Got my blood test back | Arthritis Information


 I admit I don't know what sed rate is but mine said 39 what does that mean? Thanks. I just began full dose of remicade, day after this test came back. My Ra Dr. took x-rays of spine and is going to start treatment for osteoarthritis also, some kind of shots, but I forgot the name. Duh, dummy here. I am going Fri. to get that. I live in a small town and we have 1 ra dr. and she zooms in and out like a flash. No time for many questions!!!  I have a name of an ra dr. who is 52 miles away who is suppose to be good, I am thinking about going to see him, although I am dreading the drive.

I might make an apointment with #2 and see if I liked him/her before I burnt my bridges. It will probably take several months to get in to #2 so you can see if the remicade is going to help. I have no info about Sed rates sorry.

Hi Vanessa.  Jay is right about not burning your bridges.

The SED rate tells the level of infection and inflammation in your blood.  Since RA is an autoimmune disease, and is present in your blood, physicians use this as an indicator of how a patient is doing.  A normal Sed rate range is around 15.  I've lived most of my life with it being in the 40s and 50s, but have also been in the 80s.

Hope all will be well for you.

Welcome van


The jury's still out on the SED rate. Some say over 10 is abnormal, yet other labs say as long as it's under 20 it's normal. My sed rate in 98 was 38, two weeks ago it was 17. I think anything 40 and under would be considered mild. Sounds like your dr. isn' t too thorough with the rush rush. Sorry about that. I've heard remicade does wonders for many! Good wishes!


I was told normal sed rate is half your age plus ten.  And..that even adding another 10 to that is not really anything major.


Vanessa I've never heard the one about the age and adding 10.

The only way to see if your values are high is to get a copy from the lab and see what the labs parameters are. Maybe 1-10 is normal or 0-35, who knows = your lab knows. Call and get a copy of the bloodwork mailed to you. We can all guess but it's just a guess and not an answer to your question.My doctor considers mine high when it's over 20. Never heard the age thing either.

I also heard that the SED rate over 20 is considered "positive" for inflammation.  Mine is always normal....always has been despite fe ver, joint pain, fatigue, etc.



I have never talked to anyone on here but i have learned

alot THANK YOU EVERYONE. why i am posting now i finally know an

answer to a question, just asked my rhuemy this question friday

he said that normal for a man is 0-15 and normal for a woman is

0-20. have a nice evening everyoneDarrel that may be true in your case. I've read that women have certain times of inflamation during the month. Depending on where they are in their cycle. But that may change on the woman's circumstantces. Is she in menapause, on birth control, prenant? Those variables will definately cause numbers to fluctuate.

Even if your labs are normal you may still have inflammation and pain.

He just said that's the scale they go by to judge how bad the

pain and inflamation is. Mine has not been below 60 in 5 months

which sucks. But i sure like in everything there are exceptions.

Hope everybody has a pain free day.