OT: Daily Chatter 8/27/07 | Arthritis Information


I am back and everyone went to sleep. I figured that much when hubby talked me into sitting in the livingroom floor to go through a gazillion legos and separate them into colors!

It only took me 15 mins to vacuum. I am kinda OCD about my vacuuming. I have to go very slow so it will pick everything up and then I go over the entire floor like 5 times... very, very slowly.

When I ask hubby to vacuum all I do is cringe as how fast he is vacuuming and how he is not getting every speck of dust and it is still sitting there in the carpet... waiting for when I vacuum to get it out of the carpet.

Well, I guess I am off to bed now too.

See ya'll around lunch time

                     Good Morning Everyone

Hope ya'll have a wonderful pain free day today, We can hope can't we

We thought the you got sucked into the vaccum Joonie and we we're sad so we all went to bed

I have cleaning and laundry to do today (joy joy) and son has Dr.'s appt. this evening (4th one in a month), so please send prayers and good thoughts our way. He's having a very difficult time

Shannon again I want to say how sorry I am for your loss, hope you can find peace soon

Ok talk to all you guys later, I'll be in and out checking on you guysJoonie I can relate to your fear of combining husbands and vacuum cleaners.  Mine is no longer allowed to operate the vacuum.  I got tired of having to fix (or replace) it.  He sucks up anything in his path, he doesn't empty the dirt bin, and eventually the belts snap, the innards get tangled with string/cat hair and/or the motor burns out.  Grrrr.

High everyone! Hope folks in the midwest and south & east in the US have started to dry out. Geez. Even the desert SW is getting more rain than ever. I've been playin outside, feel kinda guilty we are having such great weather. I pressure washed my world and painted & painted & painted. Husbands partisipation has been key. Otherwise our tall LR walls & ceiling would have never gotten new coats. Looks fab. Minus the MTX I'm doing okay with plain ol aches and pains from movin' the body. No flares ( knock wood ) & I can be in the sun w/out rashes. I feel like a lottery winner! It's good to be so easily amused. Hope everyone has a sunny day. Peace.


This was a weird thing.  I called my son and DIL at their new number thinking I could leave a message if no one was home. Instead a recording came on that said "I'm sorry, you can't leave a message".  Never had that happen before.

I went back to the dentist today and he kindly adjusted my little prosthesis so I am in less pain now. He gave me more medicine for infection and a few more percs that I am taking as directed. (No more loopy nights)

Anyway,  I just finished doing all kinds of housework and lawnmowing. I also got on my hands and knees and cleaned the kitchen floor, so my house is in much better shape today and I feel much better about myself for cleaning it.

Thanks for all your support guys. Oh....Joonie, SOME guys CAN vacuum! It's all in the wrist!

It sounds like you're feeling better.  Glad to hear it.

Glad to hear it Chris.  Bet you start to improve quickly now.

Glad  you are feeling better, Chris.

Mo'Nana, I hope this is the last visit the dr for your son and they make him feel better. Huggs!

Shannon, much huggs to you. Hope you sleep better tonight.

As for me, I am just going to sit here, and look at my laptop screen. I am still soooo tired. I slept for about 8 hours and I cannot stop yawning. I just want to go back to sleep. You would think with being on 25mg of pred, I would not have any yawning, or even feel tired, but I am and I do not feel like doing anything. I had wanted to try to clean the house some today before hubby got home, but I just feel tooo tired to do anything. I just want to sleep. Oh well, at least I did not promise hubby a clean house, but I did promise him an alive kid when he got home

Yeah... back when I was so bad off, when hubby would walk thru the door, I would tell him in a very happy sounding voice, "He's still alive!!" Yeah, because I had this fear that I would drop son or that he would choke on something like his slobba or milk and I would not be able to give him CPR. Yeah... but now that I can move around better and he understands what mommy is telling him, it is a lot easier to keep the kid alive. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I DID THAT. :| But damnit I've gotta figure it out so I can do it again....

Glad you are having a good day.

What is this? Good day Monday?

I tried to talk my hubby into staying home today. But he did not. He went to work.

Took son to Dr again and this time came home with Zoloft (pray it works please) a few xanax for emergencies (panic attacks) and the name of a highly recommended psychologist(sp) that Trey is willing to talk to.  Hopefully we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel

Oh and she agreed to take me to get my Remicade infusions after the first time when hubby takes me. She likes going to Auburn.

So, it was a semi-productive day. I mean, I have had less productive days.

 I was really surprised myself how many young adults have anxiety issues. When there seems to be no reason to be anxious and out of the blue it, situational or not, they are dibilatated. It breaks my heart and I know yours too.



 Joonie, is this the bi-polar neice? What she in jail for?

Oh Mona I'm SO glad he's getting help!! Let us know how the meds work. :) The meds have worked wonders for my son. He started taking Xanax in April of this year and is doing SO much better. Like your son Mona, Christopher is also embarrased that he has these issues and needs medication, especially since his sister and his twin don't have any problems. But, it is what it is and we're trying to deal with it. But it does break my heart. :(Gale, I'm gonna offer the same to you - if he wants to talk to someone else who deals with it, I am *ALWAYS* avlb. If you want him to PM me here, that's cool, or if he wants to e-mail me that works too. Just so ya know!!!

Yes, it was the bi-polar niece. She was driving a drunk friend home, and she has a revoked license. And they took her to jail. Her mom got her out so she could be home with her son, otherwise it would be a strain on my sister as she works all the time, and cannot watch a baby.

Thanks Katie! I'm not sure he'd be comfortable talking about it, but I'll definitely keep it in mind! Love you!!


 Thank you Katydid I will give progress reports

 Brisen the dr wouldn't give Trey many Xanax, said for emergencies only, don't know why *shrugs*. He said the Zoloft has some antianxiety benefits. Started on 25mg for a week then 50 mgs in two weeks. I sure hope it works. Oh and Xanax are .5mg

I am hungry again.

Ya'll ever want something to eat and not know what it is exactly that you want to eat, and nothing else looks or tastes good?

I have been like that the last 2 days. I have not ate much of anything. Maybe one meal a day and a few snacking here and there. As I cannot quite find anything I want to eat. I just hate it when I get on high doses of pred and be hungry but not knowing what I am hungry for.

I have just been eating popsicles and pumpkin candy corn.

I totally understand, I just want you guys to know that the offer always stands.  Bi-polar neice has a baby or sister has a baby? I'm in my usual la-la land mode

I think it is our noses, Gale. We have the same nose. I always get mistaken for being the in-laws daughter

 I take 10mg paxil for fibro and I feel better all over, I love it! I have ativan and take 1mg a day. It works better for me than xanax but most people like it better. Trey just hates the thought of taking pills. I told him that (unfortunately) he'd get used to it



Katie and Brisen, do you see an age thing going on here? Wonder if it's hormones at this age or what? They're all about the same age. hummm, Katie how old were you when you started having anxiety issues?

I was thinking the same thing Mona. Although Christopher's anxiety only became apparent to me this past April, he said he struggled with it all through college. Which means he probably started having issues around age 18 or 19.

Since he was always kind of a hyper and high maintenence kid, I guess I just thought that was him, being him. I feel bad that he didn't come to me that or I didn't see he needed help sooner. 

Well I took my meds, Amitriptylin and Robaxin, so I am going to be getting sleepy before long.

I did not take my meds last night as I did not feel like I needed them, and by the time I remembered about them, it was too late to take them.

So, I laid awake in bed until 5am and woke back up at 6am and was outta the bed to see daughter off to the bus at 6:45am. Then I did not fall back to sleep until almost 8am and was back up at 11:45am and laid in the bed watching tv until 1pm.

Yeah... sad when I have to take meds to help me go to sleep at night.

 Boy did you hit the nail on the head Brisen! Hyper and high maintenance.

His twin on the other hand, is just the opposite. Extremely laid back, almost to the point of laziness. A 'go with the flow' kind of kid.

Well, another early morning tomorrow, gotta hit the hay.  Good night all. I've rambled too long!! Sorry!!

g/nite Link, I think she's already gone

Brisen, must be a personality trait or something, I don't know. My daughters are so laid back and mellow it's like night and day. They were raised the exact same way in the same house da da da da, but sometimes I wonder where Trey came from


Katie - I'm SO glad you listened to your friend! No one should have to suffer with anxiety and depression in this day and age.OMG, definite troll posting and baiting tonight. Kittylitter either needs to grow up, get a life, or start trolling somewhere else.Grrrr you know all things considered, I HAVE been doing really well lately.

And now the left side of my body is trying to piss me off. :| Why does this happen right after you see a doctor????

Why are you loopy?

 Katie you were very strong to keep all that to yourself and get help. I'm very proud of you and who you have become. Parents are sometimes the last to know as the old saying goes. You give me and Brisen  hope that things will be ok for our sons



Now you and Joonie fess up to being the tricksterI dunno. I'm in a good mood for starters. Regardless of what my left arm and leg are plotting. They can't bring me down! Shoot, I don't even NEED them. Stupid left side. Hahaha Ummm, Mona? I don't think it's Katie and Joonie. I think we have a real live trouble maker here.I take it you're not left handed Katie. Shoot! If it were my left side I'd be going crazy!  LOLYou were really active with all the running around you did today, so you need to take some meds and get some sleep.  Stop this thing before it goes any further!Karen's right Katie. You done did too much today! Well I'm in bed..........does that count? I took a really long nap, I'm not tired yet. Besides, I missed my AI buddies!

Awwwwwwww!  OH OH OH! I talked to Liz earlier. She's got another friggin kidney infection!! SHEESH. They're talking about buying a wheelchair, to have on hand. :( I updated her a little on the goings on of everyone, and she misses everyone! She said she'll try to be online a little tomorrow. Boy, she's really been through it this past month or two! How is Danielle doing?She didn't really say, but from the sound of her in the background - JUST FINE. LOL

Oh no, a kidney infection!  Wasn't it just a bladder infection before.  Sounds like it was never cleared up and has progressed!

This is not good!


 So sweet and innocent Katie

Really Brisen they both disappeared a while ago and I know Jonnie's trademark "kthanks" when she told me to go to bed

 And WHO is THE MOST CAt LOVER HERE? Katie!!!  Makes sense to me but you know my way of thinkin


Mona, what do I gotta do to convince you? I was on the phone with Lizzie for about an hour, she can vouch for that time period!! And the rest of the day, I haven't even been home. I don't know...my gut says Kittylitter is for real.Mona, ya need to drop it.  I assure you it isn't Katie or Joonie.  If you look on the main page you can see who is signed on at the same time, and you can also click on Active Users and see the different systems they use. 

So where the heck's joonie then???

When I see all three of you on at the same time, THEN I'll believe you!LOL I am talking to her on AIM, she's looking up legos to buy for the kids.

It has been really nice here recently, without any ugliness.  Can't we just ignore it and let it fade away?

Sure can!! Is there anything good on TV right now? I can't seem to find anything, but everything is stinkin commercials!


 OK OK Karen I'm dropping it

Minifigs are hard to ID!

I'm watching the Tonight Show, cause it's finally a new one, not a repeat!Welcome back my little slobber ball!Just remember a trap isn't a trap unless you take the bait!Biscuit, slobber ball.......

I'm kinda glad I don't have a nickname around here...... I know, I know Karen. And I TOTALLY grabbed the bait. But dammit, she REALLY pissed me off!Joonie, why do you sort the legos by color? I just don't get that!Oh YAY The Matrix is on. I love movies I've seen over and over. They're nice to play in the background and fall asleep to :)

Y'all have seen Labyrinth with David Bowie, right??? Well they're releasing an action figure of him this fall, dressed as the Goblin King. I think I'll cry if I don't get one, I absolutely LOVE that movie!! Good night ladies. (Mental note to self "Do not piss Gale off!") J/K Night Jay!!!!

I love the movie Labyrinth! It's one of my all-time favs!

Considering everything that we have to go through, people without a heart should mind their own business.. Because some of the colors are for star wars playsets, which is what he is looking for. I am going thru bionicles now. My mommy got us a big tub full of legos saturday at a yard sale for . Lots of rare pieces in it too.

 Flipping computer is freezing up again

Have you ever stepped on a lego barefooted? OUCH!

 The Matrix made no sense to me. Can you believe that


OMG Justin and I LOVE the Matrix. We have a lot of the toys too. Hehe I think I'd rather step on a Lego than try and separate a bizillion pieces by color

 I love Mew's kitty cats! I want a cat but Trey is so allergicComing soon to a topic by you...Mew and her friends! Mew, how many cats do you really have?

Here's a pic of my Bootie...



No I'm not the crazy cat lady, I have one 10 year old sweetheart named Shady and that's enough for me especially considering I have 3 kids,(2 boys and my husband). Oh yeah and a boy hamster too.LOL hammerstein120039321.9229398148We have two kitties, Domino Harvey McEasterfurr - she's 2

And Samus Stache Ash*tler McNadaladafurr - she's 4 months. :)

We looooooovvveeeeeee our babies. This is a house where the kitties rule! Brisen that is the weirdest cat I have ever seen and I mean that in all love and respect!He has HUGE eyes! But he's very pretty!

Yep, Bootie is definitely different! She totally does her own thing and doesn't take any crap from anyone!

She! My bad! I said he. Hehehe

Hammerstein - Booty is about 6 years old. She was a rescue from the pound and we love her to death!

Oh, and BTW...my condolences for what you must be going through living with all that male testosterone! Alright, I'm off to bed ladies. I could use some rest and I'm getting groggy. Luv ya and talk to you all tomorrow!! Nite Katie!g/nite Katydid, love ya bunches

For what it's worth. LOL

And according to the main page, you really need to upgrade your browser to IE 7!  Nite Kido...I'm outta here! hey Mo  are you still up or are you off for the nite too?


 I'm here Mew, just having a snack and logged in for a minute. What's up?

anyone else a noisey cereal slurper?I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna wind down. I've been exhausted all day and had to fight thru that and dealing with my kids and now it's just me and my PC.

No I'm a quiet Reeces cup muncher

 What are you doing up?

 Oh Boy Mew another night owlYep I never go to bed earlier than one oclock and then even once I go to sleep i seem to wake at least once or twice with what I call pain dreams because i always wake up in pain Well it's time to take my pain meds and icecream and cookies mmmmmmmmmm Nite.
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