OT Vaccines | Arthritis Information


Jock Doubleday, director of the California non-profit corporation Natural
Woman, Natural Man, Inc., has offered ,000 to the first medical doctor
or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of
standard vaccine additives.

The additives would be the same as those contained in the vaccines
recommended for a 6-year-old according to U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and the dose would be body-
weight calibrated. It would include, but not be limited to:

Thimerosal (a mercury derivative)
Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
Phenol (a disinfectant dye)
Benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant)
Formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant)
On August 1, 2007, if no one has taken the challenge, the offer will be
increased to ,000 and will increase at a rate of ,000 per month until
someone accepts.

I thought this was interesting.

I've read about this!

You all know I believe that all AI diseases are infectious in nature.  I keep hoping I hit the lotto and I could make a similar offer to the CEO's willing to take an injection of my synovial fluid.  What a 'test' that would be!


I'm really surprised at how many vaccines these kids get these days. I don't
think they are all necessary but that is my opinion. So many people listen to
everything their doctors tell them. Not me, I question everything.

Good for you!

I just wish I would have years earlier.


The DPT vaccine is known as a "dirty cell" vaccine in the USA, as the FDA does not require the manufacturers to run it through a second cleaning, as all other modernized countries like Japan have in place - laws to ensure it comes out a "clean cell" vaccine.  The autism connection to the DPT vaccine has been a raging war in the medical field for decades now.  And I have a personal experience with this - our good friends' daughter had a baby girl about 25 years ago.  She had her in for her first DPT vaccine, and within six hours this baby was completely paralyzed and could only blink her eyes, and she is still in this state.  But her mind is completely intact, as she can blink and communication yes and no and you know her mind is all there.  Trapped in her own body, its sickening. 

Im sure it is more regulated now then 25 years ago.  And not to sound mean but kinda playin devils advocate here. But the reaction she had to the DPT shot could have been purely coincidental and also rare that it happended in the first place. 

My aunt has not had ether of her 3 girls get any of their shots.  She read one article online years and years ago that the vaccines are made up of aborted fetuses so she refuses to have her kids get the shots.  About 2 years or so ago now the oldest who is now 8 was in the hosptial for almost a week with rheumatic fever I believe (which I am going to keep an eye on down on the road to see if leads to RA, thought I PRAY to God that it doesnt) but I wonder if it has anything to do w/ the fact that she never got vaccines.  Also now they are required to get the chicken pox vaccine.  When I was little (yea i know it wasnt that long ago) it was a right of passage growing up to get the chicken pox vaccine

Sorry, but America has NEVER taken care of it's own.  If there is a way to save $ on the process then we are not going to get the same protections as other 1st world countries.  Period.  This is part of the reason France keeps saying 'no' to our beef.  So we then turn around and say 'well, none of this other stuff' and the other countries knuckle under. 

So it may be rare and it may be coincidence but when it happens enough times it's called ancedotal evidence.  Enough ancedotal evidence and you have a possible connection that you'd think drug manufacturers would want to prove one way or the other.  But the money it would cost to retool and redevelop those meds is astronomical so...business as usual.  All I have to say is if it was our child we'd be a lot more pro-active. 

But I do agree about the 'herd' mentality in that some parents are opting out of these shots HOPING that the other kids parents did not.  And we do need a lot of the vaccines they do get.

But like Jasmine said - this newer stuff is scary.  I'm stuck with the chicken pox one but not the HPV and my daughter is NOT getting that.  Period.  I'll revisit the question in 10 years after the first long term results are in. 



Most of the reactions to DPT injection are thought to be from the pertussis component. A safer acellular pertussis vaccine has been developed in Japan. In 1991, it was licensed for use in the United States. The old pertussis vaccine is made from dead whole pertussis cells and is mixed with the diphtheria and tetanus vaccines to make the regular DPT shot. The new acellular pertussis vaccine is made of only a few parts of the pertussis cell and is also combined with the diphtheria and tetanus. There are now several FDA approved vaccines containing accellular pertussis (DTaP). Because of its better safety profile, DTaP is recommended over the regular DPT vaccine for children in the United States.

So, doctors have the choice on whether to give the OLD DPT or the NEW DTaP? 


Pip - you are very smart to avoid the new cervix cancer vaccine:


This is what my mother was given, and is what caused my multiple autoimmune diseases.

"What is known about DES and autoimmune diseases?

Although laboratory animal studies of mice exposed to DES before birth (in the womb) suggested an increased risk of autoimmune disease in female mice, studies among humans have reported mixed results. One study indicated that autoimmune diseases occurred more often in women exposed to DES before birth (in the womb), known as DES Daughters, than in the general population. However, no one autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) occurred more often than others (Noller, 1988). Researchers will continue to explore this issue". 

http://www.cdc.gov/des/consumers/about/concerns_daughters.ht ml


justsaynoemore39320.4431597222I'm not sure I understand. Is the new cervical cancer vaccine somehow
linked to DES? I went to the sites and could not figure out the connectionLori - no tie-in except that DES was "the miracle drug", and it had to be pulled from the market finally because years later it was linked to cancer.  I am just agreeing with Pip, I would never allow my daughter to be given that vaccine, they have no idea yet what is going to happen down the road to the little girls who are vaccinated with it.  DES is the American equivalent of the English "flipper babies" in the 1950s-1960s.  The scariest part about DES is that it was finally banned in 1991 (or 1994 cannot remember) by the FDA, but doctor's continued prescribing it as a pre-natal vitamin until 1997. I got a Hep B vaccine about 2 years before I developed RA and I wish I hadn't
because I've since read the two events could be linked. I'm not even in that
much danger of Hep B exposure.Recently refused the HPV vaccine for my 11 yr. old. Told them I wanted to see how the state of Texas did with it, first.    Ped agreed, but as policy their practice does offer it. They said we had time to wait anyway, but there is a point that it is too late. That part doesn't seem logical to me, but hopefully it will all be sorted out before it comes up for us again.

My cousin doesn't vaccinate her kids at all, and they have been fine - even with a lot of trips to Mexico. Her husband is a chiropractor, and they believe the whole spine thing protects you. I'm not into that, but I do know first hand it takes years for them to really know what vaccines do. My older daughter was in the first batch of 1 yr. olds to get chicken pox vaccines, and lo and behold, was in the first batch to get chicken pox in elem. school. Now they know they need a booster. I expect similar 'breaking news' on the HPV vaccine down the road.         & nbsp;Even the World Health Organization says the primary reason for the chickenpox vaccine is to reduce the amount of time that care providers will have to spend away from work I thought it was also to help prevent shingles later in life?

The HPV virus 'point that it's too late' is sexual activity and exposure to HPV.


[QUOTE=Suzanne]I thought it was also to help prevent shingles later in life?[/QUOTE]

The immunity from the vaccine does not last a lifetime; in fact, it may leave older adults at higher risk.  We just don't know at this point.

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&ST ORY=/www/story/09-01-2005/0004098232&EDATE=
I thought sexual activity, too, but someone told me it wasn't that (and no, I do not plan to wait until I think my daughter is sexually active - I doubt I'd be accurate on that one!).

They just vaccinated her for Hep B (I think it was B)and said it worked for X years and was most important for college years. Doing the math of when she would finish college, I asked if we should just wait a year (considering all the controversy over immunizations for jra kids and their family members; no live vaccines for them; no vaccines for them; no live vaccines for anybody in their universe, totally confusing!). Same type story - need to get it now, get a booster later, or it can be too late.   

I am a vehement advocate of vaccination..

 I believe the thimerisol scare is just that.

Since the invention of vaccines our lives and life expectancy have grown.

When I was young, my friend's mother died of polio..   I couldnt believe a mommy could die.  My older brothers had whooping cough.. They spent WEEKS in the hospital..  I lost an aunt to diptheria.. I have seen photos of a friend  who nearly died of chicken pox..her body looked like  it had 3rd degree burns all over it.

look at this picture www.immunizationed.org/images/cpoxbad.jpg


yes there are some side effects.. there are side effects to EVERYTHING.. If you drink enough water you can die.

My children have received all of their required vaccinations; however, I still disagree with the need for mandatory chicken pox and HPV vaccines for all.

Remember the rotavirus vaccine scare a few years back?

"American Home Products Corp.'s diarrhea vaccine would have killed 12 to 20 infants a year -- about as many lives as it was predicted to save -- if it had been given to every American infant, according to an emergency government study."

h ttp://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/rotavirus/WSJ 102599.shtml


Here in the Uk the HPV vaccine has been approved but we have no National programme of vaccination yet. I am involved in a charity here that supports women with cervical cancer and pre-cancer and is campaigning on this topic. To answer a few of the points raised... The vaccine needs to be given before the chance of sexual activity (which is why it has been suggested to give it to age 11-14) as once you have been exposed to the HPV virus (which is very, very common) the vaccine is useless. The HPV virus has many forms but only a couple are linked to cervical cancer. Those are the ones the vaccine deals with. These forms of HPV can cause an infection that is totally symptom-free and there is no treatment. If during cervical screening cellular changes are found (caused by the HPV infection) that may lead to cancer the only way to deal with them is a) cut them out or b) leave your body to do it's best to cope. You can be a carrier of the virus and never ever know about it, it's passed on by skin contact so contraceptives that prevent other infections are of little use.

I wish I could have had the vaccine but it came too late for me, my Mum (who's still fighting HPV-related cervical cancer) and my sisters. My neice who is now 5 will have the vaccine when appropriate. If I had a daughter she would have it too. Sadly I will never have a daughter due to a combination of problems (with HPV related pre-cancer amongst them).

The HPV vaccine is not related to DES, the two issues have been linked because 'DES daughters' are more at risk of cervical and other types of cancer. HPV related cancer (and pre-cancer) does not only affect promiscuous women, you can get it if you only have one partner your whole life.

I know that choosing whether or not to have your children vaccinated is tough as there are so many conflicting issues. There is so much conflicting advice and information that it is a minefield... I don't envy any of you that decision... I just implore everyone to get facts from a trusted source and go with those facts and your own mind.


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