and otherwise, are with you all.


Missy, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to copy+paste this post and put it in the RA section as well. SOOOOO many of them are on Pred, and you've brought out a WONDERFUL resource for them! Thanks muchly!!!Thank you for posting, it is a very informative article. Mary

Thanks Missy!

This is the most extensive article I've seen. 

Good job!


Thanks Missy, a great article. Helped me understand better the ups and
downs of of dosage. I feel that the choice is between the lesser of two evils,
and it seems to change every day!Missy,

What a great article! Thanks.

Ditto on the excellent reveiws... making me wonder if I should call & ask to
begin reducing, bit on the other handm ad an unbelievably stressfull, over
active week and shoulders hurt tonight for 1st time in weeks

Hi All:  It really pleases me that so many of you received benefits from this aritcle.  Sharing is so important when we are in this together.  I am really fighting weight gain, but I have decided that I will wait out the leveling off of my dosage and then seriously reduced my food intake.  In the meantime I am just trying to eat healthy (although still a lot, every couple of hours, oh well, I will enjoy the goodies while I can). 

