ARG | Arthritis Information


tonight is just not a good night:[
What's up Kitty? my kids have just been very inconsiderate to my aches today and complaining alot about me not being able to take them places Oh that sucks. How old are they? Are you married, or a single mom?

Well, I guess it's hard for a kid to understand something like this.

Im married but going through a divorce at the time.
and my kids are 11.Oh that's a hard age anyway. It's when the aliens come down and steal their brains.  you said kids,do you have twins?

Do not let them treat you poorly though.  You are going to have to draw the boundaries.  Where did they want to go?  Could they go with someone else?  My questions to my teenagers are "Is this an emergency?"  I have to say they are very considerate of how I feel...It's the hubby that doesn't get it. 

Can you sit them down and explain how their actions effect you?  Katie is right they are at that alien age. 
