My RD Appt | Arthritis Information



I am back from my appt. I really like this doc, she was super nice and listened to me. I am supposed to take my flexeril for 2 days longer than I have my pain - makes sense. I am to take the lexapro even if my anxiety is under control, she uses meds like that for pain management, and it's really bee great for me so far. She told me the same thing my last RD said, and my this is what I have to do before we do anymore treatment.

I have to exercise!! LOL See the thing is, I do have a good track record with regular exercise. It was totally a treatment for me when I was a kid. So until I start doing that, no more meds!
I'm not allowed to have Gum, Gummi Candy, or anything chewy, and if my jaw still bothers me next week, I'm supposed to call her. She thinks I just aggravated it and it needs a rest. She's probably right.

She told me to start popping the Tylenol since it does work for me, I'm supposed to "not be afraid of it" LOL I am bad about not taking things, so she's got me there. If I need any more Flexeril or Lexapro she said to just call, she has no problems giving me more. Which is great because my last RD was a pain in the ass about it.

We made my next appt for December, but she said don't hesitate to call her and make one sooner if I need it, she can always squeeze me in.

She has been THE MOST HELPFUL doc I've ever seen. It's just kinda funny that I really am doing a lot better than when I saw the last RD. But oh well. Justin is going to start teaching me martial arts, really slow and easy. So that's going to be my exercise!!! Well, we're off to the mall to get his hair trimmed, I'll see y'all around!!

All of that sounds awesome Katie.  She sounds like a good doctor, and a good match for you.  I'm really happy for you!

Okay, you didn't say anything about your cough, and getting winded in the store the other day - did you talk to her about that?


Glad you like your new RD and the appointment went well.  I've not really been able to do exercise but I loved Tai Chi.  It's so easy to do.  Surprisingly to me, I could actually tell that I had done some exercise afterwards.  What type of martial arts is Justin going to teach you?


Aww, Katiegirl!!!  I'm so happy for ya

 Great news Katydid! Now be a good girl and do what she says or you'll have all us mamas coming down on ya

Please be careful and don't overdo with martial arts stuff!

 Glad you like your new doc

Justin knows Hapkido, so he's gonna start me on the basics. If I fall in love with it, we might actually join something together. :)

I've started (as of today) taking the Lexapro earlier in the AM, because it really helps with my fatigue. I did a flexeril today, because I can feel my shoulder tightening. I wonder how many days I'll be taking it? We'll see!!

It was actually Justin that got his hair cut, I'm sure he'll have a pic on his myspace soon. I think it's cute. I cut mine tomorrow, and I'm considering changing the style a little. I dunno, we'll see.

I feel good today :)

Congratulations Katie,  your new Rheumy sounds like a keeper.

Have fun pampering yourself with a new haircut. 


I'm glad to hear that things went well with your new doctor. I hope you are feeling GREAT soon! love, J

Yep, Katie sounds like you found a good RD. I hope you continue to feel good.

I am telling ya the exercise thingy is a little over-rated. But hope you can find some form of exercise that you can stick with long term.

LOL Joonie, I know. I've always thought that too. But we chatted about where I work, and my lifestyle, and she was really nice about the way she said it, but basically she was saying I don't move enough. LOL I get it I get it, I'm lazy. Ya know though, once you find something you like, you get addicted to it.Happy you finally found a wonderful RD! Great news!!

Great news Katie!  The martial arts program sounds a lot better thran regular exercise to me.  Good for you and congrats on the new doc.


Yeah for Katie and her new RD!

Glad to hear things went so well! Definitely sounds like a positive move in the right direction!
