3rd dose of Methotrexate... | Arthritis Information


I took my 3rd dose of MTX last night. I awoke at 3:30am to BAD gas pains. I was in the bathroom for some time with the poopies (sorry). My tummy's been off all day with gas and poopies...how long does this last?

Hi Blessed, so sorry you are having this experience with the MTX.  I've been on it for almost 4 yrs now, and have had no problems, except once early on, so consider myself lucky. But a few people do seem to get a bit nauseous and tired the day after.

The one time I did have nausea, gas, cramping and then a "blow-out" (sorry) was a busy day at work,where I had skipped lunch and then only had something like a filled roll and yoghurt & coffee at dinner time when I took my pills.   Oh Yeah!!!   I learned really quickly that on my MTX night, I need to eat a really good dinner, then MTX & Placquenil  with two glasses of water straight after.  This is what was recommended by my RH.

Also, are you taking Folic Acid?? 
No...I have not been taking any folic acid. The NP didn't say I needed to. Should I?

Oh Lordy...my husband is snoring so loud I can't hear myself type!!! Hi Blessed, sorry about the problems.  I only had gas and some problems when I first started MXT and they soon went away.  Why did your doc. tell you that you didn't need Folic Acid?  Adding Folic Acid along with MXT is the standard protocol.  FA helps with some of the side effects of MXT.  MXT depletes the FA that your body makes and it needs to be replaced.  FA is needed by your red blood cells.  To be honost with you I've not ever heard of taking MXT without FA.  Please check with your doctor again.  You can buy FA over the counter but because the dosage is much lower per pill you'll have to take several.  Take care and I hope that your plumbing problem soon gets better.  Lindy  Most people seem to be prescribed Folic Acid when taking MTX.  It's to reduce the side effects (hair loss, nausea etc) and I believe that MTX depletes our own Folate levels (or something like that, (not a good brain tonight)- I'm sure someone else will give a better explanation.

Different people on here seem to be on different dosages, but I have 5 mg daily (prescription strength which is stronger than OTC) each night except on the night I take the MTX).

Might pay to give your RH a ring and ask about it, although I know that some don't prescribe it, but I don't think many.

Hope this makes sense Snap LinB 

 Another lesson learned the hard way. Bottom line, folic acid is important  for many things.  I also take a homocysteine formula that has TMG, B6 and B12 and Folic in it since this is things RA sufferers need anyway. 

Take care


many people take the folic acid 7 days a wek.  It all depends on your own particular situation.  It is also controversial world wide about taking folic acid automatically with MTX.

Many European countries will only prescribe it if side effects do occur.  The thought is that since MTX is a folic acid inhibitor that by taking folic acid you end up needing a higher dose of MTX to get the same effective dose that you would if you didn't take folic acid.

Blessed, if you are having side effcets call your doctor.  You can see if the addition of folic acid will deal with the gastro issues or you can ask and try injectable which bypasses the stomach


Hi Blessed,

I have been taking MTX since March 2001 and it has been truly beneficial for me.  I started at 7.5 mg every week and over the years went up where I am currently taking 8 pills a week (on Fri. night) for 20 mg.  I also take the folic acid prescribed by my RD which handles the side effects.  Occasionally I may get one mouth sore which resolves in a day or two, but it's not awful.

On occasion...not every week..I do experience a tinge of nausea the day after taking it.   Mostly I just notice that my appetite is somewhat suppressed on Saturdays.

MTX works best as time goes on.  I didn't really notice it working until about 6 wks or so after starting it.  It's slower to act, but conversely it stays in your system after stopping it.  When I was told to stop it by a former RD, I was fine for about 2 months and then that old pain and swelling came back with a vengeance. 

Hopefully it will help you, too.

When I first went on methotrexade I was told I could divide up my pills during the day.  Seemed to help in the beginning.  I too take folic acid - with what is in my vitamin pill I add - 1 1/2 tablets making it up to 1000 mg per day.Hi, I always try to take them with plenty of food in my stomach, also take a daily dose of metamusel (wallmart's equate brand), it seems to help with digestion of these powerful meds. I take 20mgs mtx, and 1 mg of folic acid. Important so please ask your doctor. take care, Lynda

I've been on it for years. I'm currently taking 25mg a week and I also take Folic Acid everyday. I haven't always taken the Folic Acid. My doctor told me if I had side effects that were troublesome it was improtant but if I wasn't having any problems it was ok not to.

I have some tummy issues several hours after taking it and occationally the next day. They really aren't that bad and they seem to be even less worrisome the longer I've been on it.

I take mine on Saturday nights shortly after dinner. If there are any issues I have all day SUnday to rest and recoup before going back to work on Monday.

I take all 8 of mine Friday morning with my enbrel shot.  I haven't had any of the trouble some of you guys have had. I wonder what the diff is......it affects some so badly, some not at all.  Interesting.  Anyway, you can always switch to the injection if you keep having problems, I guess.

Joanne, I also take a homocysteine mix of vits. prescribed by my cardiologist, plus an additional FA, Vit. D., Mag., and Fish Oil.  After some earlier blood work I had in the hospital, D, Mag, and Fish Oil were added.  I only take MXT 6 days a week because my RD explained to me about the interference with MXT.  He's not been wrong to date, so I followed his instructions after I did some research and found that for the most part RDs are instructing their patients not to take FA on MXT day. 

I use inject.  MXT because it has that little bit more of a push to it.  My body appreciate any extra is appreciated.  I noticed a difference after my first injection.  It's strange that there are so many different protocols for our treatments.  Lindy

Aw, Lisa, I'm sorry! I experience the same thing from time to time. I've been on MTX since the end of April this year. Sometimes it's just gas that makes my husband proud and other times it's lots of poo. Sometimes I don't have any problems at all... I dunno. Hopefully your body will adjust to the new med and your problems will start to taper off. Until then, I've found Cottonelle with aloe to be quite soothing.

I hope you find the regimine that works best for you soon so you can get some relief.  Good luck.

I've been on MTX for 8 years and I take mine on Sunday am. I feel cold most of the day, body exhausted , sometimes stomache upset and this usually carries through to the next day. My kids now affectionately call this time Methotrexate Sunday and Methotrexate Monday and they know not to push my buttons on these days.LOL Becarful about what you eat before taking the MTX. The patient info pamphlet I got from the pharmacy says don't take it with dairy products. I have done that in the past and my tummy wasn't happy. I have found I also have issues if I take it after eating spicey foods. I am now careful to avoid both of these before taking the MTX. I find that this causes less tummy troubles.

I take my MTX at about 4 pm.. that way I am walking around and any gas seems to break up far quicker and less annoyingly..  Rather than a big gas tummyache.

 I still get a little nauseous, so usually take the MTX with a little food,  often an apple.. seems to help a lot.

I take Folic acid too. my insurance wont cover it, so I buy the OTC stuff and take  4X the dose to get  to what is prescribed.  I used to get horrible  mouth sores, but the FA took care of that.

 Hi ALL, Leroy here.

I've been on MTX almost 3 years, does anyone ever feel like an E- ticket ride when it comes on? get a little up tight and shouldnt be around people until it has passed? Linncn we were just talking about this. you feel like your going lose it or anything, but you feel it would be best to be kind of alone for a while?

no other issues with it, but my Niece was just told She has RA, they put her on mtx and after her 1st dose 30% of her hair feel out.



As others have posted taking folic acid or leucovorin (folinic acid) really help with the side effects from the MTX.

My doc has me take 10 mg Leucovorin at the same time I take my MTX (15 mg).  He says that Leucovorin is more effective than folic acid at helping with the side effects from MTX.  He also says that many docs want you to wait 24 hours after taking your MTX to take the Leucovorin, but from his experience, he doesn't see a difference--so just to take them all at once.

All I know, is that the MTX really helps me and I don't have any side effects from it.  So his plan is working for me.  (I've been taking MTX for almost two years now.)

dordale Thanks everyone for your input...it really helps to know how everyone else deals with the issues they get from taking these wonderful drugs.
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