so much pain, so little swelling?? | Arthritis Information


H all, I know I have asked this in the past or in some version anyway. Right now I am having a flare, pretty darn bad one to boot. I have terrible pain and stiffness in my elbows, wrists and hands , but very very little noticeable swelling. I am on Mobic, 15 mg a day, and Plaquenil. Does anyone else have flares, and not "see " swelling? Or am I just a baby and the pain is nothing compared to those of you who have swelling you can see. I have had less pain before this, and more swelling? Could the Mobic be making the swelling less? I feel so tired, I am just miserable.
Thanks for any insight.You know what Jena, this was from a few months ago when I was first hit with RA.  My elbows and shoulders would be like you describe yours, couldn't move them at all they hurt so bad.  But for whatever reason, those two areas never swelled up, even though all my other joints (except my jaw) would.    But the pain was every bit as bad as any other swollen part.I get like that too. With you being on the Mobic, it may be keeping the swelling at bay, but that doesn't mean the RA isn't doing anything. I'm sorry you hurt so much :( You need to let your RD know about this. Hi Jena, no your not a baby. I too suffer flares without alot of swelling. My RD is always amazed that my joints aren't hot or swollen even though I've got joint damage going on right before my eyes. My left elbow can't straighten all the way anymore.(I've already had it drained once, and shot up with cortisone).I've also lost alot of mobility in my wrists, the damage is evident even though there is no swelling, and yes there is always pain and a lot of weakness. I just think everyone is different and your RA can be different at different times. For ages I didn't have swelling and at the moment I have whole body swelling basically because I have RA everywhere,  Thank You guys, sometimes I feel like this is the only place I can come where people understand, my family is understanding, but I do not want to let on to my children only 7 and 9, how badly I feel, and my husbands understanding and helpfulness only go so far.
Thanks again.I dont swell either.. or at least not much.. Once in a while, my knees or wrists do, but for the most part I just hurt and get hot.

Hi Jena,

You come here and vent anytime you want to do so.  Yes, it helps that people can empathize with what you're feeling and dealing with.  I am also a person who only experiences minimal swelling with RA.  The only time I have had extreme swelling was when I was not taking meds for RA (before diagnosis) and during (when a former doctor felt I didn't need them...).  Joint pain is bad enough by itself, but when the joint swells up, too, it's that much more hard to endure.

Take care!


   Hi Jena--I have only had minor swelling of finger joints a few times. i do have Ra pain and damage in multiple joints. My current rheum. says only about half of the patients she's seen get swelling.  Seems like the "classic" picture of RA needs to be revised or at least broadened.

I feel for you Jena. I don't have alot of swelling either, but they hurt and feel like the should be swollen huge. My wedding rings are tight and my sneakers feel tight but that is about it. Not alot of visual swelling. Just because you don't see the swelling, doesn't mean it isn't there. Sometimes I think if I really swelled up, people would understand what I'm going through.

{{HUGS}} Feel better soon.

I was the same way! I hurt like I had been hit by a mack truck, but there was no visible swelling or redness. My ribs were even bothering me. When I went to the RD, she was amazed that my labs came back basically normal. She expected them to be off the charts. Now she's thinking maybe I might have fibro? What FUN!! There's always something isn't there? I've never had much swelling either. But I have DEEP aching and throbing pain. Right now the tops of my feet, ankles, and shins have that really deep ache. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me (lol).

Hope you feel better soon...see you thought there were very few here with the same symptoms as you. I thought since I didn't have swelling like alot of you that maybe I didn't have RA or that my Ra doctor was a nut!Wishful thinking!  I have alot of pain and as my dear husband say's I have to see proof to believe anything! He often calls me a control freak! My fingers do swell when I try & wear my rings, as do my feet when I go anywhere.I hate to blame everything on RA but, I'm worried because I am confussed,and forgetful alot?