Sick every day | Arthritis Information



So its been a while. Just wondering do any of you just basically feel generally sick and lousy every day when no other symtpoms are present?

Our 7yo daughter has nausea every day (currently only on naproxen and zantac - and started trying chinese herbs).  Her pain and fever symptoms are basically gone but the damn nausea is there for at least a part of every day! (Undiagnosed after 12 months of kiddie hell)

She was "pushing through" the nausea every day at school - resting at sick bay and going back to class.

However now she has lost the motivation to push through it - school is not as fun - kids aren't as supportive as they were 12 months ago and maddis condition to them is 'getting old' and they just know shes the one who can't play running games so they don't want to be bothered by her.

Anxiety has really kicked in -so when she feels nauseated she panics and feels 10 times worse. This may be due to the fact that no doctor has ever been able to tell her what will happen when she feels sick - no one can give her any guarantees and shes not silly, so I suppose she is worried what will come next.

Apart from teaching her breathing and stretrching exercises to calm her during waves of nausea and anxiety I am completely out of ideas.

What do I do to motivate her so she doesn't miss out on a normal 7yo life?  Socially she is having problems and her confidence is shot.  she was always an anxious kid even before all this but now it is worse and I need to control it somehow - before her anxiety becomes another major problem she does not need.

She is very sweet - her nausea is very real - but the anxiety is making it all worse.

Any remedies or ideas???


I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.  I was seven when I was first diagnosed, and suffered quite a bit of nausea.  I would vomit at least five times a week, always after breakfast, in one of the hospitals I was in.  Throughout grade school I did the same, and it usually happened at morning Mass.  Does she generally get sick around a certain time of day? 

My cousin went to an herbalist who recommended astragulus(sp?) for our friend's daughter who was going through chemo and radiation.  The girl was in her teens, and nothing that had been prescribed had helped.  This herb really helped the poor thing.  I don't know much about that stuff, so you might want to research it.

I wish you both well.  God bless.

Hi, I have a 11yr old son who is very much the same, feels nauseous nearly all the time and he has told me he makes himself sick when he gets anxious about things which are trivial to us but major to him, the Dr has checked him over and over for a phsical problem, and can't find anything obvious.  So we are going down the counselling path, he responds very well when he can talk and let his fears out, he doesn't like leaving me, not even to go to school, so I know my health is a big part of the problem, I pray this will work, the school counsellor has suggested long term counselling and we are starting that next month with a private counsellor.  Hope this might help a little anxiety can be soul destroying among other awful effects.  Please understand that I am not insinuating that your daughter is not physically sick, just adding my experience incase it may help, best of luck, Janie.  My heart is breaking reading about your little girl.  It's bad enough to be feeling so ill, but other children can be so cruel and I want to cry when I think of what she must be dealing with.  I don't know what her diagnosis is that requires her meds, but I know naprosyn can cause nausea.  Is she eating a full breakfast with carbs when she takes her meds? There's also another med that she can take to counteract the naprosyn nausea.  If anxiety is the problem, I remember what a wise doctor did for me during my teens when I went to him complaining of feeling bloated all the time and nauseous.  He determined that I was swallowing air due to stress and told me he was giving me a powerful pill that would calm me.  Turns out it was sugar pills, but I believed I was getting something to make me well and it worked, without actually having to take a tranquilizer.  If stress is the problem, I would just try that little trick, there's nothing to lose.  Give her something each morning that looks like a pill and tell her it's very important that she takes only one, it's very powerful, but that it's going to make her feel so much better.  It just might work.....the mind is an amazing thing. I'm praying it does work.  That poor little thing needs some help.  Please keep us posted.  could the nausea be a side effect of something she is taking? Could she
possibly have allergies to dairy or gluten? It breaks my heart that a 7 year
old is sick and not able to enjoy her young life with her friends. I hope you
find answers to this soon.