OT: Coffee - how much? What kind? | Arthritis Information


I usually drink about 2 cups per day, always before 9:00AM.  We use a Bunn coffee pod machine (like a Senseo only it doesn't blow up and spray you with hot water).  We used to use a regular coffee maker, but the husband gets up at the @sscrack of dawn.  By the time I roll out of bed, the coffee would be burnt and nasty (and he never noticed!!!).  I even tried the expensive coffee, thinking that would help... but it all sucks after cooking for 3 hours. I think coffee is my favorite thing to consume.  I would give up any kind of food or beverage befoer I'd give it up.  I drink it all day.  I like it with just a little cream, well, coffee mate, unflavored. Ok, I'm just going to stopped now. I sound obsessed even to myself.

We stayed at the hilton this summer and they had something like that in the room. It made one cup at a time and it was great!

I drink about 2 cups every morning and I usually buy something cheap like JFG. I'm pretty eaasy to please but I'm not big on some of the favored coffees. Anything vanila is ok; but that's about it.

I use nothing but Dunkin Donuts coffee beans. Ground fresh. I buy the beans in a 5lb bag (I have friends in high places LOL). I don't drink as much in the summer. 2 hot cups in am, and stop and get at least one iced during the day. In the winter, I drink much more coffee...Hello my name is Debbie and I am a coffee addict!!

I drink only organic, shde grown, fair trade coffee. I buy it as beans and grind it when I want to drink it. It's expensive (about a pound) but paying a fair price is worth it to me to not make other people an l'il creatures suffer for my comfort. Besides, it's really good. I just drink coffee once a day instead of 4 times like I used to. I do the same thing with chocolate, too, ever since I found out about child slavery in the cocoa industry.

Not tryin' to preach, just saying how I see it.

I gave up coffee completely for a while after I did a 3 week detox, but I never really felt the same without it. Since i've had to make so many lifestyle changes due to RA I decided it was okay to have coffee and yum...it's good.
Speaking of hot beverages, I've managed to spill tea (rooibos - no caffeine) all over my white T-shirt not once but TWICE today!  We're in the process of moving our office, so thankfully everyone's dressed like slobs this week... I don't stick out TOO much.

Normally I would change into one of the spare t-shirts I keep stashed away in my file cabinet, but I spilled Coca-cola in that last week and forgot to bring back new shirts!

I am unable to think until I have my coffee.  I love the 8 O'Clock Columbian whole beans.  I grind it myself each day.  I swear I have loved sniffing coffee beans since I was a kid.  I will use Dunkin Donuts as a back up in an emergency but I always have to add a scoop.  I usually have two BIG cups in the a.m. and somedays I really need one around 3:00 p.m.



 I am OCD about my coffee! Ask my family

 I buy only fair trade coffee beans and it is pricey. I have a mill and a grinder. I have a small 4 cup pot for me and a large Gavalia for company.

 I mix half decaf and half regular. Then I add a pinch of salt to every pot, use very hot water, spray my ground coffee with water, wait 15 mins, then brew. All tricks I learned from famous coffee experts around the world, via internet.

I like very strong cofee( weak makes me sick) with lots of half and half. The best coffee in the world!. Oh I use a bold French Roast most of the time.  I don't like any flavored coffees


I used to use Gevalia all the time... but that man of mine really knows how to ruin good coffee.  I've tried their coffee pods, but they're too weak for me.  I usually use Cool Beans pods  - they cram a bit more coffee in them.  I think that's why the Senseo always blew up... the pods were just a tad bit too big.

Dumb question Jas~ Are the pods the little pre-filled packets you put in your little coffee maker? I know that sounds dumb.

Sorry [QUOTE=Lovie]

Dumb question Jas~ Are the pods the little pre-filled packets you put in your little coffee maker? I know that sounds dumb.

SorryI use "Seattle's Best". My lovely husband does not drink coffee, but he knows it is hard for me to get downstairs in the morning so he brings it up to me on his way out the door.  I love that man! How can any of you claim to be coffee lovers and not mention Starbucks. J/K  It is one of my favorite coffees. i like a bloder flavor and Starbucks gives it to me. I did but 2 bags of Kona coffee in Hawaii last trip over and was sooooooooooo disapointed. It is not a very bold flavor but it is also not worth the .00 a 8oz bag price tag. Oh well I still have a bag in my freezer and can bring it to Florida if we all get together. [QUOTE=Linncn]

Don't you guys have timers on your coffee makers?  I get mine ready before I go to bed, it's hot and ready when I get up.


Yea, and the alarm clock wakes up 2 or more hours before I do and he made the coffee [QUOTE=RAJay]How can any of you claim to be coffee lovers and not mention Starbucks. J/K  It is one of my favorite coffees. i like a bloder flavor and Starbucks gives it to me. I did but 2 bags of Kona coffee in Hawaii last trip over and was sooooooooooo disapointed. It is not a very bold flavor but it is also not worth the .00 a 8oz bag price tag. Oh well I still have a bag in my freezer and can bring it to Florida if we all get together. Rasberry Cream mixed choc. macadamia nut, whole bean. 3 cups a day. Husband grinds and sets pot every nite. Yummmmm. Iced coffee is the bomb too.I love my coffee.  It doesn't matter to me what kind it is.  I'll drink it.  I like Dunkin Donuts coffee.  Recently tried a cup of Newman's coffee at McDonalds and loved it.  Would like to try to find it for sale in stores.  Not sure where to look.  Maybe in the organic section as I remember someone here just saying they drink Newman's organic.  I have 2-3 cups a day.  I'll drink it cold, iced or hot. Doesn't matter.  It helps to wake me up in the morning and with a 2 yr old I need all the energy I can get.Yep... gotta have my coffee in the morning.  The kids are old enough now that I don't have to get their breakfast and get their school clothes ready, so I can actually sit, read the news on the computer and drink my coffee in peace.  It's 15 minutes of heaven. OOH I wish I could have a cup of coffee right about now... I've got a school board meeting tonight and I just want to go to bed!  (Un)fortunately, these meetings are almost always exciting (and not in a good way

OMG......I am a starbucks addict.  I drink a venti vanilla latte with soy, no ice.  Yum, yum, yum!!!!!

I would drink several cups a day if I was independently wealthy


STARBUCKS non-fat caramel macchiato for me, it is my obsession... with the occaisonal dolce de leche latte ahhhhhhhhhhhh

oh and usually 2 per day

We drink good ol' maxwell house original..  I HATE HATE HATE  starbucks and dunkin.. I want my coffee very mild.

A few years ago I got the Hamilton Beach Brew Station and its the best coffee maker we've ever had. It doesnt have a carafe  so theres nothing to scortch the coffee. and you can draw out just one cup as you want it, even when its brewing.. nothing to break or spill on the kids.

 Heck we even have a regular old fashioned percolator..  that makes goood coffee.

Ohhhhhhh...I SO love my coffee! My absolute favorite is a Starbucks Venti, non-fat, sugar free, no foam, 8 pump, 190 degree, vanilla latte.

At home, I brew with a Bunn coffee maker and only use Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's 'Luxury Blend', which is a mix of Costa Rica La Cascada and Guatemala Antigua.

Every few months I'll pick up a pound of their Jamaican Blue Mountain or Kona, but market price is usually around a pound, so it's certainly not my 'every day' coffee.

Brisen I know where you can order Jamaican Blue Mountain on the internet for way less than that. It's Fair Trade too. I' can look it up for ya and pm it to you if you want it.

What is this "Fair Trade" everyone keeps talking about??Mo, YES!! I'd love the coffee link!

Ok I'll look for it and send it to ya

 Linda Fair Trade is to coffee like the USDA is for meat. Very regulated and strict as to the quality and raising of coffee beans. Very few to maybe none market coffee is Fair Trade. I said I was OCD about my coffee

Fair trade's strategic intent is to deliberately work with marginalised producers and workers in order to help them move from a position of vulnerability to security and economic self-sufficiency. It also aims at empowering them to become stakeholders in their own organizations and actively play a wider role in the global arena to achieve greater equity in international trade.

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade means an equitable and fair partnership between marketers in North America and producers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and other parts of the world. A fair trade partnership works to provide low-income artisans and farmers with a living wage for their work.

Source: Fair Trade Federation
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