OT: Daily Chat 8/28/07 | Arthritis Information


Morning! Slept from 8-7:30 this morning but still woke up feeling like crapola.  All this stress is really playing a toll on me.  Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning Shannon. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Today is my Mon. so just one more week of work then 10 days off Mornin folks. Slept like a rock last night!! I had so many BIZARRE dreams. If I cut my hair crazy again, I'll post pics.

Up early, trying to wake up so we can  golf this morning.  Need to get out before it gets too hot.  First time I've golfed in 3 years.....give my new knee a try out.

Dieting is going great.  We both have lost and it isn't hard to stay on this diet.  The cravings are killing me and I can't taper Pred. anymore this week because of missing MXT this week.  Am having an excision and graft on my nose Thurs. 

All of you that are on DMARDS and BIOLOGICS be cautious of the sun and damage to your skin. According to a study done at Harvard there is an increase of skin cancer in people who use DMARDS and BIO.  Here I am, the perfect example.  Please have a dematologist check out any suspicious lump, bump, crusty area, pimple on your face.  You never know.  I went  to the dermatologist after I read the study, and a tiny pearl looking spot turned out to be a basal cell cancer.  I  had a choice of using a cream that rots away the tissue and you have a spot about the size of a dime thats red, black and ugly on your face.  It stays there for at least 4-6 weeks or longer - or you can have an excision and flap skin graft.  I chose the graft.  I didn't want to run around with an open sore on my nose for weeks on end.  Especially since I'm on THE offending meds.  At least with the graft when it heals there's only a square of plumper skin.  The plastic surgeon can do some work later on if it's ugly.  I'm having a plastic surgeon do the work on Thurs instead of the Dermatologist.  Thought I'd get a better result.

Everyone have a peaceful day, Lindy 

Gotta go, big guy is ready to hit the links.  Lindy

I had a small basal cell carcinoma removed from my left lower eyelid about 7 years ago.  The dermatologist cut it off and cauterized the area.  I wore a band-aid for a few days and within a month no one could tell there was anything there.  I was pregnant at the time, so perhaps all the extra blood and hormones helped the healing process.

I spent most of my childhood summers at my grandparents' cottage in Arkansas; I would be very very tan at the end of summer.  Now I stay in the shadows.

Just a quick pop in to say good morning before I rush off to work...talk to ya'll later this evening!


Hi all. I never knew that biologics made being in the sun any worse so thanks for the info. How long does Humira stay in your system I had my last injection about 5 or 6 weeks ago . I caught thee sun quite a lot on my holiday even with sun screen.

Katie- Tell us about your mad dreams. I read up on things like that, its always interested me.

Woke up this morning so stiff in my neck and shoulders I could hardly move. So I didn't

Hope everyone has a good day!

Huggs Shannon and good to see you back Lin!

Pin you were greatly missed


Am back from golfing...well, I should say driving.  I drove Stan around while he golfed.  I'm going to go hit some balls later in the week and then try to golf next week. 

Lisa, I doubt that sun from your holiday affected your skin.  It takes some longer exposure.  I've spent the last 3 years - 6 months of the year living in Mexico on the beach.  I was on biol. and dmards for 2 of those years and I think the sun exposure just caught up with me.  We're going back next winter for 6 months (missing this winter) and I'll have to be really careful.

Catch you later.  Am off to get my hair trimmed and stop by the .00 store. We have an awesome .00 store close by. 



I am awake, I am eating a bowl of frosted corn flakes.

Trying to decide what I want to do today. I vote NOTHING!!

I just feel like I wanna go somewhere. But no money. So that is outta the question. Oh wait I have .24 to my name, but where I wanna go it will cost that much if not more for the gas to get there.

 LOL Joonie where you wantin to go? I'm eating Honey Bunches of Oats/almonds. I slept late too and now I feel like my day is shot

Can now look at the boot polish stain on my carpet without my temperature raising

Am off to make a cuppa.


To this good thrift store about an hour away. When we had extra money to blow we would go there. But no extra money since we moved into the house.

Oh well... just sit here and get on all ya'll's nerves

Mo'Nana?! Do you slurp your cereal? I do and it annoys hubby. It is because I cannot put a spoonful of cereal in my mouth because it will not fit between my teeth. I didn't get up till noon today. Went back to work yesterday after a month
long medical leave. A month was not long enough as I'm very sore this
morning. Am in the process of making three window seat cushions for a
parade home the first weekend of september. The longest one is 115 inches
long so it is a challenge. Not sure how I got sucked into that, lol. Hope
everyone is having a great day. The weather is great here in Montana.Shannon we love you hunny. Sometimes we get dumped on, but it'll never be more than you can handle. Something will come of all of this, even if you can't see it right now. And even if all it is, is the ability to cope better, or just learning more about life. I know that's such a small thing to offer you right now, but it's all I got!!!! Hang in there hun. *hugs*

I am sitting here and just noticed that I am doing the nervous leg movement. I guess it is because I am feeling like going somewhere, but I do not want to clean house. There are soooo many rooms and most of them are just a real MESS. Mainly son & daughter bedroom. I am afraid to go in their rooms

I thought about catching the dirty clothes up, but the thought of folding them and having to put them us, just makes me cringe. Folding clothes just makes my shoulder blades burn. Seems there is no med I am on now that keeps my shoulder blades from burning, not event he muscle relaxer. So... trying to keep myself from doing too much with my arms, as the more I use my arms the more they burn and feel on FIRE!!


Shannon, I am sorry. Hugs!

I woke up at 4 and this was weird because I could barely straighten my arms my elbows were so painful  Went back to sleep and when I got up at 630 they were pretty good.  That never happened before.

Went to work, then had to go to Best Buy and to the mall to get a b-day gift for one of my son's.  It was nice because cheer practice was changed so my daughter could come with me.  Now I'm baking brownies to send along with the b-day gifts and killing time till I have to get Brenna from practice.  The sky has been clear and blue all day, it's really been a good one! *whew* I'm so excited.


 Joonie I don't slurp but I do dribble

 I love thrift stores! I have gotten dynomite deals there!

I hate to say it... BUT.....

I am BORED!!

Why did ya'll let me get so BORED?

Hey... I am sitting here thinking maybe if I stay on this high dose of pred for the rest of my life, I can go back to work and have money to do what I want to do.

I wonder how long I can get by being on just 30mg of pred and nothing else? How many days/months/years do ya'll think I could work?

I am thinking until I kick the bucket. OH...Katie.you HAVE to check out the mazda 3 5 door.  I got one a few months ago and it's my favorite car I've ever had.  It's just a good looking, good driving, under 20K happy little car.Yeah I'm in love with those. Anything 5 door amazes me. I'm weird that way.  I was also thinking about a Civic 5 door. There's one bigger used car lot that we haven't been to yet....it's going to be awkward to go there, because my ex is a salesman there!!    But they have a lot more to chose from. We are also considering a Beetle Bug. They're cute and have a lot of leg room for Justin. He's a big boy ya know!! Yeah, and they have a vase for flowers!  That's cute.

I wanna hair cut. I wanna new pair of pants. I wanna new teal shirt. I wanna Big Mac meal. I wanna coke. I wanna job.

Oh did I tell ya'll I figured out what hubby's MySpace password was? Yeah, I just used "Forgot Password" and logged into his hotmail account and retrived the password. I decided to do all of that like 5 mins before he was to be home, I lost track of time, and while I was in the middle of logging into his hotmail account, I noticed he was fixing to be home. So, I hurried up and logged on checked his messages on MySpace, was seeing if his friend replied back. And then hurried up and logged off the page as he was coming into the door. Shew! And then, And then!!! I told him Steve had replied back and said he would come visit us on the 9th after drill practice. And then hubby said "Did you log onto my MySpace account?" I said "NO!" with my back turned to him so he could not see me smiling, then told him I was going to take a shower. While I was in the shower he yelled at me "You got my password to my MySpace!" I said "no!" And he said "yes!" I said "So?!" And he said "Well after you went thru all that trouble and then you realized you already knew the password. HAHAHA!" I said "Yeah I was only off by one digit."

Yeah, I am not as sly as I use to be to spy on him

It was the PRED I tells YA!! THE PRED!!!!!

Katie, check the blue book value of your car before you trade it in.  They offered me thousands less than what my old car was worth.  Sold it on our own instead and made more than twice what they offered.Joonie why don't you charge people to set up and run some websites for them? You could do it from home, and you wouldn't have to do a whole lot, just as many as you can handle. It'd be some extra money.  Walmart has some new Faded Glory jeans, they're flared and SOOO cute. I just got a pair, they're only .95. I needed jeans SO bad. I'm checking it right now, but last time I checked it it was about 3500.


 Katie I would be sooo happy getting a new car

 I had a new Mazda right out of high school and it is a great car .Hope you get what you want, one with A/C They might not offer you that much, I guess it depends on the market in your area, just don't take too big a hit.  Of course, if you don't do a trade in you might end up with a double car payment till it sells.  That's no good.Right right, but at least I know what Kelly Bluebook says, so they can't walk all over me. Whhheeeeeeeeee


 Joonie you are a sneaky one LOL. You better do what "the others" tell you to do, you know how mean they can get

 I know hubby's passwords too but all he ever looks at are golf clubs!

Do you open hubby's mail? I do all the time. He don't mind

They're right about trying to sell it on your own.  My brother-in-law worked as a car salesman, and he quit when he found out that the office worked out the numbers to what they want without you realizing it.  You know, all those hidden and small fees.  I'm sure they're not all like that, but now I know how they've gotten such seedy reputations.

I was doing websites for my brothers friend, but they gave both of the websites to someone else to take care of, because they felt it was too much for me, since I kept getting bladder infections and was not on my meds. I did not complain that I could not do them, but told my brother about me and family and POOF! No more websites for me to do.

That is why I was really bummed a few weeks ago. They told me they were letting another friend of theirs do my websites. It really upset me. But now I am over it, kinda. Now I feel bummed about it again.

Hubby opens my mail. He SUCKS! I get very little mail and if he gets it before I get it, he will open it. Oh well...

Yeah... THE BIG RAT ate just about all of my pumpkin candy corn. I got up this morning because son was walking around and I got up to see what he was doing and he was in my pumpkin candy corn hubby had left on the bottom shelf of the entertainment center. Yeah... hubby ate more than half the bag, and left it to where son could get it.

I am in mixed moods. I am irritated and bummed all at the same time. Very short fuse today, and I just feel mad for some reason. Not sure why, but just feel bummed like I lost my best friend. I have not had a best friend since I was 11. Well, a true best friend, not a back stabbing best friend.

I think I am going to pour out all of the LEGOs into the floor and when hubby gets home I am going to make him walk the "LEGO Mile". I told him walking on LEGOs probably hurt more than walking on broken glass and he says no walking on glass would hurt more. So I am going to make him the guinea pig and have him walk on the LEGOs without socks or shoes on to see if they draw blood

But what about this candy corn???  I thought my daughter was the only one.  Next you're gonna be saying you like those giant ornge peanuts.

EWWW!!! NO! I do not like the GIANT NASTY Orange peanuts! YUCK! *spits*

I like candy corn though.

I just called hubby and told him I was bored and wanted to go to the thrift store and he said he will see.

yeah... might let him walk on glass too.

Katie---THanks..its just been one thing after another.  First my grampa, then the drama w/ my brother now i talked to my cousin and my grandma (my dads mom) is in the hospital having surgery today.  Well thats 3 things and things happen in threes so im bound for something good to happen eh?

yep. good luck on something good happening for ya shannon.

I am going to go moop around in my bedroom. I just feel down today. Maybe because I did not get my recommended 14 hours of sleep today.

I think hubby is home. whooptie doo doo

I am using a new shampoo, and it is making my hair feel and look even thinner! UGH! It SUCKS!!

Hope everyones had a good day. At least the hard parts over! (For me anyway.)


Oh Lovie I bet you're right. It's mostly the pred messing with poor Joonie. :( Stupid pred! have a nice one!!Sounds like I'm not the only one annoyed with my day! Nope your not the only one.  My day SUCKS !!!

Joonie~ have you made hubbies feet bleed yet? I just woke up from my nap and all I did was dream about a new car 

I look forward to learning from your experiences.

Hey Kimberly!!  Welcome


Hi kimberly and another welcome!!  Can't say anything about Enbrel, cos I'm not on it.   Yes, some of the great people on here do post their current meds, by adding it to their signature.

I'm sure you will find heaps of friendly and supportive people on here, some quite insane Kiwilass239322.7584143519Welcome Kim!! Can I call ya Kim? I'm a lazy kid, what can I say?  What kind did you dream about, Katie?

yea Katie is in that crazy "group"


I don't remember really. It was a pretty blue though. With black interior. Hehehehe I can't wait to do more shopping! It's so fun getting a new car, I hope you find one that you love.Life is a highway.......I wanna ride it all night long!

Woooooooo I can just imagine them in the ER.........with Legos jammed in one of his feet, and glass in the other... That may be, but at least we'll all know for sure which is worse to walk on.  I appreciate their sacrifice, all in the name of science.LMAO  Yeah, way to take one for the team

Welcome to the funny farm Kimberly

 katie did you look at cars today?

So what do you think of this.....nah, nevermind

Now that I've totally bummed out everyone....

Whatcha all up to this evening....

Ok  just to confuse everyone.   It's Fathers Day this weekend in Australia.OK.  I killed the room.


 I'm still here Pammy, was just reading and catching up. Had company tonight and got a little lost in the posts. LOL

Sorry you feel blah Pammy, we all have those days, tomorrow will be better,maybe

Linda have you talked to your DIL anymore? What do you have in mind for the reception? Since no one had to pay for a wedding I think it is only right that DIL's family pay half or at least some on the reception. Recon they would do that? 250 people is a lot to feed


Off to work guys.  Have fun

 How was work Brisen? Are ya worn out?

Well, that's the thing Mo, her fam can't really contribute.  That isn't an issue for me, you know, if they can't, they can't.  It's just that I can't really afford something that gigantic.  Although, I haven't checked prices or anything, maybe I can.  Never planned anything like this before.  I should have given them a limit of guests.  It never occured to me that they had that many friends.Hi Gale

Yep, I'm totally wiped out! As always, it was just another day in paradise.  LOL

I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread yet, so what are you planning Link? I used to cater weddings and receptions up until a couple years ago. I did a sit down dinner for 350 reception was my largest and hardest. And probably cost 2000.00 for food alone. 250 people is absurd to expect you to provide alone. Finger food or or a bbq type setting would be your best route. Did you have something in mind you wanted?Hey guys, what's the topic here?Well, I was thinking of a sit down dinner with maybe two/three choices of entree, plus a band or dj.  But I'm open to suggestions!!

Hey Kathy, we're trying to plan a reception for Linda's son and DIL, any suggestions?

Brisen my nephew and new wife had a semi-dinner buffet at a private country club and it was awesome. Had the rehearsal dinner there too.

Not sure what the reception cost but I know the rehearsal dinner for 80 people was 1500.00. which is an excellent price compared to bigger cities

Yeah, I hear ya!  We have so much fun together, and very similar tastes, so we are enjoying the whole journey.

I'll look at dresses a little further down the line - Right now I'm just trying to cough up all the deposits I need!


 Karen is .00 per plate only or does that include the cost of drinks, band/dj and rented place?

Here's a couple of pics of my daughter's wedding...



 We aren't having a DJ - they want total control over what is played, so we are using an IPOD!  We will have a "Music Master" and a MC, but no DJ.

My daughter searched and searched until she found a DJ that would do it her way, and her way only!  LOLThe photos are beautiful!  What a gorgeous couple - they look like movie stars!


 Well that doesn't seem to bad then

While Linda's gone I'm gonna check on my coffee web favs. BRB

I am so lucky...he's the absolute BEST son in law! Wait!! What pictures??? I wanna see

Go back a page Mona!

My daughter had a "candy bar" at the reception and we had a lot of fun shopping for the different size and shape of candy jars, then for all the candy. It was a big hit too. Who would have thought???

 OH wow found them!! How gorgeous they both are Brisen, You should be so proud

 Karen I just noticed you said today was your 25th anniversary!!


 What did ya'll do to celebrate?? That is so great? Ok BRB

My daughter has been considering doing that too.  I think it's the "in" thing right now.Thanks Mona! Karen, I also didn't notice that you said it was your 25th anneversary TODAY...Happy Anniversary!!

We went out to dinner at the restaurant where we had our first date!

Our First Date story goes like this:

I was all nervous and excited going on a date with this guy I worked with.  I had on very high heels (that was 25 years ago remember).  As the hostess was taking us to our seats, I fell down and busted my butt!  I went down and my dress went up.  I was moritified!  Everyone around us stopped eating and gasped!

So now my hubby tells folks I fell for him on the first date! 

Nice story and Happy Anniversary


Great pictures. Your daughter is stunning.

Thanks Jay!

Karen~  Happy 25th Anniversary!! Hotels do receptions, and you can save money by cutting a deal with them to cater the food too. I know our hotel has wedding reception packages starting at like 0- thats for about 50 people in the off season though. But I think our rates are high for our area, because we're near the beach and people come from out of town dropping LOTS of money on that stuff, and our managers know it 

Yep!So I have a story about what I did today for you!  There's never a dull moment when you live with me!

I decided I would mow the yard today.  My boys have been doing it all summer, and not to my satisfaction.  I wanted to do it myself!!!!

So we have a new (used) riding tractor, that is smaller than the one I am used to.  It took me 4 hours to properly mow the yard and get all the areas the boys haven't done to my liking!

Well I attempted to go up a rather steep hill, and just as I got to the top, the tractor ran out of gas.  With my bad hips, and being really stiff and sore from riding the darn thing for 4 hours, I couldn't get off on the crerst of the hill, cause it was in a bad spot.  So I decided to put the tractor in neutral and let it roll down the hill.

Which it did, quite successfully, picking up speed as it went, heading for a fence.  So I turned the wheel - and the tractor flipped!

I wish I had a photo of my face as it happened- I could make some money off of this!  So now I'm laying on the ground under a tractor, and realize no one else is home.  Thank goodness I wasn't hurt at all, but I still had one heck of a time getting out from under it and back on my feet.  Graceful I was not - LOL.  But that's ME!!!

Then my poor son gets home and sees the tractor on it's side at the bottom of the hill and panics!  He runs down expecting to find me in a pile, and by then I was in the house having a cold drink!


Hey!!   I've just been reading what I've missed while I was gone.  Gale, what a beautiful couple your daughter and best son in law in the world are

Oh my gosh, I am beginning to see what I don't know about planning a wedding reception.  Do country clubs rent to non members?

Thanks Lin! Yes, most private country clubs do rent to non-members.

Karen, is this the *same* hill you tumbled down earlier this year? Or was that last year? Either way......you need cameras set up or something, cause you could probably win america's funniest home videos. 

Thanks Katie.  Ya know, we have a Embassy Suite very close to here.  I hadn't even thought about a hotel.  Good  idea

Karen, I'm glad you didn't do any real damage.  My Sister in law flipped an ATV a couple of months ago and "degloved" her thumb.

You're right, I need to filmed all the time!  And you know what else I've always wanted?  My own soundtrack!  Just like in the movies!

Glad your alright Karen.

I could have won the Funniest Video if you could have seen my face on the "OLD LADY" thread. I owe you one Karen!!!

Girls just wanna have fun Jay!Well, I'm off to bed!!  Thanks for all the tips you guys.  You're a ig help, and I need it Night Link!!!

Nite Link!

Good night Linda Geez, what happened to Mona and Brisen?  The dista peared!They do that a lot. I think they have ADD..... 

 Sheewww Karen my heart stopped and I screamed when I read your post about lawn mower. I cannot believe you laughed... yes I can

 Ok Brisen, got you some addies for coffee, I've used all three and recommend the cheapest, Jamaican Coffee Store on Ebay. Theres no difference in taste. Trust me when I say "real" Blue Mountain can only come from 4 places in Jam. This is one of them. .50 total per lb. item number is 4455467597 will take you right to it. Specialty Java.com I have used but is more expensive, no different in taste, but you can check it out if you want. LinaEpicure is another good one on Ebay I have used. Item number 120154040090 will take you too it.I  posted in case anyone else is interested in trying some.


I'm here...still trying to catch up on posts since I WAS AT WORK ALL DAMN DAY!

Mona is surfing, trying to find a coffe link for me.  Isn't she just the BEST! 


Thanks Mo! I only bought coffee from eBay one time and it was a total disaster. I ordered 6 lbs. of Cafe Brit and received something entirely different. The seller became a non-member before I could try and make an exchange. And the coffee tasted like crap. Mona's a sweet southern belle, she is!Oh, and one more thing Mona. Why do you put salt in your coffee maker??LOL Gale I understand the work thing. Usually I'm doing the same. Well......not anymore cause it's slow season. Yay!

Yeah, but YOU get to play on the internet while your at work!

Me, all I get to do is save lives. 

 AWW Brisen thats to bad! Always check their feedback. I can vouch for these two, mine have always been delicious. I try all kinds but my favorite is French Roast no matter who makes it. I will buy Starbucks and Seattles Best if I run out.


LOL GALE. Gee, thanks. *feels like a child now*

Yeah yeah I play on the computer all day.....*sigh*

I can't stop thinking about car shopping. I'm starting to get a little nervous about it That is sooooooo exciting Katie! The smell of a new car is one of my FAVS! Got the tip from about salt from Alton Brown and Rachael Raye on Food TV. They said salt enhances and brings out the flavor, and  misting with water for 15 mins before brewing opens up the coffee grounds so more flavour is released. It make a world of difference in the tasteIt just sucks because my window of shopping is pretty limited. I have to leave out of here for work around 11:30am O.o Such an awkward time. And then I don't get out of work until 9pm, so I'm not home until 10ish. Except Fridays and Saturdays, then I don't have to be in until 2:30, which is leaving the house at 1:30. So I guess the next shot I have at looking is Friday. Phooey. I want to call into work for a week and just shop shop shop. LOL  Katie get leather interior, I love to smell new leather in a car

For some reason Katie, I picture you driving a Volkswagen Jetta or a Rabbit

*thinking, do they still even make rabbits?*

They DO still make Rabbits, and I LOVE THEM. I wouldn't mind one.....hmmmm

I LOVE talking coffee! LOL

I usually hang out at the Coffee Geek or A Whole Latte Love for coffee tips, but now I can just ask Mo! 

The whole thing was MIL's idea and Mary said okay.

What about a little Mini Cooper...those are kind of cute!Sure, but only if you bring it here and hang out!!  My limit is ,000 and I have my car to trade in, which still has a balance of 00 - so that kinda dents it a little. But oh well! I want a Honda, Toyota, or Mazda preferably. But I am open to other imports! Oh and 4 door CAR CAR CAR. No more stupid gas guzzling SUV!!!!!

[QUOTE=moana] Got the tip from about salt from Alton Brown and Rachael Raye on Food TV. They said salt enhances and brings out the flavor, and  misting with water for 15 mins before brewing opens up the coffee grounds so more flavour is released. It make a world of difference in the taste

Okay Moana! How come my Starbucks at home and at the store taste so different?

I also like the Mazda 3 five door....am even thinking about one for myself. Mini Coopers remind me of the movie The Italian Job. I love those little cars and  whats his name?... Cute guy..?Katie, I would love to come "hang out", but I must warn you, what I've got REALLY hangs, and people don't like it when it's out!

I am here. I just got back home from the Thrift Store. Yeah... I mooped around until hubby went and checked to see how much money he had left on his credit card

Well... we went, we saw, we bought worth of stuff and went to a couple of wal-marts to see if they had any new Littlest Pet Shops, but found none. We did find some clearance Thomas the Train Die-cast for son that were a piece. So, it was a good day when I can add to son's train collection. He LOVES his choo choo's. They keep him entertained and gives him an imagination. I was not much for playing with toys.

omg Karen. I have to remind myself NOT to read your posts when I'm sipping tea. My keyboard doesn't really appreciate the shower.... Yeah, Mona...what's the answer to Jays question? I like Statbucks in the store, but not their ground coffee for bring home.Gale, Jay, that's just so you'll give up and spend a day at their store, instead of a month on their take home coffee.

MARKETING!!! Hi little slopper ball! Ok Brisen, Starbucks in the malls and stores fresh roast and grind at the store. Starbucks in the grocery stores buy in bulk older roasted beans and grinds. Freshness is the ultimate in great taste! Convenience vs freshness

I was talking to hubby about what Katie said about what she use to do with her Barbies when she was a kid. And I used my hint about words to talk about it. And my daughter busts out with "So she made barbie and Ken have SEX!!??"

Yeah.... we were in shock. We do not say the word "sex", so I know she did not get it from us. We call it a many of other names, but never "sex". I think she got it from her granny.

Anyways... me and hubby were laughing and I told daughter. Sex is something you do when you get married, not before you get married. And then she says... "Aunt Stacy had sex before she was married." I was like... "ok go talk to your daddy about it." But we went into the thrift store and she forgot about it.

Yeah.... Thanks Katie!!!

It is always fun to get a new car except for the dealership trap to boar you out of your mind so you give in just to get the he!! out of there. Good luck Katie.

Hi everyone. Slobba ball is here!! I know you missed slobba being flung all over your faces LMAO!! Makes me sound like a St. Bernard don't it?

Glad you feel better Joonie, hubby is not evil, he's sweet

 Brisen sometimes Starbucks over roasts and their coffee taste bitter to me. It's hit and miss

Katie, I would love to come "hang out", but I must warn you, what I've got REALLY hangs, and people don't like it when it's out!


In all reality, is there EVER a time when it's NOT out!! Me thinks not.



[QUOTE=Brisen]Well I do grind my own beans daily, but I don't do the salt thing and I dont spray the beans first. Guess I have a bit to learn...[/QUOTE]

Well said Gale! I will try in the AM. Can we just spray the fresh grounds with salt water?

I did not make the "LEGO Mile" did not feel like sorting and picking up THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of LEGOs. Yeah... plus he would not have went for trying out the theories on his own feet Mona - How long do you think a fresh pound of ground coffee stays fresh? Like if I buy a pound of Jamacian Blue Mountain and it is shipped as beans, then grind the entire pound at once when I receive it?LMAO Joonie! It's not MY fault. You're the one who had to tell him that I made Barbie Ken's little sex slave....

Oh and I was still a little bummed about not having money. So, I told hubby I would stay on 30mg of pred and go to work and stay on it until I was hospitalized or kicked the bucket. And he looked at me and said "Naw... you do not need to do that." I was like but I think I can work on 30mg of pred! And he said "No that is ok, you can stay home."

yeah... it might have sounded nice to hear, but it was not. I know he needs me to get a job and help with the bills. And well... him telling me no is like telling me "HELLO YOU ARE DISABLED!!!" Yeah... I think I am still in denial about it. I did not even make it thru the thrift store without making an "ouch my    Fill In Body Part HERE " 

I think the pred is messing with me nutty, balding head. But I did not cry! That is a plus. I did laugh some. I Love pred! LoL I wasn't comfortable with that Hyundai either....it was only an 04, but it already had a "sound" in the engine, and WHILE WE WERE DRIVING IT the sun roof stopped working. 

 You don't get as much coffee in a lb of beans but it is better.Ground has more volume. Keep coffee in a tight container out of the light. The jury is open on whether to refrigerate or not. I dont, just dont put in see through glass on the counter.

Jay I wouldnt use salty water

 Beans stay fresher longer but any of it is good for at least a month. You never know with super mkt coffee though.

 Use hot water to make coffee

After opening a container of ground coffee I store it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Also, store coffee beans in the refrigerator and I never grind more coffee beans than I'm going to use.

Hondas and Toyotas are probably the most reliable car AND they keep their resale value!My first car was a Toyota Camry, 91 baby blue. I LOVED that car. I miss it, too.  I would adore a new Camry, but I haven't seen any on the lots yet.

I never store my coffe in the refridgerator. I keep it in a glass apothocary jar in the cupboard.

So back to the salt, do you add it right into the ground coffee basket?

Katie - The new Camry's are GEORGOUS! That and the Nissen Maxima...very cool!

Because ... it is too much trouble. We mostly do it around the first couple of months before Christmas, selling off old toys to buy the kids new ones. But we did not really buy them good toys last year

I am really thinking about going to try to go to work. I was thinking of putting an ad in the local paper saying something like:

I can type 32 WPM on good days, 14 WPM on ok days, and 2WPM on bad days. Very computer literate. Smiling face on good day, friendly face on ok day, and mean face ok bad days. Can answer phones & greet people.



 Joonie there has been many times I needed to work and couldn't. Hubby loves for me to stay home just because I'm always available to do things and he don't have to do much housework. He does when I can't

 I have a friend whose hubby demanded she work and pay her half of the bills even though they didn't need the money. I've worked a little but never had to pay bills. My money was for extras and stuff. We never depended on my income to live.

Sounds like an awesome resume joonie!  Joonie, Have you tried the local offices for people with disabilities? I have no idea if they are national or not but have read that they exist. I never realy paid much attention because it did not realy affect me at the time. Just a thought.Joonie, how old is your daughter? Maybe you could put her to work. 

wow! Look at that... I can type 39 WPM on 30mg of pred! And that was with one error!!

Net Speed: 39 WPM
Accuracy: 97%
Gross Speed: 40 WPM

I took an Ambien about 30 minutes ago and it's starting to kick in, so I'm outta here. Another day, another dollar, again tomorrow, so I'll see you all tomorrow night! Counting down for the 3 day holiday!!!

Thanks Mo for doing the coffee link research for me!! 

 Watchingwolf I read more bad than good on refrigerating coffee. Experts say in my OCD research on coffee that refrigeration causes condensation which can cause mildew and molds that can alter taste. Freezing is the same.

 Brisen I shake a couple shakes of salt in the carafe then fill with water.

Night Gale!!!!

Man... my daughter wants to go to work at Micky D's and be a happy meal toy stuffer. Yes, she thinks that is really a job they offer.

Yes, Jay, they have those. I can get more information on it thru SS Office. But I am trying to psych myself up into trying to work. I know I cannot do a normal job. Heck even when I was at my best, I had a hard time doing a normal job.

I guess... I am just thinking out loud again. I want to do something. I mean I do not really do house work. I dabble in house work.

Don't work to hard tomorrow!

Night Gale!!


 You guys all make me belly laugh!!

Joonie I do not think you give yourself enough credit. Your personality is one of your greatest attributes.

"A little dabble will do ya!" Cracked me up. I heard that my whole life. Brill Cream a little dab....

Chris is on AIM as we speak. He still hurts, and is falling asleep. 

 Poor Gramma, didn't she just get over a virus? Jeez! Bless her heart!

Why hasn't Chris talked to us tonight? I miss him. Poor Jay you can't keep any guys to hang with us

Joonie,if you go talk to the social service agencies they may be able to help you find a part time job you can handle.  I bet there's something they could help you do, and possibly arrange for accomodations for you to do it.



Hillhoney39322.9422569444Poor Jay is going to bed. Goodnight girls.Wimp!  You just can't keep up with us.Joonie you could be a hooker.

Which Shannon has so blatantly accused both you and I of before... So why not prove her right!! Well  everyone scoffed at my phone sex idea awhile back!


 Wimpy wimpy wimpy, hefty hefty hefty

 g/nite Jay, you're the bomb!

Hahaha Karen we're not scoffing now!

At least, I'm not.........I'm actually kinda pissed I didn't think of it first...

Katie you are bad, bad I tell you!!!!!!!!

No I can not hang Karen. I do keep coming back though.


 hummm phone sex sounds like a great idea Karen!

We're glad you keep coming back Jay.  Have a good nite!omg this is all I can think of:

"hey baby what are you wearing?"

"oh that's nice....HEY! STOP HITTING YOUR BROTHER!"


 Alright ladies.........tomorrow AM starts my martial arts training......so I'm off to bed!!!! Night!! g/nite Katydid


a few seconds later....


"AWWWW.... poor Andrew... my baby... ok go hit sissy some more" *kiss on head*

"Marybeth, do not knock him in the head with a CHAIR AGAIN!!"

And it continues until hubby is home and I find refuge in my bedroom.

You gals behave yourselves!  Joonie, I'm sending Super Nanny right over! 

take care!


 LOL Joonie won't say sex in front of nine yr old daughter  but will call her "little bitch ass"!

 Are you are lying Joone

I only say bad words when I am yelling and irritated.

Yes... I will not say "sex" around my daughter, as it will open up WAY more questions for the answers I do not know. Besides I just confuse the poor girl anyways.

 Mr son is a frickin a**hole somtimes too Well at least you don't have your kid ask you what does masturbate mean.I just bail out of that one by telling him to go ask his dad. hammerstein120039322.9709606481

Every once in awhile I will slip out "Bitch Ass", especially if daughter is crying about something she started and her 2 year old brother is knocking the crap outta her. I mean, take up for yourself, show him who is boss. When it is just me and the kids home I let them fight. I will tell them to show each other who is boss. But most times son wins. and daughter just whines like a big baby. But if I tell her to go take care of it, she usually ends up getting hurt again.

Then I get to call hubby up on the phone and let him talk to the kids about being mean to each other. And daughter will RATFINK on me for letting them go at it. Yeah... but then hubby will say "who one?" and then I have to reply with "Who you think?" He will say "Andrew... that's my boy! HAHAHAA"

 OMG Mew I would die if my son asked me that! What did you say?Oh that was just recently.He's 11years old. I've also got on another occasion "Why are condom commercials on the radio?'

OMG!! Mew!! I would just die if my daughter asked me that... and then I would try to explain it to her, and then I would feel I was confusing her and then I would tell her "Go ask your daddy."

Nah... Mo'Nana... not that many laughs. My kids do not have a sense of humor. My daughter does, but she tried to hard to make jokes and then she gets upset because we did not laugh at her joke. But she does most of her funny stuff when she is not even trying to be funny. I tell her that, but she is too hard headed to understand it.

Now son, he makes me laugh when he says "I pooted" with this mischevious grin he has. You would think he let an A bomb by the way he said it and smiled. Talking about home being a circus,mine definitely applies I've got 2 boys with ADD. They're not hyper but they drive me nuts. My 14 yr old is forever on his brother for everything he does wrong,then my 11yr old gets frustrated and has emotional meltdowns. The sibling rivalry never ends...

yeah... hubby thinks he is a regular comedian. But the funniest person is his daddy. His daddy can make anyone laugh.

I use to go visit this lady that we lived by and I would make her laugh all the time. After her husband died, I would sit over there and talk with her for hours and make her laugh. But then I met hubby and had something "better" to do. Yeah... I liked making her laugh.

 Mew how many kids do you have? How old are they?Well my ambien is kickin too so i think I;ll head off to bed too g/nite ya'll

Nite Mo'Nana!!

Nite Mew! [QUOTE=hammerstein1200]Talking about home being a circus,mine definitely applies I've got 2 boys with ADD. They're not hyper but they drive me nuts. My 14 yr old is forever on his brother for everything he does wrong,then my 11yr old gets frustrated and has emotional meltdowns. The sibling rivalry never ends... [/QUOTE]

That's funny we all posted at the same time.

 Nite Joonie,Nite Mo [QUOTE=joonie]

Hey! Sometimes... it slips out. That is what I call my hubby when he is annoying me or gets hurt playing with one of the kids... I just call him a Bitch Ass. I do not even know where I go that one from.

I only say bad words when I am yelling and irritated.

Yes... I will not say "sex" around my daughter, as it will open up WAY more questions for the answers I do not know. Besides I just confuse the poor girl anyways.
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