OT - Daily Chat 8/26/07 | Arthritis Information


Why am I still up at 2:30am???? Sheesh. We went to wally world looking for more of those stars for our ceiling, but they didn't have any. Booooo!!

Hope everyone has a great morning!! I have no idea when I'll be around today, probably not until the afternoon, like 4pmish. Maybe earlier if it's slow enough at work. Until then, y'all be good!!!!!!!

Morning ya'll! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's gone by far too fast in my opinion.

I woke up with my hands hurting this morning. I've been wearing the splints at night and slowly but surely the relief they were bringing me is wearing off. They aren't helping nearly as much as they were to begin with. I think I'll go ice them. Being on the computer isn't helping matters this morning. Hopefully when I see the neruo next month he can tell me if it's the RA causing the problem or CTS like my RD thinks.

Hope to join in chat later today. Hope it's a good day for all.

 Good Morning Everyone

Hope ya'll are having a good start to your day! It's a gorgeous day here in NC but no doubt will be hot as blue blazes by afternoon

I haven't been around much for a couple a days, dealing with a personal crisis involving my son and anxiety issues. *sighs*, but hopefully things will be better for him today

I did read a few posts on and off last night and I see we're all going to Fla. in Feb, YEAH! Mona's cooking, BOO! LOL. At least now I have an incentative to lose these 20 extra lbs

Well ya'll have a great day, looking forward to talk to you guys, I missed you

Katie- Im not sure if you saw that i posted in the other chat post but what airport is closest to you. 

I have to decide (if you guys are serious about meeting up in Feb) if i want to go to FL or DC for the Arthritis Summit.  I have points that I can turn into miles and a hotel stay I think (im addicted to surveys and you can turn them into certain things lol) 

Hope you all have wonderful day !


 Thanks Pammy, I have been surprised with so many people telling me the same things about their young adults. My son is almost 22 and never had this problem before. The Dr. thinks it has stemmed from 2 traumatic events in the recent past that has contributed to this debiliataing condition.

My son is very adamant about not taking any medications until it becomes unbearable for him. By then he's over the top with fear and paranoia. He thinks he is going to die at times. It is so frustrating for hubby and I. We will do anything to help him but he has to let us. I hope he will accept whats best for him soon, each attack is getting worse, Sorry to ramble but we have never dealt with this before. Most of the time he is a loving, caring, free spirit and other times he is a weeping, shaking, mess.

He is very embarrased by this and doesn't want others in the family to know the extent of his illness. I appreciate that I can talk to someone here about it.

Hope your daughter is doing well, please give any advice you can think of  that may help. TIA

Hey everyone.  Too late to say good morning.  I slept till 11:30.  What a lazy loser.  Felt good though

Mona.....I have a friend who's son has anxiety attacks.  She takes him to a homeopathic MD and she says it's really helped, alot.  She's tried him on traditional meds. but wasn't comfortable with them so went the other route.  His attacks are quite dibilitating.  Maybe that's something to think about for your son.

Are you anywhere near Jacksonville? One of my sons is there now, the other will be joining him in Feb.


 Hey Linda, Thanks for the tip on homeopathic treatment for anxiety, I don't know if there are any of those dr. near. I'll have to check around. Did you ask me if I live near Jacksonville NC? If so I don't think so,  I've never heard of it. I'm about an hour or so north west of Charlotte.

Ah.  Jacksonville is where Camp LeJuene is, or maybe just outside of.

Mona~I kind of know where that is. I live in Concord; not far from Charlotte. Close to Concord Mills Mall and Lowes Motor Speedway if you know where that is.


Morning everyone! Yeah, it's still morning here in Calif!  LOLShannon the Fort Walton Beach Airport is the closest, the code is VPS. (dont ask)

Mona, I don't know if your son would be willing or not, but he is more than welcome to speak with me about his anxiety. You know I get attacks pretty bad and I'm the same way about medication. I started the Lexapro recently because I just COULDN'T handle it anymore. But I started getting my attacks when I was only 11, and never told anyone until I was in my 20s. If he felt comfortable talking to someone his age, I'm always here. You can give him my email address, or he can PM me here, whatever works!

I am using a sick day from work today. I feel like I've been hit by a bus, I'm not sure why though. I have a RAGING headache and my jaw doesn't want to move. Think the two are connected? Probably, huh? I'm starving but my throat is dry and puffy so eating isn't easy. Man, I've been doing so good for so long!! Boo-hiss! On the upside, my RD appt is tomorrow, which I'm VERY much looking forward to.
Awwww Katie, sorry you're feeling so bad. Staying home and resting sounds like a good idea. Take something for that headache and go get some rest!It's 1:45 PM and I actually just got up. Heh I don't think I can sleep anymore. I took some excedrine, but it hasn't kicked in yet. I am however, in bed with the laptop. Mwuahahaha. I love this beast. :) As usual Katie, totally upbeat even when feeling like you know what.  Hope you feel as good as you sound before too long*sigh* On the upside I've decided to be a guinea pig for us all! Anyone seen those Head-On commercials? Yeah well now they make Activ-On for arthritis pain. You guess it, I bought some.

 Katie thanks for your help invitation but I'm afraid it's too soon for Trey to accept any kind of counciling. Theres about a thousand years difference in the maturity of you two even though you're so close in age. Trey's coping skills are almost non-exsistant, hubby and I take full responsibility for that. This is something we can't fix for him  it's very hard for him to accept. He's still in the "why is this happening to me" stage *sigh*. He's going back to the Dr tomorrow (for the 4th time) and has accepted he may need medication.

Linda I think Jacksonville is close to Fayettville on the coast, so thats about 5 or 6  hours away from us. My neice went to college at Campbell down in there somewhere. Not a very pretty place

Lovie I have shopped at Concord Mills several times, Bass Pro Shop is a fishermans dream (son and hubby not me) I go off on my own.

 Sorry I wrote a novel but I haven't been able to keep up with all this going on


Well Mona, for future use, my offer stands open. Any time. So just keep it in mind. I know how terrible anxiety can be. Hope he starts to accept help, that really is the biggest step, it's all downhill from there.


 Thanks Katydid and I hope you feel better soon. I don't like the sounds of your lung issue, are you coughing anything up?

Oh and I want to come to Fla in Feb so bad! Please don't stick me in the kitchen the whole time

 I know so make sure you tell him EVERYTHING OK?

Good Luck

edited for PS- thanks for letting me outta kitchen detail

Katie, that's an odd cough.  A little concerned about the puffiness around in your neck and throat. If doesn't get any better, maybe you shouldn't wait till tomorrow to see a doc.

Could it be an allergic reaction? 

I don't have any idea what it would be a reaction to. ?? I forgot to mention that my lower jaw is in agony. I think that's connected, and possibly the entire cause. Because -

If it's swollen (which I think it is) I can't close my mouth with my teeth touching - and I can't. Which means when I slept last night, I snored, and inhaled my own spit a whole bunch, which aggravated my lungs. But that means I was also breathing through my mouth which would account for the dry mouth and throat. It would also explain my headache that runs behind my ears. And my ear ache.

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< Can I sleep until next month?

You did mention your bad jaw, I had forgotten.  I bet is't all related to that.  I use to get a terrible sore throat sometimes  during that first four nmonths before I was dx'd and got on med.  Hurt to swallow, talk.  Never seemed to swell though.

Just be careful, and if the swelling gets worse, go to the er, K? Very very bad to cut off the ol' air supply.  Or at least make sure Justen can do a tracheotomy.  I think all you need is a jack knife and a bic pen. And a jug of whiskey.

LMAO We've got a knife......and a bic pen..........damnit we're all out of whiskey!!!!!!! 

Thanks you very much Linda but I am not a stirrer! Instigater maybe, sounds more sophisticated

 AHH ra in the jaw maybe Kartie? You were just talking about that and now its happening, hummm

Well you can't do it without the whiskey.  Get yourself to that liquor store, girl.

They should have liquor stores that deliver. Do they do that? Is that legal?? I may have hit gold here..... I was telling my sister today that we on the board were talking about meeting up in FLA in Feb and that if it happens she should come with me.  She goes,  yeah, but Linda, it's raining in FLA in February.  You guys will all flare up and I have a $h!tload of people to take care of!!!LMAO It doesn't always rain. And it's different each year. I've been jetskiing and swimming in Feb before, so you just never know!


 LMBO Linda, but ya know that is a thought. Maybe we should all bring someone like a sister or friend to "tend" to us. Sorry but I don't want to take a chance on depending on you guys! Talk about the blind leading the blind

PS-I'm not cooking and I don't do hineys

 Oh come on Linda be a sport, you'd do it for me wouldn't ya

Hey where is Joonie recon? has she been here at all today? Hummm

I haven't seen her.  I hope this means she's feeling really good today.From my experience, it only rains for a few hours in the afternoon.  We'd just have to plan our rest time around the rain.


I have to have my afternoon nap So, I'm just sitting here munching on a bag o' carrots.  Here's my day....slept late, went to work, came home thinking it would be a good idea to take my daughter out to this Thai restaurant nearby that we like, but nope.  She has plans to go out for dinner with  her boyfriend's family.  Husband is at work, so it's just me and the carrots and my dogs.  They like carrots too, so at least I'm not dining alone.  I've vacuumed, cleaned the front closet and the chincheilla cage.  Now I guess I'll go do laundry.  It's great to be me.Oh I'm doing laundry today too. Isn't it grand? *rolls eyes* But at least I have my new nifty rolling laundry basket

I am here now. I was on earlier, but hubby stole the computer. I just woke up about 2:30pm. Them meds have been making me sleep longer.

I am doing well today. Not much swelling, not much pain, and I can move my neck from side to side and do neck rolls!! YAY!!

So, we are all meeting up in FL? Man... That is too long of a drive for me, plus I too POOR for FL

I am feeling much better today. I did not take my Humira last night. I am going to take it tonight. Hubby fell asleep on me, and he did not want to do my shot while he was sleepy.

Viva Viagra!!

Oh hubby is doing laundry today. I made dinner homemade pizzas. Now I am just sitting here waiting for my food to settle so I can go eat some more pizza

 Katie it looks beautiful. I don't think I've ever stayed in one though.

i like myspace. i think hubby is going to reunite with one of his best friends from high school. It is not the one that left to live with some girl in colorado. This is his other best friend, Steve. Yeah.... he use to call me "Jiggler" because when I would walk, my boobs would jiggle and when I would laugh they would jiggle. So, he gave me my nickname Jiggler.

I liked Steve, but he moved off to get away from his ex psycho wife that lives where we are living now. I can tell ya the girl is a psycho. I knew her WAY before I met Steve, and I tried to warn him, but did he listen to me... NOOOOO! He was just out to get some puntang and that is all he cared about. Then he Married her, and they did not stay married long, because he found some pics of her naked that her own daddy took of her, yeah... she and her daddy had a relationship. EWW!!

I stayed in an Embassy Suites once.  It was really nice.  Looked pretty much like yours katie.

Joonie, I mean Biscuit, glad you're feeling so well today.  I don't take your meds, but man!  I sleep so much more than I used to. If I don't set the alarm, I can easily sleep 9 or 10 hours.

Ewwww.  That's just gross.  My carrots are churning now.  Thanks, Biscuit.

Link, I slept 14 hours. I keep sleeping 14 hours. I slept 14 hours yesterday. I would have slept more today, but we were having a thunder storm and it kept making the power blink and son scream, and it was hard to sleep with a fan blowing on me as it is hot in the house.

That is why they thought I might of had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, because of how much I was sleeping, combined with me still feeling tired after I would wake up.

I could go back to sleep now, but we are fixing to go to town to get some things we forgot to get at wal-mart the other 2 days. See... we are always forget something. And this time it was daughter break for school. We forgot it because we are not back into the routine of her going to school yet.

YAY!!  Something to do.  My neighbor just called to see if I'll go on a walk with her.  Ciao, my friends

I'll be back later on... off to Freak-Mart!!


Just kidding guys, it's another one of those silly moods tonight!

It's ok Karen, we respect you and your right to choose the games your family plays.

Back from Freak-Mart and I was not the freak walking around in there today! YAY!!!  I felt NORMAL! I was able to keep up with hubby and walked just fine! And all I had to do to accomplish that was take 30mg of pred for 3 days

Hummmm.... got nothing much to say today, as I slept the day away and missed most of the day.



Ok... I have to say that that might be the most distrubing thing I have thought of today.

Last night, I was looking at the New Balance shoe box that my shoes came in and it looked like there was a penis on the box. It turned out to actually be a foot. Not a foot in a box, a foot on a shoebox.  Geez!WHATEVER!!!!!!! Anybody still here?    Not fair you guys, I can't come to Floriday.  You'll all have to pay for me. Why is everyone questioning the damn FOOT??? I think we need to disect what's going on in joonie's brain that makes her think it's a penis!That's the thing.  It's NOT a foot.  It's picture of a foot.

that looks like a penis


LMAO!!! I am going to have to take a pic of the infamous now ain't ?

BRB... going to take a pic of the penis aka foot.

Only Joonie.....


Is that better?!

Alrighty then!  LOLYes! Alot better. LO!It is actually a foot that is upside down.

Penis or pork chop...Yes

Foot, upside down or otherwise...NO

Yeah, it still looks like a penis to me. I guess I am the only one who sees that

 WOOHOO looks like I got back just in time. I'm still cracking up at Karen's family games

Joonie I see is in fine form again

 LInda is on another wise cracking roll, I see fun tonight!!!

 Brisen is confused as usual

 Thanks Link did you have a nice walk?

Glad to see you here Chris!

Oh.  Yes I did.  Great night here in the mitten.Hey Chris!!  Are you feeling better tonight?Man I wish I had me a "foot of penis"  Joonie, you're one lucky lady!well glad the gang is all here! Chris you have been missed in our daily chats, hope you feel better soon so we can have another males prespective.

 Karen you have one!! What is that avatar, chopped liver??


You know how it is, the grass is always greener. . .

You should be ready for your Hubby tonight Joonie, I hope he is...LO!!!Ok enough penis talk, I would hate for the penis's head to inflate, because we are stroking its ego Not much help am I?? Oh.

I thought it was an actual foot. Hah

It DOES look like a penis though.......

Well, I was just looking for a chew it or take it.  You gave me both.  But thanks anyway

But here's the good news.  I JUST SAW A SHOOTING STAR!!!!!!

I would let him eat it. Because more than likely if it was one of my dogs eating my daughters shoe, I would not be able to get it away from him, so I would have to sit and watch him eat it

Darn strong dogs! Darn weak grip!

I came back  to this thread to post something, and now I have no idea what it was. :| Doesn't matter anymore.  He's lost interest and now is just cuddeling up with still intact shoe.your dog is cuddling up with a shoe! Now that is just strange. Show it to the dog!!!  Wonder if the shoe box (from the shoe the dog had) had a picture on ot?

Oh, forget that, I was just wondering whether you ladies were depraved or deprived. Renewed interest!! May be destroyed afterall..........nevermind.My dog only chews on my dinner!Chris, you have to be thankful for that!! 

LMAO!! Dogs chewing shoes and dinner! Kibbles N Bits Bacon Bacon Bacon DINNER!! Begon strips LMAO!

Meow, meow, meow Meow Mix

Smells like tuna, tastes like chicken... OPPS NEVERMIND

Sorry joonie, but I still think of those sugar slobber balls you put in the freezer when you were little.

Well, I am still trying to potty train my son, and well... it is not going so well. He cries because he wants his diapers. I will put a pair of under-roos on him and he will be fine for a few mins and then he will go get one of his diapers and hug it and say he wants to wear a diaper and I have to tell him no. So, we have been putting under-roos on him this weekend, and he has already peed in daughter bedroom floor and just a min ago... he peed in his bedroom floor. But I think he forgot he was wearing under-roos, and thought he was wearing a diaper and when he realized he was peeing on himself he went to the bathroom got on the toilet and finished peeing.

So, I guess we are making some progress. Too, bad I am going to have to put a diaper on him when he goes to bed, as he will more than likely pee the bed while he is sleeping.

She'll always be little slobber ball to me! 

He is at the biggest diaper size right now, and he is barely fitting into them, and pull-ups are too expensive for so little. He goes thru them like hot cakes My daughter wore pull-ups to bed till she was, like, seven.  I'd try and wake her up to take her tothe bathroom, and she'd just be out.  Couldn't get her to  wake up.  Doc said she was just too deep a sleeper and not to worry, she'd likely grow out of it.  She did.I don't know that anyone (aside from Joonie) has ever been told "You're the weirdest biscuit I ever met" either.....


 Sheww I'm back did anybody miss me, had to a call from an old friend, just now got caught up and we're talking about peeing in the bed ?Jeez

Katie - How the heck do you know so much about diapers! Sheesh girl! Your knowlegde base astounds me!Hey at least we're always finding new things to talk about!!! Yes Mona...you were missed  <------ex-daycare worker.

Well, I was going to cut him off diapers cold turkey, but MIL bought him some more diapers after I told son daddy was not buying him anymore diapers, so... now it just looks like Granny gave in not us

We have only been working on this for 2 days now, since I have felt up to dealing with messes.


 i think Katie has a photogenic(sp) memory. We would probably be scared to know her IQ

Now that you're 'temporarily' on mega prednisone, it's a perfect time to potty train!

Hey Mona........I missed you.  You've been here and gone all day.  Glad it was an old friend that pulled you away

Mellowcreme Pumpkins!! I get them every year! I have at least 2-4 bags a year. Yep! Because hubby and kids will eat them up and I have to go buy another bag.

And guess who broke in to this bag I just got tonight?! HUBBY!! He ripped it open on the side, it looks like a BIG RAT got into my pumpkin candy corn!But don't ask me what my license plate number is, where I just put my new toothbrush, where I put the neosporin, or who ANY of my school teachers were, etc etc etc  I never buy halloween candy that I like. And I wait till the last minute to buy it.  Same reason I never buy pop tarts.  I like them too much and will devour them in two days.  That's right, I said I LIKE pop tarts.


 heeeheee am I the only one who keeps a stash of candy hid? Gotta have my chocolate!

 Thanks Linda I've been dealing with other "stuff" today again, but not as bad. Thank the Lord.

OK guys. I'm posting a picture of me. It's small, but probably one of the most recent I have. I lost my ID badge, had to have this retaken a few weeks ago.

I'm blacking out my last name...just in case I've pissed anyone off, they can't hunt me down. LOL


Gale, somehow that is how I pictured you!!!

Did you know that armadillos are always born in sets of identical quadruplets???


That aside of humans, armadillos are the only mammal that can carry leprosy???

I think you should add these to your list Katie.  Makes for interesting small talk at parties.


 My son potty trained peeing off the deckOoooo NEAT. Thanks!!  


 How pretty you are Brisen (bet thats your last name lol) yeah you are a fraud too as Linda says, no ole' granny


Link - Where is your picture???CleverI don't have a digital camera, can't post picsAAAHHHHhahahahahahahahahahahaha Strong wind, Gale I GET IT.

It seriously took me a minute... 

Gale great picture, well for an ID.

Joonie does hubby help? I did help with my boys it just seamed natural for me to do it.

No excuse Link, but nice try!Hey JAY!!  Good to see ya


 yeah but your skinny! I am a little short butterball now

 I guess thats why hubby calls me dumplin

hey Jay where's your pict buddy?

 I love the name brisen but I hate wind

I called jay , jar, oops


Hi Linda.

Katie what time is your appt. today? I don't want to read how you forgot it.

My knees have smiles, not chins. It's all how ya look at it

Yes, he helped... he got son into wanting to pee in the yard. Hubby told son he had to wear his underwear and shorts to go swimming in because we were out of lil swimmers diapers. And hubby told son not to pee in the pool or he will not get to go swimming again, and to tell him when he had to pee. So, son did, and hubby let him pee outside, now son thinks he has to pee outside and not in the toilet. Son told us on the way home from wal-mart tonight that he had to pee, I told him to hold it until we got home and then son I can go pee outside.

Gale, Nice pic, not even how I pictured you. Heck I have not even tried to picture anyone I DETEST the wind Mo! Contact lenses and the wind just don't cut it!It's at 9:15. Justin gets home at 8, we leave to pay the water bill, go to my appt, stop by and see our friend at the Sony store, eat Topps' burgers BEST BURGERS EVER, then to the bank to see about trading our car in, then home!!  I have not figured out the whole thing yet and I thought I saw a thread the other day about explaining the "how to's" but I have not read it. I will pester one of you girls in a PM one day.


 Oh My Gosh Jay you missed me and Karen going round and round trying to post my Picts, everybody made so much fun of me, it was hillarious. Gave us all a headache

 I cannot spell or type tonight so ya'll are just going to have to desipher is all Im sayingOk guys I will be back, I have to go vacuum!LoL S'ok. I seem to have a sh!t load of parents here........hahaha Joonie's Pred. has REALLY kicked in! LOL Link! I do the same thing. Set the alarm a lil early, and hit the snooze a whole bunch     Nite!!


Joonie has lost it, it's 12:31am here and she's vaccuming??? I dont vaccum at 12:30pmLOL GALE I keep forgetting the time difference! It's only 9:30 pm here! G/nite Link, see ya tomorrow LOL! I had the munchies a little bit ago. I had a PB&J sandwich. Just what one needs before going to bed!


 I know! I can't keep up with all our time differences. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and log on and Kiwi is always on, and I'm thinking, dont she ever sleep and then I remember that she is 17 hours ahead of my time, Shewww now I can breathe. I have a tendency to not breathe til I stop a sentence

 Oh man I had Mexican food tonight and it was sooo good.But I'm not a picky eater like Brisen

We went out to lunch for my Mother's birthday and I had Italian. So obviously, I had NO BUSINESS eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Nice photo Gale!  I guess it pays to eat your veggies!Hey, you're only looking at my face! Trust me, the other parts don't look like I'm vegetarian!  LOLLOL, well my parts do look like I enjoy eating many things!


 Hey Karen where you been? You do like me and just slip in out huh?

 I've had a lot of interruptions lately, like lifeLIKE BISCUITS?????

Yeah, I pop in and out, and then when I come back I have about 4 pages to read to catch up!


Hey, I work all day, come home, and have about 15 pages to read to catch up!

I think most of us can relate to the weight issues. I put on 25 lbs last year (prednisone) and am still depressed about it. I had been 145-150 for the last 20 years.

The point is stop being so hard on your selves!

 I hate to get so far behind, I'm like a junkie after a drug til I get caught up

 Brisen where are you doing nursing, hospital, dr office, nursing home....?

Hey Jay!

Glad to see you around!

HospitalKaren doesn't get on AIM anymore because I annoy her. I used to work in the recovery room, but my RA got so bad I couldn't be on my feet all day. Now I do surgical pre-admitting. Mostly desk stuff with limited walking.Nah, you don't annoy me.  I sign off sometimes, cause my hubby or my kids use this computer too!  Not that I mind you talking to them!Pshaw. I annoy everyone, at one point or another.

I'm GOOD at it. Just ask Justin!!!!!!

Hi Karen.

Gale thats pretty rewarding work in my opinion. I worked in nursing homes when I was in my 20's as an aide and realy loved it.


Do you like nursing Brisen? I think we have several nurses here. It's a very commendable job.

 Katie quit pestering and how come I cant get on AIM, is that a secret society club and Im not invited

Well first you want to do a CTRL V. . .


I think this one has your name written all over it Katie!  You'll explain it far better than I.

Hillhoney39320.916412037Come on Karen give us your wisdom!!!I do like nursing Mona. I REALLY miss working in the recovery room, but after I had my last forefoot fusion, I just wasn't able to do it any longer. What I do now is OK, but defiitely not the same. It's mostly physical assesments and LOT'S of paperwork...which can get kind of boring. :(Awwww MAN!! Hey you want me to teach you how to research your family tree, I'm all over it, but Katie is much better at the tech questions than I.  She just bailed on us that night!I'm gonna just sit back and watch the show! Come on Mo, you can do it!www.aim.com

follow the instructions!


 I really am not as stoopid as I act sometimes for the topic. Is that rude or do you ladies want to keep explaining things over and over?  Oh the explaining is half the fun Jay!! It's part of being a woman, we're used to it!


 WELL he probably just told me that so he wouldn't have to come upstairs and show meI tease my mom about computer stuff too. I can't help it!! That right Mona, and when I need help with my computer, I yell "DAN!"  He's my tech support!Is joonie still vacuuming??? 

 Like I said I dont claim to be the brightest star that ever shined... about techincal stuff anyway.

So do we Katie! 





Joonie do you make house calls?

I also need a volunteer to do some ironing. I do it at our house and have not felt like doing it of late. Just lazy!!!


 Sometimes this is the only place I get really good belly laughs in my day

 Ironing boo, now you made me sad Jay

 Oh I think the vaccum cleaner ate JoonieIf Justin calls me one more time for help at work.........>.<


 Jay the secret is in the iron! Rowenta is a fabulous iron, I do love my iron

My husband and boys feign not knowing how to iron, so I do it all...and I HATE it!I can't say I've EVER heard anyone say they love their iron!  LOLMy question is why the hell you bother buying crap that has to be ironed...... Your what "going to help him" you are such a bad A** I'm extremely AR about my clothes. Even if it's a no iron piece, I HAVE to iron it. Up until a few years ago I even ironed my bedspread every morning just to get the wrinkles out of it from being folded down during the night.

I HATE ironing but thankfully hubby is in construction so he doesnt need ironed shirts...Though one of the owners has a bright idea that he wants all the guys to wear IRONED work shirts.  They are white tee-shirts that have the name of the company on the back. Hubby looked at him and laughed.  He paints and does carpentery all day (and more) i cant believe the owner wants em to iron t-shirts...NO FRICKEN WAY am I ironin a flippen t-shirtGale, they have medications for that...... That's why I said I did it up until a few years ago...I AM on medication now!

That is so funny. My sister ironed her underwear for many years. The bedspread realy??? 

Do they have any medication that makes you want to do it?  I could use some of that!

Short term, self-induced OCD for times when I need to get things done!

Really. And not only mine, I would go from room to room with a hot iron and iron everyone's. I'm sooooooo over it now! Oooo I just checked the radar, and there's a nice patch of RED heading my way.  Goodie!!! Cute Karen very cute.Trust me Karen, you DON'T want that kind of medication! I used to drive myself (and everyone around me) totally freakin' nuts!

OK guys, I'm heading off to bed. See ya'll tomorrow evening!


 Jay I have had to send back some of my Rowentas to be cleaned and repaired. I buy every new one they come out with. I'm OCD when it comes to infomercials

Goodnight all! Night Jay, Gale!!!  g/nite Jay have a good day tomorrow


I *SHOULD* go to bed soon, but I am just not tired. :(  Karen I like your wanting to have a little OCD to get work done. LOL Well I've always wished you could have "just a touch" of anorexia so I could lose weight.I'm thinking my bed sounds pretty nice right now.  I want to go melt into it.Well it does sound comfy, but my eyes are WIDE OPEN. :| I don't understand!!!!


 Katie what is Justin needing help with? And should you be on the computer if it starts stormimg bad??? I dont think so little missy

Meh, the storm isn't here YET. I can just hear it.

He's having errors with things he doesn't usually get errors on. But me, well, I'm the queen of errors at work and everyone knows it. our computer system HATES ME. When I come into work, I sh*t you not, EVERYONES computer slows down. And we have seen and reported errors on my work station that even the top level tech support personnel haven't seen or heard of. *sigh* I dunno what it is about me.

Night folks!

Stay safe, and I hope you feel better Katie.  Make sure you report in after your doctor's visit.  Make sure you tell the doctor EVERYTHING.  No reason to be a martyr!

  G/nite Karen talk to ya tomorrow, have a good night

 Katie you are bewitched! Thats whats wrong with the computers

 I think I'm turning in too, say I'll say goodnight to ya'll too.

 katie make sure you tell us as soon as you get home from the dr.

Okay, will do. I'm gonna hit the hay too.

Nighty nighters!!!

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