Absolute fatigue! | Arthritis Information


Ever have one of those days when your heart is full of good intentions but just thinking about doing anything wears you out, thats how I feel today, coming down on pred, halved new antiinflammatory, and inflammation is heading up again.  Hope I get to start new Rituximab soon (Mabthera).  Boy I hope it works.  Hugs Janie.

I had one of those days today too Janie. Just felt like I was run over by a truck. I take my humira shot tomorrow and for a few days before my shot is due, I get really tired and achy.

I hope you feel better soon. My little sister's name is Janie. She was named after our dad's sister Jane but we always called her Janie.

take care

Yes Janie...I have those kind of days more than not. I plan what I will do the next day, what I will get accomplished. The day comes but I have no gumption (sp?). I put a lot of guilt on myself and always feel bad when my husband comes home from work and I've got nothing done. Don't get me wrong, my husband is wonderful about everything, but I tend to read into his every thought and action. I know it is my guilt doing it...not him.

I hope that I am able to find a treatment that works and that will continue to work for a very long time....

I pray that things get better for you Janie and Cindee too!

I don't just have one of those days...wish I did...I have months of it, big patches of it and there is naught you can do when your body is basically putting you to sleep.

I think fatigue is even harder to deal with than the pain sometimes ...right now I have started another patch of fatigue about two weeks ago, who knows how long it will last. I am waiting for Rituximab to start too. Ahhhh.
I plan things in my head too...long before I can actually find the energy to carry out the task...so frustrating. Even the smallest jobs become huge for us and we end up having to break things down into the minutest of pieces hoping we can carry out one small piece and feel a small amount better about ourselves.

I know that guilt you are talking about Blessed. I have it and I don't have a husband coming home...sometimes I manage to let go but that is one of the things I struggle the most with emotionally...letting go of that guilt. If anyone has any bright ideas about letting that go, I would love to hear them.

And the reality is if I let stuff go or don't have the energy so it has to wait  then I have to deal with the disorder from that...disorder is really hard on my arthritic body i.e. trying to find school uniforms for Neve in a pile is much harder on my hands than finding them folded in the drawer or even better her finding them in her drawer and me not having to do anything. But for that to happen...I have to have energy and I don't.

you are spot on cordelia once the house gets to the dissorder stage it is so much harder.that is how i am at the moment. things were going well when i started on arava a few years back. fealt good,energy and pain wise and was able to keep up with the housework . but the last six months that has all gone out the window. pain and fatigue has been intense and my house is now in total disorder. I sure hope embrel will change all that . this fatigue is awful.

I remember  when I thought MAYBE I didn't have rheumatoid arthritis;sometimes the SED rate was normal at the beginning. Now of course, in the last five years, my homocysteine, CRP and SED all flew up and out of control. MTX stopped working.  I also remember a long time ago, I wondered if I had Fibromyalgia, I just wondered outloud when I saw my doctor. All of a sudden, I see he has written on my charts "has fibromyalgia" Have to be careful what we say.

 I always remember Elaine on the Seinfeld show. She went to the doctor, disagreed with him as is her personality and BOOM, it was on her chart "problematic patient".  She was labeled forever in writing.

When I began Humira six weeks ago, I felt my life beginning again.  Wonderful. But everytime I wake up in the mornikng, feeling a little "different" (it's only been six weeks since I've been feeling wonderful) I wonder if the drug is going to stop working. I just stopped MTX and if I DO begin to feel worse, I'll go right back to it, also taking Humira. 

 Wish there were some full body scan,we could do every two months,  like they do when they check out your car, plug in here and there and voila! A printout of what the doctor can do to tune you up!  Then we'd know what meds to take and also what we have. 

Maybe there is hope around the corner; they got this far with the TNF drugs and more in the pipeline. 

Take care


You made me remember the most important feature of taking Remicade.  It gave me renewed energy.  In fact, I had forgotten that fact because my focus for the past few months has always been on relieving that pain.

I used to come in from work (I am a computer facilitator in a large school district) and collapse on the couch while my husband prepared dinner.  I couldnn't move until I'd rested for awhile.  I nearly always fell asleep sitting in a chair  after dinner...and basically took naps wherever and whenever possible.  That doesn't happen anymore.  The energy level continues to run high which enables me to work full-time and still get some things done at home. 

Hope you get that renewal of energy, too, from whatever ends up working for you, Blessed.

I know the fatigue feeling.  The last couple of weeks, since I started Arava I have felt intensely tired.  Hopefully it is just getting used to a new drug and will wear off in a while.  I work part time and some days it is all I can do to get up, go to work and come home and sit on the couch.  Nothing gets done at home.  I feel guilty (of course).  I wonder if it would be better for me not to work and have my energy to spend at home. Or whether it is better for me to get out of the house and go to work and let things happen at home and do the best I can. Sometimes I think that if I didn't have work to go to I wouldn't get out of bed at all. At the moment we need the money I make so I guess that makes my decision for me for the time being.  I guess my contribution at the moment is financial and I have to let that assuage the guilt.  I have heard that with the Arava I might feel better once it starts to work so maybe then I will be able to let the guilts go and be a bit more of a contributor.  I do the cooking and hubby does pretty much everything else.  Although tonight I folded the laundry while I watched telly.  I guess every little bit helps.
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