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Hey Lisa, sounds like nerve pain from siatica or neuropathy. I had that a couple months ago and it was soo painful

Your not a Debbie Downer, you're alway encouraging! Get help soonyes!!
my shins are the same way :[

Hi Lisa, I'm sorry about the pain you're having. I agree with Mona... it sounds like it might be neuropathy. That's one of the things that happens with my neuropathy. Mine is especially at my ankles and up half-way to my knees. Anytime a Dr. takes hold of my ankles I just about scream. They do that with me to check temp & pulse all the time and I absolutely can't stand it.

Other times even the weight of a sheet on my legs is excruciating.

Check with your Doctor. I know many here say Lyrica helped them. I sure wish it had worked for me. I had a very bad reaction. Got very loopy (how would you know the difference, huh?

But I do get reactions from new meds. pretty often. Especially as I get older

Let us know what your doc says, That sounds like just the kind of pain Lyrica is for.



Hey Lisa,

Hmmm...I would have to say yes, I have felt similar. Not just my joints hurt but all my muscles hurt all the time. If Neve pokes me in a muscle I go through the roof with pain and it triggers pain off everywhere. My skin also hurts a lot, that sounds weird but it does.

Get it checked.
I get that same muscle and skin pain . When I touch all the fibro points it  hurts and yet four years ago when checked for fibro my rheumy said no. Can you get it later on when you have auto-immune problems like us? maybe I should get checked again.Hi Lisa, am sorry about the shin pain.  I know exactly what you're talking about.  I have a combination in lower legs of fibro, neuropathy.  Fibro is more symptomatic in my legs than elsewhere. I just started Lyrica 2 weeks ago and it's been great.  Once I got over the stoned feeling I've had no side effects.  My legs are 75% better.  Between the Lyrica, Remicade, and MXT I now have a life and it's good.  My shins hurt a little when I rub them but nothing like prior to Lyrica.  Talk to your doctor.  Lindy

I take Lyrica for simular reasons as well. It helps a lot. I also have some lidocain pain patches I wear on occations as well. They seem to help a good bit without adding another pill to my mix.


Dear Lisa, I'm so sorry you are in such pain! You have always been so supportive of me and helped me in many ways. Please know I'm thinking of you. Whenever fellow forum people are hurting I think back on my 3 months of 'screeming pain' and how it was so good to talk to 'the group here'. I haven't had pain in that very area , but I know that awful feeling. Please get help and let me know how you are doing. LyndaThanks Guys...

I will definitely talk to my RD about the shin pain. Hmm...didn't think I had any fibro symptoms though, but I will mention that as well.

Ahhh...Lynda you're so sweet. I am soooo glad you aren't hurting like that anymore. How awful it was for you.

It's so bitter-sweet to see so many new members. Especially the men! Welcome!!!! I think we have a wonderful crew now!!

Yes, same thing here, on the shins. I can't stand for my dog to lay on my legs... I have no feeling in my feet, and toes. I look at my feet and I don't have callouses, but they feel like I have a huge layer of crust on them  and rounded also.
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